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WSR Youth Sports

Baseball / Softball Registration Begin March 8 - April 16

5 & 6 Year Olds

5-6 Y/O Basketball Rules


It is the program’s intentions to have players participate as fully as possible.  Coaches will set an example by teaching proper sportsmanship and exhibiting it at all times.  This is to be fun for the children in addition to being a learning experience.

Youth basketball is an instructional league with very young children at varied skill levels.  Players are to learn the basic fundamentals of the game to include dribbling, passing and shooting.  Players are expected to practice their skills, socialize and have fun.  Coaches will use the following rules to ensure that players are learning, participating and having fun.

Governing Body:       2018-19 NCAA Rules except for those rules supplemented by the below modifications.

Coaches:  All teams shall have a maximum 2 coaches that have completed the requirements allowed in the bench area.

Equipment: All game equipment provided by the WSR Youth Sports office.

Team Uniform: Youth Sports will provide a team uniform top and medallion. Players will keep their jersey.  The team jersey should be tucked in to teach players about respect and care for one’s team and uniform. Families will provide game shorts/pants (no pockets).

Practice & Game Times: Please try to arrive 15 minutes before games and 5 minutes before practices to ensure your child is on time and a child’s parent is present at the practice/games. Arrive on time and be there to depart on time.

Game Length: 5-6:                4 x 8 minute quarters (5 minute halftime)

*No overtime in any age group.

Scores will not be kept in the 5-6 age group. 

Game Clock:  The game clock is a continuously running clock except:

                        a. Shooting Fouls.

                        b. The last minute of the second and fourth quarters (regulation clock, stops on all whistles).

                        c. Injuries/Timeouts.

                        d. At the first dead ball under the four (4) minute mark of each quarter for 5-6, the clock will stop to allow for substitutions.

Youth Playing Time: Coaches should try and get all youth 50% playing time.

Substitution: At the first dead ball after the four (4) minute mark of each quarter (5-6), all players on the bench will be substituted into the game. If a youth is accumulating fouls, for example, in the first quarter you cannot substitute them to save the player for later in the game. They need to learn how to play and not accumulate fouls.

Fouling Out: 5-6: No fouling Out               

Presses & Defense:    No full or half court presses allowed.  All defenders must stay behind the 3 point line.

Goal Height:              5-6:      7 feet

Possession:  Once a team has secured the ball, the defense must go back into their mandated defensive area.

Time outs:  3 per game (1 minute in length)

Violations:      5-6:                  No 3 second or backcourt violations will be called.              

Free throws: Must start behind the line but can land in front.

Ball Size:        5-6:                  Size 4

Roster Size:  Rosters should not have less than 8 players but may not exceed 10 players unless designated by the Youth Sports Director.

Players on the court:  Each team can have a maximum of 5 players on the court. A team must have 4 players to start a game. If a team drops down to 3 players the game will become final.

Sportsmanship Rule:  If a team only has 4 players the other team must play with the equal number of players.

Officials on Court:    5-6: None- Coaches will act as officials at this level. In the absence of coaches, parents may assist but there should be one (1) parent designated from each team.  The official on the court shall make more progressive calls to teach fundamentals throughout the season.


  • The team listed as guest will start with the ball first quarter. Starting possession will change every quarter.  This way each team will have 2 quarters of starting possession.
  • During quarters the alternate possession arrow will dictate possession.
  • Players will not swipe at the ball or physically steal the ball from an opponent’s possession once they have secured the ball and are now going to play offense.  However, a team my retrieve a loose ball (dribbler loses control of the ball and it is rolling on the court) or intercept a pass in the backcourt.
  • Since this is an instructional league, traveling and double dribble calls will be lenient.   However, a conscious effort must be made by a player to dribble while in possession of the ball.  The dribble may be sporadic but the attempt must be apparent. 
  • Steps Allowed: 5-6: 3 steps then they must dribble.
  •   In the case where a player does not attempt to dribble AT ALL, and commences to run around the court with ball in hand, an official should stop the game and remind the player to dribble.  The official will then hand the ball to another player on the team who will start from half court.
  • Due to the physicality of basketball, there may be some fouls.  For example: pushing, high elbows etc.  Coaches are to keep an eye out for overly aggressive behavior. Coaches must understand that physical fouls will take place, players will fall down, pushing will occur etc.  The officials will be instructed to call fouls so that youth will learn acceptable behavior on the courts.
  •  Players are also expected to maintain proper sportsmanship on the court.  Any “trash talking” by the players will be dealt with by the staff/coach immediately.
  • Coaches on the court 5-6:  Coaches must be on the court to instruct their players and act as an official. One coach may stay on either end to assist defense and offense and ensure players stay within the lane on defense. Please stay out of the way of significant action.  
  •  Coaches, do not yell, single out any player or have any negative comments towards players. Your comments should be constructive and positive in nature. 

The goals for the coaches are:

  • To encourage fun for the players, fellow coaches and parents.
  • Teach the game fundamentals and sportsmanship.

Parental Conduct:

  • All forms of verbal comments should be positive in nature to your team. There should be no negative verbal comments directed towards players, coaches, officials or other parents.
  • If noticed WSR staff will warn the individual and if it continues ask the individual to leave the premises.
  • Coaches are to be treated with courtesy and respect by the parents and other spectators.
  • Abusive and disruptive language or conduct will not be tolerated.
  • Coaches/Parents will not enter the court unless beckoned by the officials in case of injury.
  • Parents should not approach the scorer’s table, an official or coaches for any reason except if they have been beckoned for what a coach deems necessary intervention (i.e. illness, emotional, etc.).

When the game is over:

  • Players will line up, shake hands properly and say “Good Game” (Coaches be sure that all players partake in this activity.)
  • Remind players about some aspects of the game that has just been completed to reinforce basketball fundamentals.

Contact Us

Waynesville/St.Robert Youth Sports

Waynesville City Hall, 100 Tremont Center
Waynesville, Missouri 65583

Phone: 573-774-6171
Email: [email protected]

Waynesville/St.Robert Youth Sports

Waynesville City Hall, 100 Tremont Center
Waynesville, Missouri 65583

Phone: 573-774-6171
Email: [email protected]
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