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Parents Guide to Youth Wrestling



© 2000By Bill Campbell


Of the many sports your child can participate in, Wrestling is perhaps the most misrepresented,  misunderstood, and underrated. The ratio of participation to public awareness is remarkably lopsided. Each year hundreds of thousands of kids participate in this sport, yet the average person knows as much about wrestling as they might know about rugby or polo -- which combined, involve far fewer athletes.

The purpose of this guide is to generate new interest and awareness among parents whose children want to participate in this exciting and rewarding sport. Hopefully, this guide will help expose the myths and uncover the benefits wrestling has to offer, and most importantly, help parents understand how this unique sport best compliments other sports choices their child makes.


If you've been exposed to high school or college wrestling, you may already realize that so-called
"professional wrestling" (i.e. WWF) as depicted on television, is entirely different from the actual
sport of wrestling. So different, in fact, that there is little, if anything in common.

The Actual Sport of Wrestling

  • Based on self discipline, hard work, skill and determination.
  • Conducted on a mat with regulation shoes, kneepads and headgear.
  • Physically demanding, but relatively safe and non-violent. Does not involve or even tolerate actions intended to cause injury.
  • World-class wrestlers utilize skills, strength and endurance developed over a llifetime of practice and hard work.

"Professional Wrestling"

  • Based on theatrics, entertainment value and shock factor.
  • Conducted in a ring with boots and outrageous costumes.
  • Violent in nature with contestants depicting punching, kicking, body slams, etc.
  • Showcase events typically involve participants with no amateur (real) wrestling experience.

Wrestling is perhaps the purest form of athletic competition to exist in the realm of organized
sports. There are no bats or balls, or pucks or sticks. No pads or helmets or jerseys. There's no
time to rethink strategy, regroup, or even to catch your breath. There's only you, and your
opponent of equal weight and size. Experience, preparation and the will to succeed will determine the victor. There's no doubt about it, wrestling tops the list of intense, highly-competitive sports.

Wrestling involves a unique balance of practically every aspect of physical and psychological
conditioning. Strength is as important as stamina. Speed as technique, strategy as intensity, and
power as is coordination. However, it's not always the natural athlete that ultimately succeeds in
the sport - it's the natural competitor.

Kids that are strong for their weight, well coordinated and naturally aggressive are usually more
successful early on in the sport. However, it's the highly competitive kids that really enjoy the
sport, that eventually achieve the highest levels of success. True competitors come in all shapes
and sizes, and in varying degrees of natural talent. Many of the best wrestlers the world has ever
seen, such as John Smith, Dan Gable and Dave Schultz were not star athletes. They are and
were ordinary people with an extraordinary competitive drive.

Gifted athletes, especially those that are strong and well coordinated, typically do well and take
an early liking to the sport. Some kids that thrive on competition, with only average or below
average natural ability, often surprise parents and coaches by eventually surpassing more gifted
kids through hard work and preparation.

Although it is wise for parents and coaches to de-emphasize winning, victories can be extremely
gratifying because of the strong sense of personal accomplishment. The effort put forth in
practice and preparation is apparent in competition, and not lost in a team effort. This aspect of
wrestling can be a great motivator and teacher, and can develop a person's work ethic, self confidence, and ability to achieve in all areas of life. Wrestling is great for exposing the
"champion" within most any kid, but especially with those that love to compete.

Wrestling is considered an individual sport, but includes many of the benefits of team sports.
Wrestling differs from most team sports in that during competition, athletes must rely entirely on
their own individual abilities for success. Those that dedicate the time and effort will eventually
achieve at a level directly proportionate to the investment they have made - even if their
teammates prepare and perform at a different level.

Similarities exist in that teammates still depend on each other in team competition. Team victories in meets and tournaments are determined by the number of individual victories, and the extent to which each match was won or lost. Wrestlers also develop an appreciation and respect for teammates that have been through the same challenges, and a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie with teammates and other wrestlers.

