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Whatcom FC Rangers

HS Development Framework


WFC Rangers believes that the pursuit of excellence in the areas of academics and soccer helps develop maturity and self-confidence. We believe that the experiences a player has with Rangers will be beneficial throughout his/her lifetime.

The focus is the development of the individual player in conjunction with team building and compettiveness. Our goal is to maximize the development of the individual through programming that challenges each player, a coaching staff that adheres to high standards, and first class facilities. WFC Rangers is resolute in dedicating its time and resources to the technical, tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of playing soccer.

Key Goals

  Group training & advanced concepts and tactics :

Training two teams together keeps the energy and enthusiasm and it enables coaches to teach 11v11 concepts.  Far too few of our players understand rhythm of play, 11v11 team defending, how to efficiently play different formations, work on game fitness, switch the point of attack on a 72 yard wide field, etc.

  Speed, Agility and Quickness :

Expanding the Speed & Agility camps into a year-long performance and injury prevention program that includes a winter strength program and a year-long fitness plan will better equip our players for the rigors of elite soccer and balancing two sports, reduce injuries and improve performance on the field.

  Coach Development:
Some of our most promising coaches are young and many are female. These coaches need specific assistance, guidance and development to leverage their potential.
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  College Choice Program :
Our College Choice Program is a well attended event.  We want to expand the college program to help all our players learn about college and how to pay for it whether they decide to play soccer in college or not.
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Guest players & challenging our players at training

Many of our coaches have invited guest players to train and play games with their teams.  This has successfully expanded their player pool which is something we struggle with due to our geographic restrictions.  Guest players can also motivate players on our rosters that have stagnated and are just going through the motions because there is no competition for spots.
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  Position Specific Training:
The ability to train positions in large enough group to enhance the learning and level of play is important to the older and higher level player.
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If you have questions or special requests, please email us at [email protected].

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A framework for the future

High School Development Framework

The Rangers’ High School aged boys and girls face unique challenges and different dynamics that need to be addressed. These include :
  • Challenging calendar 
  • Small training groups
  • Difficulty in large sided tactics and training
  • Maintaining and building a dynamic and challenging  training environment 
  • Joint training and team coordination 
  • HS specific programs (SAQ/ College Choice / Leadership, position specific training etc) 

 The HS Development Framework is the formalization of many of the best practices currently taking place in our club.  The program has been created by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of our club, striving to leverage and build on our strengths and improve areas where needed. Goals include improving the level and frequency of training sessions, providing a vehicle to integrate and develop coaches, improve inter-team dynamics and player knowledge.  The following is an overview of the framework for High School development that we are working toward. The current plan is to phase this in over the next two seasons for both the Girl's and Boy's programs. It's exciting and dynamic and the wave of the future.

Best Practices include:

  • Guest players/expanded training pool – training and games 
  • Joint or coordinated training program
  • College Choice/Education program
  • Strength/SAQ/iSoccer programs

Other Benefits

  • Showcases – Expansion and more options for attending 
  • Position specific training
  • Game conditioned training opportunities 
  • 11 v 11 group training & scrimmages 

 The challenge and goal is to work within our available personnel and existing structure, keep it affordable and create or grow programs to support our goals. Here is an overview of the areas we hope to address.

Guest players & challenging our players

Many of our coaches have invited guest players to train and play games with their teams.  This has successfully expanded their player pool which is something we struggle with due to our geographic restrictions.  Guest players can also motivate players on our rosters that have stagnated and are just going through the motions because there is no competition for spots.  Our top players are often neglected in training as we spend so much time working with the weaker players.  Older and more talented guest players are an excellent way to push our top players. 

Group training & advanced concepts and tactics

Another activity that has gained momentum of late is training two teams at the same time.  Our Ranger players (and I would say most players) look forward to well attended training sessions.  We are fortunate, in Whatcom County, to have most of the best female athletes participating in Rangers.  Unfortunately, this means that they have conflicts with some of the practices and we often see trainings with 8-10 players.  Showing up for these trainings can take the wind right out of your sails.  Training two teams together keeps the energy and enthusiasm and it enables coaches to teach 11v11 concepts.  Far too few of our players understand rhythm of play, 11v11 team defending, how to efficiently play different formations, work on game fitness, switch the point of attack on a 72 yard wide field, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                           

College Choice Program & Speed & Agility

Our College Choice Program & Speed & Agility Camps are some of our most attended events.  We want to expand the college program to help all our players learn about college and how to pay for it whether they decide to play soccer in college or not.  Expanding the Speed & Agility camps into a year-long performance and injury prevention program that includes a winter strength program and a year-long fitness plan will better equip our players for the rigors of elite soccer and balancing two sports, reduce injuries and improve performance on the field.

Enhancing training experience and managing age groups

It is impossible for a part time DOC to know everything that is happening with every team in the club.  Our ADOC’s of specific age groups have improved the hands on knowledge of the age group and their leadership has improved the communication of the coaches in those age groups and has helped dramatically with guest playing and play up issues.  The GHS Program has taken this one step further with the ADOC becoming the program director / head coach.  This program director works with a staff of 3-7 coaches to coach the high school age girl’s teams.  This creates a seamless working relationship between all the coaches of these teams.  The communication to the players and parents is one voice.  The experience of players and parents is much more similar from team to team and they know what to expect in the future as it is all planned out in advance by the coaching staff.  Player movement is much smoother in this model and the players get the benefit of having 3-5 coaches at their training and games instead of just one.  Different players will connect with different coaches and there will be the opportunity for much more individual feedback and position specific training with a larger staff. We have combined age groups to form league teams and showcase teams.  These teams help create opportunities for the top players in our club that they would not otherwise get to experience.  Some of these teams have been very successful on the field and it has enabled some players to continue to play soccer in Bellingham instead of going south to reach their goals in this sport.

Coach development

Some of our most promising coaches are young and many are female. These coaches need specific assistance, guidance and development to leverage their potential. We’d like our best female coaches to be coaching our best female players. Working with a staff and diverse group enhances a coaches learning and development. It challenges them and if structured into their regular calendar should allow us to enhance their knowledge and the player’s experience, while accelerating their growth.

Structure & Staff

The program director will work with a staff, including team specific coaches, a goalkeeper coach and strength & fitness coach, to coach the high school age girls’ teams in trainings, tournaments and the RCL. They will also implement the College Choice program, Leadership program and strength & Conditioning program. 
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