Expectations of a U6 Player
Expectations of a U6 Player
Achievable Targets
Unachievable Targets
Children will be spatially unaware
Have fun
Understanding positions
Can be afraid of both ball and opponent. Most players tend to cry when they get hurt, some when they just simply lose the ball
Feel a sense of achievement touching the soccer ball
Do not understand about passing to teammates
Short attention span
Concentration period very limited (approximately 2-3 minutes)
Paint the picture. Children will understand a picture or demonstration easier than the coach talking
Children will not sit down and listen to lots of information. KISS – Keep It Short and Simple
Physical characteristics developing constantly
Very energetic, work hard but only for short periods of time. Get out of breath easily
Can only play for short periods of time before needing a rest
Kick ball with no direction
Beginning to learn the process of passing the soccer ball
Directed pass to a teammate
Tactics very limited
Understand they should be attaching and trying to put ball in opposite goal
Do not understand about going to the goal often they will go round in circles all bumble bees around the ball
Expectations of a U8 Player
Expectations of a U8 Player
Achievable Targets
Unachievable Targets
Attention span longer than U6
Can retain small quantities of information
Still cannot retain large chunks of information. Essential to still use the KISS principle
Players still selfish but starting to understand the concept of working with a teammate
Begin to understand the team concept
Understand about passing to teammates but only rough version of passing will be achieved at this age.
Players are very eager to impress the coach they want to be liked.
Children respond to positive re-enforcement and improve quicker through this type of coaching
Children do not understand negative remarks and take criticism personal. This can mean the child stops playing
Cardiovascular system not fully developed
At this age can only work hard for small periods of time
Keep practice moving, cannot work for long periods and get out of breath quickly. Need more water breaks
Coordination and speed have improved
Can now understand about stopping a ball and passing it off
Do not expect combination passes or a sequence of passes
Will begin to ask multiple questions
Tries to understand what is expected of him/her
Verbal answers will not always be understood. Whenever possible, use demonstrations
Expectations of a U10 Player
Expectations of a U10 Player
Achievable Targets
Unachievable Targets
Motor skills becoming more refined
Balance flexibility and strength improving, thus enabling the child to perform more complex tasks. Some children can juggle a ball 100 times.
Strike a ball in the air over a distance of 20 years consistently
Learning will take place at different stages in young children
Everyone will learn and improve as a soccer player
Children learn and develop differently. Do not expect everyone to learn at the same rate. Remember practice makes perfect
Have the ability to stay at tasks longer
Can listen longer, take basic instruction, and begin to understand what is expected of them
Children by now are becoming more deliberate in their recall memory. They still become bored quickly. KISS – Keep It Short and Simple
Have the ability now to think in advance and begin to anticipate where the ball will be
Can now hold a certain position., e.g. if you play on the left wing you should stay on the left.
Only has limited soccer experience, although understands the concepts of positions still gets pulled out of position by following the ball instead of the player
Can identify with a team and begin to make friends. Socialization becomes very important.
Learn new skills, have fun and make new friends.
If situations are left to develop, children form groups and leave players behind as they may not fit socially. This should be allowed to occur
Repetition of skills becomes very important to ensure players can perform certain tasks under pressure
Have the ability to perform the basic tasks of soccer: dribble, pass and shoot; however, repetition is still important to improve these skills
Under pressure in game situations, these skills break down. Remember practice makes perfect.
Expectations of a U12 Player
Expectations of a U12 Player
Achievable Targets
Unachievable Targets
Children begin to develop complex coordination skill sequences
Children can now transfer techniques learned on the training field onto the soccer field.
Do not always make good decisions when to utilize skill learned. Can also often break down in game situations
Some players have reached puberty; girls generally arrive earlier than boys
All children go through different emotions at this age. The coach must show care and consideration
Behavior traits will be very difference. Some children may become boisterous and uncontrollable while others will be very quiet and not say a word. Everyone is different
Children at this age have developed a conscience and have a sense of moral values
Coach is a role model and should encourage sportsmanship and fair play
You can make the child appreciate your moral values but you cannot control them when they enter the soccer field
Most players can now think abstractly and are no able to understand basic tactics
Can fully appreciate the approach to goal and understands combination play can be a way of getting to the goal quicker
Understands team concepts but can often break down with forwards for example being constantly caught off side
Players love the thrill of scoring a goal
Coach ensures all players have a chance to score a goal. Play players in lots of positions
Success rate on shooting can be less than one in every six shots. This can be due to the fact that children do not know when to use the power shot and when to pass the ball into the net
Realize the importance of attacking and winning the ball back
Confrontation is no longer an issue. Players know the importance of closing a player down and winning the ball back
Some children will still be shy and timid. Be patient with them
Expectations of a U14+ Player
Expectations of a U14+ Player
Achievable Targets
Unachievable Targets
Begins to understand outside factors can affect game situations
Prepare players for different scenarios, weather conditions, early nights, arriving early for games. Taking care of the little things takes care of the bigger situations that happen in a game
Kids will be kids and will time and time again do things they are not supposed to do. Secondly, you have no control over your star player becoming sick the night before a big game. Have a backup plan
To create and take goal scoring opportunities
To understand when to use the power shot and when to place the ball in the net
Children can break down mentally, physically, and psychologically in front of goal. Be patient and build confidence
Players that have been trained from an early age have very good technique of the basic skills
Begin to understand when to use the different techniques on the field of play. For example, when to use the speed dribble or shield dribble
Technique and skill can often break down under pressure; therefore, practice should now contain lots of game related activity
To be able to solve situations that occur in a soccer match
Children now have the experience to recall different situations that have happened in past games. From these experiences, children can adapt to how the game is progressing
The coach still has to have control as he/she will need to decide the tactics and help make the players realize their responsibilities.
Begin to understand the team concept in a more advanced manner
Defending as a unit. For example, defending as a back four and not individuals
Again tactics need to be worked on, and working under pressure will improve play. However, mistakes are common and when defending as unit, players sometimes follow the ball instead of their mark.
The Soccer Association for Youth
USA National Headquarters
One North Commerce Park Drive
Suite 306-320
Cincinnati, OH 45215
email: [email protected]