Other team sports may be better for developing interactive player-to player skills such as passing and blocking, but wrestling can offer benefits that other team sports lack. The individual nature of the sport provides an outstanding opportunity for young athletes to develop a sense of
responsibility and self esteem while learning the relationship between effort and achievement.

Sports offer opportunities for children to improve their strength, flexibility and coordination, while
having fun. Most sports activities rely more on some muscle groups and less on others. For
example, most sports focus primarily on pushing motions (leg/arm extension) such as throwing,
hitting, kicking, jumping and running.

Experts believe that unilateral (equal emphasis on all muscle groups) physical development is
especially important in young athletes. Isolated development at an early age, over a long period,
increases the risk of injury and limits long-term foundational growth. Swimming, gymnastics and
wrestling are among the few sports that engage both pulling and pushing muscle groups.

Of all the sports choices a parent and child can make, wrestling is perhaps the best sport for
overall physical development because it involves all muscle groups, and requires the greatest
balance of athletic skill. In other words, wrestling does more to improve basic things such as
strength, balance, speed, agility and intensity, and is not as specialized as most other common

Aggressiveness, Yes. Violence, No. Wrestling is often referred to as the toughest sport, and in
many ways it is, but it is certainly not violent, nor does it lead to unruly or destructive behavior.
One of the factors that makes wrestling so different from most other sports is that wrestling
involves head-to-head competition. Each wrestler's efforts work in direct opposite from each other as in a tug-of-war contest. Success in wrestling requires the ability to attack, as well as the ability to stop your opponent's attack. The same factors apply with boxing and martial arts, but an attack in wrestling is nonviolent. Wrestling does not permit opponents to strike one another, and
imposes strict penalties or disqualification for violent behavior. In essence, wrestling is unique in
the fact that it can be very aggressive without being violent. The objective is not to destroy or
harm one's opponent, but to out-maneuver them and to gain control.

The intensity with which wrestlers compete increases with age and experience. Kids wrestling,
especially the younger age groups, in not nearly as intense as high school or college wrestling.
It's common for new wrestlers to feel somewhat intimidated at first, not knowing how they
compare with other wrestlers, but that is soon overcome. Wrestling, perhaps more than any other
sport, is a great for building confidence while retaining a healthy dose of humility. The long-term
result is that it develops the champion from within, and leads to greater success both on and off
the mat, and does not turn kids into bullies or thugs.

Some parents feel that wrestling is too intense for young kids, and that it is better suited for post pubescent teenage years. Denying a child the opportunity to participate in wrestling until high
school greatly reduces their chance of success. Wrestling is a sport involving very complex
technique that can take many years to master. A great high school athlete with little or no
wrestling experience has little or no chance against an 8 or 10 year veteran. Some kids can close this gap by their last year of high school, but like most sports these days, starting younger seems to be the norm.

There are two entry points prior to high school - kid's clubs and middle school wrestling. Both are
very accommodating for new wrestlers. Age and maturity level is not a factor by the time kids are
in middle school, but at the club level, kids can enter wrestling as young as 4 or 5 years of age.
There is no easy way to know when a child is mature enough to be participating in a new sport.
Some might be ready at three, while others might not develop an interest for wrestling until their
early teens. The best approach is to introduce kids to the sport at a time and pace that is
consistent with their interest level, backing off when necessary, and allowing more participation
as their interest grows. In any case, it is important NOT to involve very young kids in a highly
competitive program. Parents with young wrestlers should check that their club can properly
accommodate young wrestlers with a separate, less competitive regimen involving more fun,
"tumbling" types of activities, with virtually no emphasis on any of the serious, more competitive
aspects of the sport.

