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WSR Youth Sports

Baseball / Softball Registration Begin March 8 - April 16

Mini Kickers Rules

  1. The game will be played approximately 5 vs. 5. (If less than four show up, then teams may share players to play the scheduled game.)
  2. The game will consist of two ten-minute periods with an eight-minute halftime.
  3. No score will be kept.
  4. No goalies.
  5. The size of soccer ball is size 3.
  6. Shin guards are mandatory and must be worn underneath the socks.
  7. No slide tackling is allowed.
  8. All parents must be at least 10 yards off the sidelines behind the parent line.
  9. All players must be in the player’s box when not in play.
  10. Throw ins allowed.
  11. The field is 75 feet long and 45 feet wide.
  12. No offside penalties will be called.
  13. Substitutions may occur on any “dead ball” moment (I.e. when the ball is not in play – injury.). The other coach must be made aware of a substitution.
  14. Head coaches must be on the field always, to facilitate the rules and play of the game.
  15. Coaches are not allowed to change the rules of the game for any specific reason on game day prior to the game happening. All rule change requests must be submitted in writing to the league one week prior to the game.
  16. Only head coaches can ask for rule clarifications and such before/during/after games. All complaints and requests must be submitted to the league by the following business day.
  17. Parents are not allowed on the field of play for any reason, unless there is an emergency with their child.
  18. All players must arrive 15 minutes or earlier prior to their game being played to ensure full game time will be played.
  19. All games are scheduled to start and end at a specific time, if a game starts late for any reason, then the head Coaches will reduce playing time to end on time for the scheduled game.  NO EXCEPTIONS.
  20. This division is played for FUN only. The Coaches do not force the rules upon the players. They are there to help players learn the basic love of soccer and sportsmanship of the game and make sure that they enjoy the game. They will not call every penalty and will try to assist the players when possible.
  21. All players in this league will be given 50% play time.                  


Contact Us

Waynesville/St.Robert Youth Sports

Waynesville City Hall, 100 Tremont Center
Waynesville, Missouri 65583

Phone: 573-774-6171
Email: [email protected]

Waynesville/St.Robert Youth Sports

Waynesville City Hall, 100 Tremont Center
Waynesville, Missouri 65583

Phone: 573-774-6171
Email: [email protected]
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