This organization shall be known as “Manteno Youth Baseball Softball League”, (MYBSL), Manteno, IL 60950, a not for profit organization.
A. The purpose of MYBSL shall be to implant in the community youth, the ideals of good sportsmanship and fellowship through coverage, obedience, loyalty, truth, and reverence. By teaching supervised athletic games, the youth will reach these objectives and become stronger, happier, and finer young adults. The members shall always bear in mind that winning is secondary, good sportsmanship and fellowship is the primary objective in molding the young people of our community. This league is here to supply the youth a place to participate in supervised sports. All youth, who sign up to play, must play in all their games. The only exception to this is Article XIII. Any youth wishing to participate and whose parents or guardians cannot afford it, will be placed on a team.
B. MYBSL is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and/or scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
C. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the country in which the principal officer of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organizations or organization, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
A. The governing body shall consist of an elected Board of Directors. These Board Members shall include the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fifteen (15) Directors.
B. Board Members are elected at an Annual meeting. Terms shall be two (2) years. There is no limit on the number of times a Board Member may seek re-election. However, they must be duly elected at the Annual meeting.
C. Board Members should enter their respective positions with the understanding of the length of time required to fill the position. Any Board Member resigning prior to the end of their term may not run for any position until the prior term has expired.
D. Any Board Member not performing their elected position duties may be replaced only by the following method:
a. Any elected Board Member shall be considered to have resigned their position if they fail to attend two consecutive meetings without oral or written notice to the Board before the start of the scheduled meeting. No vote is required.
b. All board members must attend 80% of the board meetings in person or via phone. Furthermore, board members must participate in a minimum of 5 board duties throughout the season if not coaching 2 or more teams. If the board member coaches 2 or more teams, the board member must complete at least 3 board duties. Board members who coach may execute their board duty during practices or games. Any board member failing to comply with these requirements will be removed from the board.
c. Any elected Board Member can be removed by a majority vote of All Board Members who must vote for removal from office. (Exception item Article III, D, a, where no vote is required)
d. The President may appoint someone to fill any open Board Position if open either by resignation or other means. A person appointed to fill a vacancy only serves that position for the remainder of that term.
E. All matters of policy or By-Laws shall be decided and voted on a regularly scheduled Board Meetings.
F. All Board Members, Managers, Coaches, volunteers, employees and any other persons who provide regular service to the league and / or have repetitive access to or contact with players or teams are subject to a background check.
The Board of Directors shall have the duty and authority to determine all aspects of the MYBSL program. Such duties and authority include, but are not limited to, establishing dues, fees, and other financial obligations, budget, expenditures, fund raising activities, promotional activities, rules, field supervisions, age levels of league play, and such other matters that are necessary to fulfill the purpose of the League.
A. PRESIDENT: Shall call and preside at all meetings and supervise the administration of MYBSL, implement rules and policies and coordinate the activities of the officers, board members, and assign duties not otherwise established by the bylaws or the Board of Directors. The President, with a majority vote of the Board, shall fill vacant and appointed positions for the remainder of the term. The President shall be allowed to vote only to break a tie vote of the other Board Members (Exception Article III, D, b, where All Board Members must vote). The President will appoint Committee Chair Persons and others required to do the business of MYBSL. The President represents the MYBSL board at any village meetings. The President also coordinates all field duty during the season. The President is responsible for league registration.
B. VICE-PRESIDENT: Shall assist the President with their duties and in the absence of the President shall call and preside at meetings. The Vice-President will assume the responsibilities of the President in their absence and will succeed the President in the event of resignation, disability, or vacancy declared by the Board of Directors. The Vice-President shall vote on policy and bylaw changes. The Vice-President controls the scheduling of all games and practices in SportsEngine. The Vice-President must approve and schedule all field rentals to outside organizations.
C. SECRETARY: Shall report to the President and record formal minutes of all meetings and will report action taken at such meetings. The Secretary shall vote on policy and bylaw changes. The Secretary is responsible for the promotion, coordination, collection, and signage of the MYBSL sponsor program. The Secretary is also responsible for the promotion of registration.