There is a common misperception among the non-wrestling public that wrestling is a very
dangerous sport. Perhaps it's the aggressive nature of the sport, association with "Pro Wrestling", or perhaps fear of the unknown. Several studies have been conducted in recent years that show wrestling to be safer than many more common sports including football, ice hockey and gymnastics. Most notable in these reports, is wrestling's low percentage of serious, permanent and life-threatening injury in relation to other sports. A quote from USA Wrestling Club Organizing Guide has the following to say about Risk of Injury: "Wrestling is a contact sport and injuries will occur. As would be expected, wrestling has more injuries than tennis and swimming, but most wrestling injuries are minor, consisting of sprains and strains. Wrestling has fewer serious injuries than football, basketball or ice hockey. There is a lesser chance of getting
seriously hurt when wrestling than when riding in a car, skateboarding or riding a
dirt bike."

Safety factors in some ways unique to wrestling include:




  • Rules, regulations, and state certified officials.
  • The high ratio of officials to athletes (one for every two).
  • Greater strength and flexibility as a result of more emphasis on practice and preparation.
  • Competitors are matched by age and weight.




Perhaps the most notable difference with respect to the risk of injury, is the lack of high-impact
collision that occurs in most other common sports. Wrestlers do collide, but never at great
momentum or speeds as can happen with sports that involve running such as football, baseball,
soccer, hockey and basketball. Also, overuse injuries from highly repetitive motions such as
pitching are virtually non-existent in youth wrestling because of the variety of movement, and
there is no risk of injury from hard objects such as bats, sticks, balls or pucks. On the other hand, wrestlers are more susceptible to some communicable skin infections such as ringworm, but these incidents are quite rare, and can be prevented with the proper precautions, such as
washing the mat and showering after practice.

Wrestling injuries can and do occur, but are more of a factor at the collegiate and international
levels where match intensity is much higher. Most injuries occur during periods of horseplay or
unsupervised activities such as before or after practice or competition. Parents and coaches can reduce this risk through proper planning and preparation.

Success factors in sports, or anything for that matter, are part God-given (i.e. height and size)
and part acquired (i.e. endurance). Success in wrestling depends most on acquired factors, and
unlike most other sports, wrestling does not favor athletes of any particular height, size, weight,
muscle type*, race or social class, and does not rely on superior vision or hearing.
Wrestlers learn, by the nature of the sport, that long-term success has much more to do with the
investment made than the "natural" gifts one is given. Wrestlers learn the value of preparation
and hard work, and the role it plays in achieving one's goals. Wrestling provides real-life
experiences that build and strengthen the following character traits:





  • Self Reliance
  • Mental Toughness
  • Work Ethic
  • Competitive Spirit
  • Responsibility
  • Self Discipline
  • Goal Orientation
  • Confidence





In order to keep this in perspective, one must realize that character development is a slow
process, driven by a variety of positive and negative influences with varying degrees of impact.
Sports can play a significant role in character development, but other influences may have an
even greater impact. Wrestling, in itself, is not a character development solution, but years of
participation can provide positive influences. A person's overall character includes many other
dimensions, such as integrity and compassion, that may have little if anything to do with sports.
* Muscle types are categorized as fast-twitch and slow-twitch. Fast-twitch muscle fibers deliver
power, and are favored in explosive sports such as football. Slow-twitch fibers are superior in
endurance activities such as long distance running. Training can compensate for some of this
difference, however, it's a known fact that the ratio of slow-twitch to fast-twitch fibers varies from
person to person, providing some with a "natural" advantage over others in particular sports.

NO! There's no weight cutting in youth wrestling programs. It's true that weight cutting does exist
at the high school and collegiate levels, but there are quite a few public misconceptions.
Some parents automatically associate wrestling with excessive, out-of-control weight loss, akin to anorexia and bulimia. In reality, the opposite is true - wrestlers gain control of their body weight
and body composition, and are able to set and achieve reasonable goals with respect to muscle
mass, fat percentage and body weight.

This form of weight control is more of a factor in later years, when competing at high school or
collegiate levels, but coaches and wrestlers at that level are well aware of health and safety
factors, and not likely to engage in unhealthy or risky forms of weight loss. Furthermore, state and national governing bodies, such as USA Wrestling, now prohibit any form of rapid or unsafe
weight loss.

