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Community Rowing in Lakewood, Washington

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Learn more about the season and program by attending one of our pre-season information meetings at the boathouse at Harry Todd Park

August 20, 2024 at 6:30pm August 21, 2024 at 6:30pm

Boathouse Address:
8928 N Thorne Lane SW
Lakewood, WA 98498

Middle School Fall Season 2024

Season Overview

The Middle School team at CBRC is built around setting a strong foundation in rowing by learning a new sport and new skills. Through CBRC, middle school youth get the opportunity to excel at a challenging sport, while improving their confidence, strength and fitness level. We are committed to teaching skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, hard work, and accountability.

The Middle School team at CBRC provides an introduction to rowing while learning how to be an athlete by incorporating movement circuits and stretching.

Though not competing, middle schoolers, are encouraged but not required to attend regattas. Especially for those hoping to be part of the varsity team in high school, it is a chance to learn the competition aspect of rowing and to contribute as part of the CBRC community and as future competitive rowers.

Middle School Program:

During the Fall Middle School rowing program, athletes learn and improve on basic rowing skills in small
and medium boats. Athletes build body awareness and strength, with emphasis on learning and FUN!
Participants in this program will practice as a middle school squad, and occasionally with the younger high
school novice rowers.

New rowers in 8th grade are encouraged to complete their first year at CBRC in the non-competitive middle school program. An 8th grade athlete may decide to register for the High School Novice program instead, in order to practice more frequently and have the chance to compete. For more details, clarification, and how best to decide for you, please contact a coach. 

Practice Calendar

All practices will be held at the CBRC boathouse or on the water at Harry Todd Park and American Lake in Tillicum, WA. 

  • Start: September 9, 2024
  • End: October 24, 2024
  • Days: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 
  • Time: 3:45 - 5:45 p.m.*
*Some local schools release later than others, if you are concerned with practice start time, please contact a coach.

Fees and Requirements

The participation fee for Middle School Fall 2024 program is $450.

* Please see "Registration and Payment" below for full member participation requirements, fee details and scholarship information.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] for further inquiries (please include in your subject line: Attention Juniors Rowing Coach)

Registration and Payment

General Participation Requirements

Registration is required for all athletes participating in rowing at CBRC.

  1. Each rower is required to register online before participating in each rowing season.
  2. Athletes must also hold a current USRowing Championship membership, have their member number available, and sign a USRowing online waiver. The cost of a Championship membership is $65.00 which is obtained from USRowing, (see more below).
  3. Finally, please sign and submit the Declaration of Swimming ability waiver found at the end of the Fall Season guide. The Guide is distributed upon registration or upon parent request.

Fall Season Registration and Fees


  • Registration will open on August 5, 2024
  • Please complete your registration by Friday, September 20, 2024
  • New to CBRC? Create an account by clicking Register at the top of this page.
  • Returning rowers: click Login at the top of this page.
  • You may choose the Pay by Check option to make payment arrangements or pay the total by check.

Fall Season Fee for the Middle School program- $450.00

Recruit a friend to join for the Fall season and get a 25% discount off of the season fee.

Partial and full scholarships available, see details below.

The season fee covers club operating costs, including practice costs, coaching, payroll taxes, launch gas, repair costs, insurance, etc.

Should you need to request a refund, our refund policy can be read here.

Additional Fees

The season fee does not include the following:

  • US Rowing Championship Membership ($65.00). This is required for club insurance purposes. Keep in mind, this program is non-competitive.
  • Team Clothing Fees (optional and variable)

The Middle School Squad does not compete in regattas. If an athlete/family chooses to attend a regatta as a spectator or volunteer, costs for transportation, parking, and food are not covered.


USRowing Membership

A USRowing membership is required for participation in rowing at CBRC.

To obtain a USRowing member number, please visit USRowing Membership.

  • Championship membership is $65/yr and is required to participate in the Middle School program at CBRC to take advantage of lower cost insurance for our athletes.
  • US Rowing memberships are good for one year from the date of purchase and are renewable at $55.00.
  • Financial assistance through the "Bridge" option for youth athletes with demonstrated financial restrictions is available through USRowing.

Parent Volunteer Commitment

Volunteering is essential to the success of all of our programs at CBRC.

Parents are expected to help with at least one CBRC event or committee, for example: manning the food tent at regattas or helping out at our fund raiser date and time TBD.


Optional Equipment Replacement or Program Support Donation

 When you register, you can choose to donate $50 or $100 to support CBRC equipment and programs. 

  • Yes, please accept my donation of _____; or No, thank you.

Need-Based Scholarships

At CBRC we are deeply committed to providing a rowing experience to all area youth. 

Scholarship applications are confidentially accepted and welcomed on a need basis.

You can learn more about the scholarships available through the George Pockock Rowing Foundation and apply confidentially here

Support CBRC by donating here.

Contact Us


Facebook: @combayrow

Instagram: @commencementbayrowingclub

Twitter: @combayrow

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 99512
Lakewood, WA 98496

Boathouse Address:
8928 N Thorne Lane SW
Lakewood, WA 98498

Contact Us


PO Box 99512 
Lakewood, Washington 98496

Email: [email protected]


PO Box 99512 
Lakewood, Washington 98496

Email: [email protected]
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