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WFC Rangers Coaches 2014/15




Age Group

Head Coach

Age Group

Head Coach

BU12 Gold

Kevin Quinn

GU 12 Gold

Mary Schroeder

BU 13 Gold

Sean Conner

GU 13 Gold

Scott Caldwell

BU 13 Blue

Dan Abshier

GU 13 Blue

Dan Abshier

BU 14 Gold

Rob Knowles

GU 14 Gold

Dave Miller

BU 14 Blue

Blaine Colvin

GU 14 Blue

Rob Knowles

BU 15 Gold

Sipho Sibiya

GU 15 Gold

Marc Ronney

BU 15 Blue

Eric Michaelson

GU 15 Blue

Jamie Arthurs

BU 16 Gold

Jason Conway

GU 16 Gold

Travis Connell

BU 16 Blue

Nick Saletto

GU 16 Blue

 Molly Soltero

BU 17 Gold

Brendan Quillici

GU 17 Gold

Travis Connell

BU 17 Blue

Ian Cairns

GU 17 Blue

Molly Soltero

BU 18 Gold

Scott Caldwell

GU 18 Gold

Drew Smiley

GU18 Blue

Marc Ronney


 Age Group  Head Coach    Age Group  Head Coach

BU 13 White

Caleb Samms

GU 13 White

Matt Durkee

BU 14 White

Alfredo Tafoya

GU 14 White

Joe Mitchell

BU 15 White

Tom Wanne

GU 15 White

Suzanne Griffiths

      GU 16 White Joe Mitchell

WFC Rangers Coaches 2013/14




Age Group

Head Coach

Age Group

Head Coach

BU12 Gold

Sean Connor

GU 12 Gold

Matt Zigulis

BU 13 Gold

Rob Knowles

GU 13 Gold

Dave Miller

BU 13 Blue

Blaine Colvin

GU 13 Blue

Matt Durkee

BU 14 Gold

Kevin Quinn

GU 14 Gold

Marc Ronney

BU 14 Blue

Eric Michaelson

GU 14 Blue

Ben Twigg

BU 15 Gold

Rob Knowles

GU 15 Gold

Mary Schroeder

BU 15 Blue

Dan Abshier

GU 15 Blue

Matt Durkee

BU 16 Gold

Brendan Quilici

GU 15 White

Dan Abshier

BU 16 Blue

Ian Cairns

GU 16 Gold

Travis Connell

BU 17 Gold

Scott Caldwell

GU 16 Blue

Molly Soltero

BU 18 Gold

Jason Conway

GU 17 Gold

Drew Smiley

GU 17 Blue

Marc Ronney

GU 18 Gold

Travis Connell


BU 13 White

Alfredo Tafoya

GU 13 White

Joe Mitchell

BU 13  White

Lenin Ramirez Hernandez

GU 13 Black


BU 14  White

Mike Anderson

GU 14 White

Suzanne Griffiths

BU 15  White

Erik Seck/Jeremy Lugo

GU 15 Black

Suzanne Griffiths

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