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Respect for Law

A Resolution

  • Whereas - Optimist International has for many years sponsored Respect for Law Week, and,
  • Whereas - We as Optimists recognize and appreciate the dedication of those serving in Law Enforcement, their friends, and their families, and,
  • Whereas - Citizens of every nation recognize the dangers faced by officers every day, and,
  • Whereas - We realize that these public servants are recognized too seldom for the services performed,
  • Therefore be it resolved that - We the members of the Winston-Salem Optimist Club, join with Optimists around the world in thanking the above listed public servants who work behind the badge, and all supportive staffs for their work and loyal dedication.
  • To this we set our seal this, this 8th day of May, 2004.

Ed Strait, Chairperson Respect For Law Committee
Jim Annas, President Winston-Salem Optimist Club