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Little League Canada

News Detail


Oct, 2022


 OTTAWA, ON – September 28, 2022; Little League Canada is pleased to announce that Corinne Chow is our new Vice-President, having accepted the nomination and subsequent acclamation to the position by the Class A members at the Little League Canada Annual General Meeting on August 13th, 2022, in Calgary, Alberta.

 We are looking forward to Corinne’s contributions in her new role based on her wealth of experience gained at local, provincial, and national levels.

 Below are some of Corinne’s Little League Volunteer career highlights.

 In 1985, Ms. Chow joined a local league in Vancouver, BC as a means to complete a 125-hour of internship in management of a volunteer organization. This has resulted in a lengthy career with Little League. Ms. Chow was the President of Little League British Columbia, BC Divisional Director on the Little League Baseball Canada Board of Directors, and the Canadian International Field Representative on the Little League International Board of Directors. She has been recognized for service with youth baseball. Ms. Chow is the recipient of the Marthe Dubroy award, Sport BC President’s Award, and the Little League International Meritorious Service Award.

 When asked about her new role, Ms. Chow said, “I have the privilege and the honor of working with so many talented and dedicated volunteers whose passion for Little League is outstanding and humbling. I am thrilled to embrace this new position and look forward to working together towards the next chapter of our continued growth of our program.”

 Little League Canada’s Board of Directors is very excited to have Ms. Chow as our Vice President, the organization looks forward to continuing to offer our amazing programs to children and youth around the country.


Little League Baseball Canada

#500 - 2210 Prince of Wales Drive 
Ottawa Canada K2E 6Z9   

Phone: 613-731-3301
Email: [email protected]

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