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New Providence Soccer Club

Celebrating 50 Years!

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Jan, 2025

Winter training updates

Hello NPSC Families, 

We're so happy that the first Winter training session at the Kent Place School went off without a hitch on Monday.  Kudos to you all for the quick action with registering and getting your kids to the session.  This time last week we thought we may not get enough interest to even have the sessions and since then we've had to shut down registration due to the number of kids signed up!  

Just a few updates about the facility.  Everyone was great on Monday and we hope that continues through the rest of the Winter.  

1. We did ask parents to come into the gym for a quick debrief from our trainers - but Kent Place has asked us to let you know they would much prefer if parents dropped off the kids and did NOT stay to watch the session.  You are welcome to wait in your cars in the parking lot.  

2. No cleats - indoor sneakers only and please wear shin guards.  

3. Please ask your kids to wipe their feet on the mats when they enter the gym if it's wet outside.  Tracking in rain and snow can make the gym floor slippery.  

4. Kent Place has asked us to remind you to drive slowly in the parking lot when dropping off and picking up.  Apparently some parents were driving a little too fast.  

Sorry for the common sense reminders, but we're very lucky to have access to the indoor space this Winter and we would very much like to be allowed back again next year.  ;)  


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New Providence Soccer Club

PO Box 696 
New Providence, New Jersey 07974

Email: [email protected]

New Providence Soccer Club

PO Box 696 
New Providence, New Jersey 07974

Email: [email protected]
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