Do you remember back when the kids were younger and the other team would have this big ol' kid and you'd say "he probably drove here."
Well, Juniors and Seniors is when this starts to happen (mainly Seniors).
The Juniors program is for players who are Little League ages 13 and 14.
The Seniors program is for players who are Little League ages 15 and 16.
The Juniors and Seniors programs do not use the Byrd Park fields. Their games are played on the larger regulation size field (e.g. 90 feet between bases, pitching mound at 60 feet, 6 inches, etc.). Games/practices are played throughout the area at different Little League and Middle School complexes.
Little League Age 13's have the choice of playing at Byrd Park in the Intermediate 50/70 Division or with the Juniors group. If you have a question on which division is correct for your 13 year old player, please contact Bobby Proutt ([email protected]).

The 2021 RLL Juniors All Stars finished Runner-Up in the District 5 Tournament held at
Powhatan Little League in June 2021.