Boys Teams
Practice Nights
NPL Practice Nights
Junior Academy* Wed only
Wednesday and Friday Nights Locations TBA
Friday Nights @Epping, NH
Invited players only
Seacoast Benfica USA Red 08/07
Seacoast Benfica USA Red 06/05
Seacoast Benfica USA Premier 05/04
Tuesday and ThursdayNights Locations TBA
Seacoast Benfica USA Premier 04/03
Seacoast Benfica USA Premier 2002☛
Girls Teams
Thursday Nights @Epping, NH
Seacoast Benfica USA White 08/07
Seacoast Benfica USA White 2006
Seacoast Benfica USA White 2005
Seacoast Benfica USA Premier 2004
Seacoast Benfica USA Elite 2004
Seacoast Benfica USA Premier 2003
☛Non-High School kids only
Locations will be announced once all field permits have been secured
Please note practice nights might not be the same in the winter and spring