For Rainouts, please call on the day of the rainout or to the link below:
City of
Brentwood Parks: (925)
516 - 5315 (
City of
Oakley (Freedom Basin Park): (925)
625 - 7039 (
Please be aware that not all fields are available for use. Due to the expense, Impact Soccer Club does not reserve all fields for recreational practice. Teams practice where it is convenient to the volunteer coach. If you have any questions regarding field use, please contact the
Fields Directors. If you have an issue with field lining or equipment for games, such as goals and flags, please contact the
Fields Manager.
Almond Park
Apple Hill Park
Bristow Middle School
Delta Vista Middle School
Excelsior Middle School
Freedom High School
Garin Park
Gehringer Elementary School
Laurel Ball Fields Park
Loma Vista Park
Miwok Park
O'Hara Park Fields 2 and 3
Ron Nunn Elementary School
Summerwood Park
Sunset Athletic Park
Brentwood Fields are closed after heavy rains for a minimum of 24 hours. If you have a question about field closures, see the "Brentwood Rain Outs" page in RELATED LINKS ABOVE.
Fields may be closed due to rain and/or poor soccer field conditions at any time by the
Parks and Recreation Departments of the City of Brentwood or the City of Oakley. Impact Soccer Club is not responsible for lost practice or playing time due to field closures. Impact Soccer Club DOES cooperate with the local agencies to protect our soccer fields, which are some of the best in the East County. Wet fields are easily torn up by soccer cleats and can take weeks to rejuvenate the grass. If you encounter wet field conditions, please DO NOT TRAIN THERE.