Select Academy Tryout Information
We are excited to announce our 2023-24 Select Academy Tryouts!!
BOYS: Birth Years - 2015 - 2007
GIRLS: Birth Years - 2015 -2007
U9-U12 (2015-2012) - May 15th and May 18th
U13-U19 (2011-2007) - May 30th and June 1st
5:45 - 6:00 - Check In (you must be registered to try out)
6:00 - Head to assigned fields
6:15 - 7:30 - Tryouts
Annual Fee - $450 (Fall & Spring)
Please arrive between 5:45-6 pm and check-in at the concession pavilion. A volunteer will be there to assist you with check-in and direct you to the proper field.
Register to participate in tryouts - REGISTER HERE.
Tryouts will take place from 6:15 - 7:30 with the Coach.
With your invitation and acceptance commitment begins in June though team practices to begin / resume in July. Season registration and commitment is for Fall and Spring (Aug 1st to May 31st.) Dec - Feb could be considered off season depending on the team schedule and/or indoor game options.
The season consists of 2 practices a week @ Redoubt fields with potential games on weekend, at least 2 tournaments but possibly 1 tournament per month in Fall and Spring.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to support the community. That means the goal of our soccer club is never about profit and never will be.
Weather Updates:
Be sure to check the field status on our homepage before heading out for any weather updates or field closures. Any changes to the schedule will be announced by 4 pm.
Players Should:- Wear shin guards
- Wear cleats
- Bring a properly inflated ball
- Bring Water
- Put their water down 6 ft apart from each other
- Guidelines encourages masks when not on the field
Players that are selected for a team will be notified within 48 hours of trying out or the coach will contact you.