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Simsbury Soccer Club

Simsbury Soccer Club

Dual Roster Policy

Dual Roster Policy Pilot Program

Effective May 2022,  travel players in the U11 to U15 age brackets will be permitted to dual roster* provided that they meet the following requirements for the necessary SSC Board approval.  Players in the U9 & U10 age brackets are not permitted to dual roster.  Any dual rostered player who fails to acquire said approval, and to adhere to the conditions set forth below, will be subject to his/her removal from the SSC Travel team:

1. The parent(s)/guardian(s) must inform the SSC Board of their intention to dual roster and request a meeting between the player, coach, parent/guardian and a board member to discuss the expectations of dual rostered players by June 1st for the upcoming Fall Season. 
2. A player who is dual rostered must attend a minimum of 50% of his/her SSC in-season practices in order to qualify for playing time in SSC games; 
3. A player who is dual rostered must attend a minimum of 50% of his/her SSC games in a season in order to be eligible to qualify for dual rostering the following year;
4. Players who are dual rostered may not leave a game early, or arrive to a game late, because of a commitment to another soccer team/program; 
5. Players who are dual rostered are responsible for both the full SSC registration and individual team dues that are paid by non-dual rostered players;
6. Players who are dual rostered are required to give a minimum of 48 hours prior notice of any potential conflict between an SSC game and other commitment, and must regularly communicate with the SSC team coach and manager regarding any conflicts with practices and/or other team events; and
7. Players who are dual rostered and their parent/guardian must sign an agreement reflecting their understanding of and agreement with all of the requirements set forth above.  A copy of said agreement appears here on SSC’s website for your review.  
8. Dual Rostering is understood as a full year commitment.  Players in SSC are not eligible to dual roster if their intention to dual roster is made known to the Club after June 1 of the upcoming Fall/Spring season unless the player is a 2nd Semester Eighth Grader. 
* “Dual Roster” is defined, for the within purposes, to mean an SSC travel player who is also on a roster with another club/league’s soccer team during the same playing year/seasons.  




Simsbury Soccer Club
P.O. Box 731 
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

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