D. TREASURER: Shall report to the President and maintain financial record for the league. The Treasurer maintains all financial records, accepts and disburses funds as approved by the Board. Reports at all meetings the status of accounts and funds. The Treasurer shall vote on policy and bylaw changes. Shall ensure all insurance needs of the league are maintained and coverage is adequate for our needs.
E. DIRECTORS: Shall review all Board Member reports, serve on committees, and chair committees, as requested by the President. The Directors will adhere to and enforce all rules and regulations of the league, will accept and report to the Board any concerns that the general public made to them. Directors vote on policy and bylaw changes.
F. COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND OTHERS: Committee Chair Persons and Members are appointed by the President and can be Board of Director Members or Non-Voting Committee Only Members. Committee Members DO NOT vote on policy and bylaw changes unless they hold an elected Officer or Director position as well. Committees include, but are not limited to:
a. Baseball Director: Shall be responsible for assignment of players to teams, selection of coaches, and general maintenance of the program. Shall consult with the Vice-President for scheduling practices and games at the start of the season and any make-up games throughout the season.
b. Concessions Director: Shall be responsible for the operation of our concessions stand. Shall schedule volunteers and hire and schedule employees of the league for the concession stand.
c. Equipment Director: Responsible for the maintenance and ordering of program equipment. Responsible for the orders and delivery of all player uniforms, spirit wear, MYBSL decals, and Little League patches. Responsible for the coordination, scheduling, and ordering of team and player pictures. Responsible for the ordering and delivery of player trophies and tournament medals.
d. Field Maintenance Director: Responsible for the maintenance and condition of all fields. The director shall maintain and order field maintenance equipment and supplies, supervise employees and volunteer and maintain the fields in line with the approved budget.
e. Softball Director: Shall be responsible for assignment of players to teams, selection of coaches, and general maintenance of the program. Shall consult with the Vice-President for scheduling practices and games at the start of the season and any make-up games throughout the season.
f. Teeball Director: Shall be responsible for assignment of players to teams, selection of coaches, and general maintenance of the program. Shall consult with the Vice-President for scheduling practices and games at the start of the season and any make-up games throughout the season.
g. Safety Director: Responsible for all safety matters of the league and directional signage. Responsible for background checks of all coaches, the coordination of CPR training, and ASAP document. The safety director also acts as little league representative and attends the monthly meetings.
h. Family Day Director: Responsible for the coordination of family day activities (i.e., bounce house, blow up slide, movie, kid’s meals, whiffle ball, first responder first pitches, etc.), coordination of raffle tickets prior to the season starting and the announcement of the winner on family night
i. Umpire Coordinator: Responsible for the hiring, training, and coordination of the Umpires
j. Web Site Director: Maintain and update our online presence including our website and social media sites
k. All Star Committee: Develop and document process to select All Star Coaches and Teams as well as oversee the selection process as it occurs. Coordinate uniforms, fees, and tournament schedules for all-star teams.
l. Raptors Director: Responsible for the coordination of uniforms, umpires, and games for the part time traveling teams. Responsible for the budget of the Raptors program. Shall consult with the Vice-President for scheduling practices and games at the start of the season and any make-up games throughout the season.
A. Nomination and election of Board Members shall be done at the Annual Meeting. Any member wishing to run for a Board position shall have their name submitted at this meeting to be voted on. If for some reason a member cannot be present, but wishes to run for a Board position, they can submit in writing, before the start of the meeting, a request to be considered for a position. Confirmation of any Board Member will be subject to a background check.
A. Membership in the league is open to all interested adults, but all will be subject to a background check. All members must be 18 years of age. They are urged to attend all open meetings and if they so choose, to run for any Board position at the annual meeting.
A. Meetings shall be scheduled at least four times (4) a year and more often if deemed advisable by the Board. Notice of a meeting shall be posted at least seven days before the meeting is to be held. Emergency meetings can be called at any time and not be subject to the seven-day posting notice requirement.
A. The league shall recognize only “Roberts Rules of Order” in the conduct of meetings, except otherwise specifically excepted in these bylaws.