To some, the practice of any sort of weight control for the purpose of competing in a sport may
still seem extreme and unnecessary, however, at the appropriate age, with proper education,
planning and discipline, weight control can be a good thing that caries into other sports and can
be an asset in maintaining one's health later in life. Proper weight control results in optimum body composition, allowing athletes to compete in peak physical condition, with the greatest ratio of strength, energy and power to body weight. These are factors in virtually every sport at the
Olympic level.

With young wrestlers, it is only appropriate to discuss concepts. It can be a good time to explain
how healthy eating can have an impact on performance, or to discuss the difference between
healthy foods and "junk foods". Virtually all kids can learn and benefit from this information, even
at a young age.

Who would win in a fight between a world class boxer and a black belt kung-fu expert? How
about an NFL linebacker versus a world-renowned jiu-jitsu champion? Opinions vary widely, but
the truth of the matter is that each sport, or self-defense discipline, offers its own unique
advantages that become more or less important depending on the situation. For example, boxing
skills are quite valuable in a fistfight, but are practically useless if attacked from behind.
Most fight situations begin as a fist fight, but end up on the ground in a grappling contest with the
better wrestler being the victor. Grappling, or wrestling skills, are actually more important in most
selfdefense situations, than the ability to punch or kick. The highly controversial sport of Ultimate
Fighting proves this point.

Ultimate fighting, much like organized street fighting, began in 1993 with contestants of virtually
every discipline. More than thirty forms of martial arts have been represented including everything from aikido to wing chun kung fu. Win/loss statistics compiled since inception list wrestling as the most effective discipline. Always able to take their opponent to the ground and remain in control, wrestlers with no other martial arts training fared extremely well against world renowned experts in Karate, Jiujitsu and other similar martial arts disciplines. Although wrestlers are relatively rare in the sport, past champions have included several excellent wrestlers such as Dan Severn and Mark Shultz, whom easily won matches against much bigger and stronger,
internationally acclaimed martial arts champions.

Involvement in wrestling is a great way to build confidence and the ability to defend one's self,
without resorting to the violent tactics inherent in most other forms of self-defense. Wrestling skills are an enormous asset in a schoolyard brawl or even a street fight, however, wrestling's nonviolent nature does not prepare one for other aspects of self-defense such as disabling or
disarming an assailant.

In the 1970's and early 1980's, with the exception of a few isolated incidents, wrestling was a
male-only sport. Over the last ten years female participation has increased to the point that it is
not uncommon to find girls participating in youth and high school programs. Women's divisions
have been created in U.S. and international freestyle competition, and some tournaments are
exclusively for women. Unlike Japan, where female participation sometimes exceeds male
participation, in the United States, there are still far fewer girls than boys, however, female
involvement is growing rapidly at all levels.

Girls can benefit from wrestling just as boys can; however, the social, mental and physical
challenges can be much greater. In addition to the normal challenges of the sport, a female
wrestler may feel singled out if she is the only girl on the team. Girls also face greater physical
challenges. Differences in strength can be minimal at young ages, but as children reach puberty,
boys typically gain a significant strength, advantage. Overcoming these challenges requires great determination and mental toughness; however, some girls have proven they can be successful competing against boys despite these obstacles.

Parents with daughters willing to accept these challenges should take the time to interview
coaches and be sure they are satisfied with the coaching staff's acceptance and effectiveness in
integrating girls into the program. If possible, it's best to select a team with other girls, or to join
with a girlfriend.

Wrestling, like soccer, is an international sport, prevalent in virtually every major country. It's also
the oldest organized sport, and dates back well over 5,000 years. Over time, many variations,
such as sumo wrestling, have developed in different parts of the world.

Wrestling in the United Stated is practiced in three styles: folkstyle, freestyle and Greco-Roman.
Folkstyle, the predominant form of scholastic wrestling in the United States, is found in our high
schools, colleges and clubs. This style is unique to the U.S. Rules are established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association [NCAA] and the National Federation of State High School

The other two styles, freestyle and Greco-Roman, are practiced internationally, and are gaining
popularity in the U.S. as we continue to advance as a world wrestling power.

