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Coaches and Volunteer Compliance Requirements

There are several compliance requirements we'll need coaches and parent volunteers to complete as part of the role, they are as follows:

FBI/BCI background check:  Purple Volunteer Badge - Good for 5 Years
Completed through two separate appointments at the CPS main office.  This will get you a purple volunteer badge and allow you to more easily volunteer at the school for any purpose. CPS is newly requiring this for all sports volunteer roles.  The cost is $50, but Fairview Athletics Boosters will reimburse after the fact.  They are good for 5 years.  See below for detailed instructions for getting this done.  You will not need the purple badge to start practice, just to have submitted the FBI/BCI background check.

Concussion Training:  Every 2 years
No cost (good for 2 years)  - Go to the following website, select Ohio and click “Order Course” then register a new  account or log in if you already have one to complete the course.  Retain a copy on yourself and have with you during games (pdfs on your  phone are acceptable).  Send the completed certificate to the Fairview Soccer Coaches/Volunteer coordinator as well-

SafeSport Certification:  Every Calendar Year
This training package addresses the federal law for protecting young victims from abuse.  There is no cost for this course and we use an account setup by SAY East, the league we play in.  Detailed instructions are below.

Lindsay's Law: Every Calendar Year
Review content, no certificate or form for volunteers on this, just simply review the content.

SAY East Volunteer Form:  Each Season
Fill out the volunteer form from SAY East and return to the Fairview Soccer volunteer coordinator.  Find the document by going to SAY East documents page then open SAY East Risk Management Policy and click on the link for the "Volunteer Form"

Detailed Procedures

FBI/BCI Background Check and Purple Badge Process:

  1. Go to the CPS Security badges and background checks web page: Background Check Appointments click on “Make an appointment to schedule a Background Check”

  2. A calendar will open with available dates with the appointment listed as “Fingerprints.”  Select an available appointment that works for you and you will be sent an email invitation.

  3. On the day of your appointment be sure to bring an appropriate payment option.  The cost is $50 and exact change is required if paying cash, there is a new option of card listed, this is new to 2023 so details on fees are unknown at this time.  Go to the noted location and check in through the visitor station and they will direct you to the correct office.

  4. Notify the Fairview Soccer Coaches/Volunteer coordinator you have completed this step so they can submit your name to the Fairview resource coordinator.  The resource coordinator will then need to submit a “Badge Authorization” form on your behalf from Fairview.

  5. After you fingerprints and information are submitted you have completed the first step.  It will take several weeks for the check to complete.  The office should call you when it comes back, but this has been known to not happened and you are encouraged to call the office if it has been more than 3 weeks to check the status of your check.

  6. Go to the CPS Security badges and background checks web page:

  7. Under Security Badge Appointments click on “Make an appointment to obtain a CPS Security Badge”

  8. Schedule your appointment as you did for the background check.

  9. If you had notified Fairview soccer then your Authorization form should have been submitted, if not please verify with Fairview soccer prior to going to the appointment.

  10. Go to your appointment, check in and you will be directed to the office to get your badge printed.

SafeSport Certification Instruction:

  1. Use this link:

  2. Existing users use the Log In button in upper right corner of page. 

  3. New users’ complete information on Sign Up page. a. MembershipID = leave blank not used b. Name of Sport or Community Organization = SAY East 

  4. Next you should see your dashboard and under My Courses you should see SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation icon. 

    1. If the dashboard does not automatically load after creating your account, you may be prompted to log in to the new account you just created. 

  5. Click the Start button for SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation to complete the course. 

  6. Upon completion of the course, please send your certificate of completion to your District Representative (aka Soccer Coordinator, Soccer Commissioner, President).  To download your certificate: 

    1. Please select the Hamburger Menu icon at the top right of your page. 

    2. Select Transcript. 

    3. Once the transcript page displays, locate the most current completion for the course under the Certificates section. 

    4. Download the certificate by selecting the Download button at the right of the completed course. 

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