A. Amendment of the bylaws may be proposed only by the Board of Directors. These bylaws may be amended, repealed, and / or new bylaws approved or rejected at any pre-scheduled Board Meeting provided the Secretary is notified in writing at least seven days before the scheduled meeting. If seven days’ notice is not given, the Board can delay any vote until the next meeting in order to review and discuss the amendment.
A. The Fiscal Year of the League shall commence the first day of September and end on the last day of August.
A. The Board of Directors shall prepare a proposed budget for the current fiscal year. Such budgets shall outline proposed total expenditures, on a line item basis, according to accepted accounting practice, for the fiscal year.
B. Board Member can spend up to $250 on his/her own. You must verify, before purchase, that the league has the monies available for purchase.
C. For Budgeted Items a Board Member may spend up to $1,000* by obtaining competitive quotes and submitting those quotes to one of the Executive Board Members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary) for approval.
a. While purchasing goods and services from a business that is owned or in which MYBSL Board Member has personal interest is not forbidden, competitive quotes must be obtained to protect not only the league and its officers, but the individual and his/her business interest.
D. For any Non-Budgeted amount more than $250 and for any budgeted amount more than $1000*, the board must obtain three competitive quotes and submit those to the entire MYBSL Board for approval.
a. While purchasing goods and services from a business that is owned or in which MYBSL Board Member has personal interest is not forbidden, competitive quotes must be obtained to protect not only the league and its officers, but the individual and his/her business interest. The MYBSL Board member that has a direct business interest may provide commentary but may not cast a vote to expend monies to his/her business.
E. Exception: The purchasing policy does not apply to goods for resale (clothing, food, beverages)
A. The Board of Directors shall enact a Conflict of Interest policy that conforms to the requirements set forth in applicable laws of the State of Illinois.
A. The official playing rules as published by Little League Baseball Inc or in-house rules shall be used on teams so affiliated.
A. Team Managers and Coaches shall be appointed annually by the Boys Coordinator and Girls Coordinator and approved by the Board. Team Managers and Coaches can be vetoed by the President prior to Board approval. All Managers and Coaches will be subject to a background check. Any violation returned from the background check is reviewed by the board. The board has the right to remove any manager or coach with a violation on their background check based on majority vote. Managers and Coaches shall be responsible for their teams’ actions on the fields and for all property issued to them belonging to MYBSL.
A. Misconduct of players and coaches fall under the following means of disciplinary actions. Each disciplinary action is recorded in a misconduct document by the baseball, softball, or teeball director and reviewed as necessary amongst board members
a. FIRST OCCURANCE: Receive a warning from a MYBSL Board Member.
b. SECOND OCCURANCE: If this involves a Manager or Coach, they will be removed from the games in progress and receive a one-game suspension. If this involves a player, the player will be ejected from the game and receive one-game suspension.
c. THIRD OCCURANCE: If this involves a Manager or Coach, they will be removed from the game in progress and will be banned from the league. If this involves a player, he or she will be ejected from the game and will not be able to participate in any further games throughout the remaining season.
d. ALL decisions regarding misconduct shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors to assess the severity and impact on the league integrity. The Board may consider and take quicker or other action it feels is in the best interest of the league in cases of severe misconduct.
e. Rulings regarding umpires in cases of misconduct shall follow all the same guidelines as coaches.
A. It is a severe case of misconduct for any Manager or Coach who knowingly does not play each child. If a Manager or Coach knowingly does not play each child, they will receive a one-game suspension for the occurrence, and their conduct will be reviewed by the Board of Directors for possible further action.
A. Once a player has committed to playing Raptors or MYBSL rec and has participated in at least one practice or game, no refunds are granted to that player if that player chooses not to play the remainder of the season.
A. MYBSL recommends, but does not require, that all players and coaches wear a mask.
B. MYBSL requires all parents to temperature check their players prior to attending a game or practice. Furthermore, the player must not have any COVID like symptoms prior to coming to a practice or game.
C. Any player or coach who tests positive for COVID cannot return until 14 days after testing positive and must not have any symptoms upon return to play.
D. Any player or coach who is in close contact with a person who tests positive cannot return to play for 10 days. Upon returning, the player or coach must not have any COVID like symptoms.
E. MYBSL recommends players utilize their own gear and not share it with others.
mybsl 2021 bylaws constitution.pdf