World and Olympic championships in Freestyle and GrecoRoman wrestling are conducted by
FILA, the international governing body responsible for the administration and rule development of
the sport. USA Wrestling conducts annual regional and national tournaments in all three styles for male and female wrestlers of all ages.

The differences between Freestyle, Folkstyle and Greco-Roman are subtle to the novice
observer, but rather significant to the wrestler. There are differences in rules, scoring and
strategy. Freestyle and Greco-Roman focus more on wrestling from the feet. They are identical
except that Greco-Roman is limited to upper-body holds. Folkstyle, on the other hand, places
greater emphasis on establishing and maintaining control and involves more mat wrestling.
Wrestlers advancing beyond the college level can compete in Freestyle and/or GrecoRoman
World and Olympic competition, however there is no avenue to advance beyond that to a
professional level. It's unrealistic for wrestlers to fantasize about aspiring to the level of notoriety
and fame associated with other more popular sports, or to imagine themselves, one day earning
a living as a professional wrestler. Dan Gable, for example, is as much of a legend in wrestling as Michael Jordan is with basketball, but Dan is virtually unknown outside the wrestling community. It's not likely that wrestling champions will ever come to be known for their achievements in the sport.

Wrestlers of all ages can compete in weekly season tournaments held in most metropolitan areas throughout the United States. Tournament competition is organized by weight and age. Typical age brackets, for example, are as follows: 8 and Under, 9 & 10, 11 & 12, and 13 & 14. Weight classes are either predetermined, or blocked into groups of 4 or 8 after all wrestlers have weighed in.

Most school-sponsored tournaments are held on Saturdays. Most club-sponsored tournaments
during the school season are held on Sundays because officials are busy with school
tournaments. Wrestling tournaments can last for 4 to 6 hours, and can involve as many as 200 to 600 participants." Depending on the team schedule, there can be as many as ten or more
tournaments throughout the season, some of which can be as far as several hours away.
Registration is usually taken in advance, however, wrestlers can sometimes register at the door
when capacity has not been met. Mandatory weigh-ins are most often held the morning of the
12 tournament approximately 1 to 2 hours before the first round of competition. At weigh-in,
wrestlers' weights, ages and experience levels are recorded on slips of paper that are used to
form brackets. Some tournaments have pre-determined weight classifications, and brackets are
formed within those classifications.

A completed bracket sheet will show specific parings for each match. After each round, bracket
sheets are updated to show parings for the following round. Winners continue to advance, while
those that loose are typically eligible for "wrestle backs" in competition for third or fifth.
Four-man brackets are common with 8 and under age groups, and eight-man brackets are most
common for older age groups. There is usually a 30 to 60 minute period before the tournament
begins, when wrestlers can warm up and locate their bracket Wrestlers typically wrestle two to
four matches in any one tournament; however, it's possible in some situations to wrestle more.
Tournaments are organized in rounds, allowing wrestlers sufficient time to rest between matches. Before each round, pairings are determined, using result of the previous round, and wrestlers are called to a staging area or "bull pen". Wrestlers are then escorted to the mat by bracket, as mat space becomes available. Some tournaments call wrestlers to the mat by name instead of using the "bull pen" staging method.

Tournament regulations usually limit the number of coaches allowed to coach from the edge of
the mat. A referee starts and stops the match, awarding points when appropriate. When the
match is over, wrestlers shake hands and return to their coaches. In some cases, winners must
sign the score card at the scoring table. Trophies or metals are awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th , and sometimes 5th and 6th , after all matches in their bracket have been completed. Awards are sometimes presented at the scoring table immediately after the match, or as announced from the head table. Wrestlers are free to leave after awards are presented, unless there are team activities for which they need to be present.

