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Your College Gameplan

Benfica USA is committed to helping our Student Athletes with their College Gameplan.
Our coaches and directors have many contacts and insights to share. See below for upcoming events.

Additional Info - College Night 2017

See link below for handout:

Benfica USA College Night 2017

January 29th 2017 - College Night

BENFICA USA College Night 2017

Join our College Night to get a better understanding of the college admission process and soccer recruiting process. Our panel of NCAA College Coaches will share their expertise on playing at the next level from Division I, Division II, and Division III.


Players and their parents are invited to join Benfica Club Coaches and College Coaches at this informative session.


Some questions that will be answered:

•    How do I begin my college search process?

•    What are rules regarding the NCAA recruitment and the NCAA Clearinghouse?

•    How do I choose a college that meets my playing and academic needs?

•    How do I contact a college coach?

•    How do I earn an athletic or academic scholarship?


College Coaches Attending:

·         Seamus Purcell, Bryant University

·         Jodi Kenyon, Endicott College

·        Kim Penney, One-on-one College Consulting

·         Jennifer Hagopian, High School Guidance Counselor



When: Sunday, January 29th

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Where: Knights of Columbus, 112 Middlesex Ave, Wilmington


Please REGISTER HERE to reserve your seat(s) for this free event.

For more information contact: Coach Gentile


From Michelle Akers:
I got this question through FB. It's a common one and many folks struggle with this, so I thought I'd share.
Q. Michelle, I could use your help, my friend's daughter is a stand out three sport athlete in her second year of high school, coaches are telling her father that she needs to focus on one, any thoughts?
A. Unfortunately, I don't think there is ONE answer, but the general school of thought is if you want to excel at something, you gotta specialize and focus on that one thing. It's said it takes 10,000 hours to master something. That's a lot of focus and a lot of time to master or become an expert in a specific area or skill.

In saying that and applying it to this particular question of whether or not a high school athlete should specialize in one sport my opinion, it depends. It depends on 3 things:

⚽The age. Athletes who play multiple sports are over all better athletes and more mentally fresh (vs one sport athletes who can get burned out). Also being a multi-sport athlete allows for greater success when or if they choose to focus on one sport. Most pro athletes played many sports growing up then specialized in HS or college.

❤The athlete. Each person must pursue their greatest passion and what makes them excited to do and the have the most fun doing. That is the key to happiness and the ability to endure what it takes to be successful. If they love love love soccer and are begging to only play soccer, then let them. If they enjoy playing many sports, explain the point of view of these other coaches along with consequences of their choices, and let them choose. They are old enough to know what brings them joy and what is drag. And then whatever they choose, support them through the process.

🏆The dream. It's 1% or less of all athletes who actually make it to the top. Chances are your kid won't be on the US Team of play in the Olympics or professionally, but that shouldn't stop kids from dreaming about it. Dreams are meant to take us places. They fuel our passions. Sometimes those dreams come true to the very bullseye... and sometimes they take us to the place where we realize the dream was meant for something else and the path turns or widens into new possibilities. My point is it's about the kid. It's not about actually making the Olympics or winning the championship. It's about supporting the kid (including their dream) so they develop into who (the person) they are supposed to be as an adult. Notice I didn't say athlete in that sentence. As a parent (and coach) the athlete is always second to the person. Developing the person is or should be the primary focus.

So there you go. I hope this gives guidance or at least helps a little in answering this sometimes difficult decision.

What a College Coach Looks for in Recruits

Recruitment Sites

Online Recruitment Sites
Use Online Sites to create a profile, list your credentials and promote yourself.
Send links to your profile to the College Coaches, and they have privileges to search the database for you after tournaments.

CaptainU - Used by The Seacoast Showcase tournaments in March

GotSoccer - Used by numerous College Showcase tournaments.

All of our players have accounts in these databases which are linked to our Club.
Unsure of your account information - Contact [email protected]

Professional Advisors


I was lucky to be introduced to three professionals on the subject of preparing to play College Sports.   

On Monday November 4, 2013 they ran a fantastic introductory session which was well attended by many of our families.  They have provided us with an overview of the discussion as well as some guidelines.  Please take the time to read the attached documents and if you have additional questions or need further assistance feel free to contact them.  Their respective websites are linked below. 

This is a must for all our high school players/families as well as anybody else that wants to be pro-active in developing an early College Gameplan.

Please know there are NO ties to Benfica USA and any personnel to this event.  This is offered for your information only.  I hope you all take advantage of this great opportunity, 

Best regards,   Arthur




TCA 5 Keys to Playing College Sports.pdf
TCA Indicators for success.pdf
TCA Myths vs realities.pdf
TCA Vision Recruiting.pdf
TCA Your Personal Marketing Plan.pdf

Building a Student-athlete Profile.docx
Student-athlete Profile template.doc

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