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Aug, 2023

Fall 2023 Meet and Greet

Welcome Families to the Fall 2023 Season. 

Our Meet and Greet is scheduled for Saturday, August 26th.  Below are the times for each age group:

U8 - 9:00 am - 9:45 am
U10 - 10:00 am - 10:45 am
U12 - 11:00 am - 11:45 am
U14 & HS - 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
U6 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Try to arrive at the fields at the beginning of your allotted time slot.  Rosters with what team your player is on will be posted on the bulletin board beside the concession stand.  You will proceed to one of the check-in tables where you will fill out the Parent Code of Conduct form.  From there, you will be directed to a field with all other parents/players to receive information from our President, Director of Coaching, and Referee Assignor.  At that time teams will dismiss and you can look for your coach’s sign. Players will spend time with their teams being able to meet their coaches and teammates as well as play around a little.  Plan to bring cleats, shin guards, a ball and water.

This year jerseys will be given to coaches to hand out to their teams.  We are anticipating to have uniforms in before games start. 

Meet and Greet will be happening rain or shine. If the playing portion of the event is rained out, we will still have a shorter time period to get to know your child’s coaches and other players.

Practice schedules will be posted on our website following the coaches meeting. Once you know your players team, you will be able to see your practice day and time. We will have the game schedule for age group U6 to U10 updated during the first week of practices. For ages U12 and up, we will be updating the game schedule as we receive it. We work with other clubs within the county for those games, and are not in charge of the schedule this season.

Reminder of our weather policy: Please check our website on practice days before heading to the fields. We will update the field availability no later than 2:30 on weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. on game days. We will close the fields if there is inclement weather, or if there is standing water on the fields. Please be understanding of the calls we make. We want to keep players safe, and let them have as many playing opportunities as possible. We make decisions based on the information we have, which isn’t always as accurate as we would like.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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