Some kids tournaments exceed 600 participants. The Illinois Kids Open, for example, has drawn
over 1,600 participants, making it one of the largest one-day sporting events.

An effective coaching staff is essential in helping kids derive the greatest benefit from their
involvement in the sport. Coaches need to be effective in planning, organizing and running
practice sessions, and coaching mat-side during competition. They are also called upon in a host of other related activities, but most importantly, coaches should strive to create and maintain an environment in which the champion in every child can blossom.

It is the coach's responsibility to provide opportunities for growth, achievement and excellence
that can lead to success on and off the mat. A good wrestling coach is effective in preparing his
wrestlers for the challenges of competition and is able to instill positive values such as goal
setting and self-discipline, while maintaining a high degree of enjoyment and fulfillment for the

In addition, coaches must be perceptive, flexible and creative enough to address individual
needs. In summary, the coach should be a person wrestlers trust, look up to, learn from, and rely on for support. This is certainly a tall order given personal limitations and other commitments
most coaches face. It is more practical however, for these virtues to be present collectively within a coaching staff.

Wrestling can be relatively demanding, not only for the wrestler, but also for the parent. Wrestling
clubs typically hold practice sessions two, and sometimes three times per week, in the evening,
after the high school practice is over. Many open tournaments during the school wrestling season are held on Sundays, which may conflict with other family plans, but at a minimum require a good deal of preparation, driving and patience.

Some tournaments are a good distance from home, and usually require an early start. There are
other responsibilities as well, ranging from fund raising activities to helping with tournaments or
participating in other team activities. The parent's role, however, extends beyond such tasks.
Matches and practice sessions offer new and unique learning opportunities for young athletes.
Involved parents spot these opportunities and make the most of them.

Most importantly, kids need support and encouragement. They need to be able to stake claim to
something positive about themselves that they can build from in developing self-confidence.
Parents can facilitate this process by identifying and reinforcing strengths while helping their child to see past their weaknesses. Your positive reinforcement as a perceptive and caring parent can be the single most significant influence in your child's athletic development and personal growth.

A famous Lao-tsu quote sums it up like this..."To see things in the seed, that is Genius."
Here's some additional do's and don'ts:

  • Don't impose your ambitions or expectations on your child. Remember that wrestling is your child's activity.
  • Improvements and progress occur at different rates for each individual. Don't judge your child's progress based on the performance of other athletes and don't push them based on what you think they should be doing.
  • Be supportive no matter what. There is only one question to ask your child, "Did you have fun?"
  • If meets and practices are not fun you should not force them to participate.
  • Do not coach your child. Your job is to support, love and hug your child no matter what.
  • Conflicting advice and criticism work against the coach's efforts and only serve to confuse and demotivate your child. If you feel you have the experience and ability to contribute to the team as a coach, volunteer your services through the proper channels.
  • Get involved. Your club needs your help and support. Attend parent and club meetings to find out how you can help. And most importantly, show your child that you care by attending as many meets and tournaments as possible.
  • Acknowledge your child's fears. Their opponents appear to be much more intimidating through their eyes than through the eyes of a grown-up. Consider their perspective and don't expect them to compete with the confidence and mental toughness of a seasoned expert.
  • Do not criticize the officials. Unless you have been there, you have no idea how challenging officiating can be. Expect that in some matches your child could lose as a result of an error on the part of an official or score keeper. That's life. Help your child to understand that the official does their best to score the match fairly, and that it is important that we respect the ruling of the officials regardless of how we feel about the situation.

USA Wrestling supports and promotes amateur wrestling at all levels from youth programs to
international and Olympic competition. USAW provides services to wrestling clubs and their
individual participants, either directly, or through state organizations, fulfilling a variety of
important needs.

Bill Campbell is an avid wrestling fan and coach, and president of Young Champions, a youth
wrestling organization located in Wauconda, Illinois.
He can be reached via email at
[email protected]
6155 Lehman Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3439
719-598-8181 719-598-9440 (fax) for all your wrestling news

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