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Coaches and Volunteer Role Descriptions

There are three volunteer roles needing filled for each Fairview Soccer team.  All volunteers have a few compliance items they are required to complete in order to serve in the role during the season; these requirements can be found on the coaches and volunteer compliance requirements page.  The roles are outlined below

Head Coach:
The head coach is responsible for managing their team.  They are responsible for the following items:
Coordinating practice times with Fairview Soccer and their assistant coach and team parent.
Sending out an introductory message to their team before the season starts stating who the volunteer roles are, what to expect and if  available when practice will be held.
Setting up how communication will be conducted with the team throughout the season.
Planning and executing practices.
-Setting lineups for the games.
Managing the team equipment they were given at the beginning of the season.  If any equipment issues or needs arise contact the  equipment manager (Becky Borello)
Making sure the referees are paid before each game begins.
Providing feedback on the coaches feedback portal on the SAY East Website:

Assistant Coach:
The assistant coach serves as the main support for the head coach.  They should plan on being at every practice.  In the event of the Head coach needing to miss a practice or game, they will fill the role of head coach and are responsible for getting a plan from the head coach or having their own plan.  It is up to the head coach and assistant coach to decide how they work together throughout the season.

Parent Volunteer:
The parent volunteer is responsible for arranging the post game snack schedule and typically is involved in some season end celebration planning/execution, working with the coaches and other parents.  The parent volunteer also serves as a backup for the two person rule for both practices and games.  If the head coach or assistant coach cannot be at a practice or game, the parent volunteer should be present to meet this two person rule compliance requirement.  They should be in communication with the coaches in case one of them needs to miss.

You can volunteer for more than one team in the same role or different role.  Volunteering for two different teams is doable and the league has accommodated schedules in the past to avoid overlap, but more than two may introduce unavoidable conflicts during game times.


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