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LAUREL LITTLE LEAGUE Maryland District 4

LAUREL LITTLE LEAGUE Maryland District 4


What uniforms and equipment will my child need?
Players at all program levels receive a full uniform (hat, T shirt and/or jersey, pants and socks). Players need to provide their own footwear (rubber baseball cleats recommended, metal cleats not allowed except for Jr. and Senior Ball), a regulation size mitt, and a protective cup (required for boys at Minor level and above). Each team is issued bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher's gear. Parents should talk to their child's coach before purchasing a bat or other equipment for that child's personal use.

**NEW** Bat Rules for 2018:

What is meant by "League Age"?
The League Age determination date is the age a player has attained as of a specific date, for the purpose of placing the player in a particular division. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year. If you would like assistance with figuring out League Age for your child, you can use the handy League Age calculator.

What days will my child be playing/practicing?
Practice/Game nights are generally determined by the division that your child is assigned to.  For field and umpire scheduling purposes we really try our best to schedule consistently on those days.  Sometimes it is necessary to schedule events on other days due to weather, coach availability or the need to makeup games.  For a descripton of the various divisions and their respective guidelines, click here.

Can my child be placed on a team with his friends or with a particular coach?
Team selections for all divisions except for teeball and coach pitch are determined via a formal draft process to ensure teams are as balanced as possible.  Special requests should be indicated on your registration form, and will be provided to coaches prior to the draft for consideration.  While there are draft provisions for siblings within the same division,  no other guarantees can be provided regarding an assignment to a particular team or division.  We have found through the years that balanced teams are much more of a determinant of whether or not your child has fun during the season than which coach or teammates he or she has.  That said, we also recognize the contributions of our exceptional coaches and understand that personalities do play a part in our overall enjoyment of the league.  Any issues regarding team or division assignments should be directed to the player agent for your respective division.


Laurel Little League
7302 Split Rail Lane 
Laurel, Maryland 20707

Phone: 240-264-7908
Email: [email protected]

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