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Lynnhaven Baseball

Lynnhaven Baseball


This division is Kid Pitch baseball for players ages 9-10. Previous baseball experience is not required, however players are asked to try out in an effort to evenly balance the teams. All players will be assigned a team.

You Will Need:
  • Batting helmet
  • Baseball bat (must have USA stamp on it)
  • Glove
  • White baseball pants
  • Baseball socks (color is dependent on team assignment)
  • Baseball belt (color is dependent on team assignment)
  • Athletic cup is recommended but not required. 
  • Catchers may use their own gear, or the team set


Play will be governed in accordance with the By-Laws of Lynnhaven Baseball & official rules of the MLB, except as explained below. 

  • Games will consist of 6 innings.  A game that ends early for any reason (weather or other reason) will be considered an official game if 3 full innings are completed.  A game that is tied after 6 complete innings will end as a tie. 
  • Games will be ‘No New Inning’ after 1 hour 40 minutes of time. 
  • Games will be played as long as both teams have at least 8 players present.  Games cancelled due to lack of players will count as a forfeit and will not be made up.
    -  Teams having only 8 players will play with two outfielders.
    -  No at-bat will be recorded as an automatic out regardless of the number of players present for a team.
    -  A team with fewer than 8 players for a game may employ Guest Player(s) from other LBB Minors Division or LBB Rookie Division teams in order to play the game with 8 or 9 players.  The opposing Manager must be notified of the guest players prior to the start of the game, and if he/she wishes to have the game count as a forfeit for the team with not enough players, will contact the Division Director.
    -  A player who arrives after the first pitch is considered late.  Late players are eligible to participate in the game, and will be inserted into the batting order as the last batter.
  • Games will have 5 runs max per inning per team for innings 1-4.  No run limit will exist in the 5th and 6th inning.
  • The Mercy Rule is in effect.  At the end of Inning 3, if the losing team is losing by 15 runs, the game will end.  In Inning 4 or beyond, if the losing team is losing by 10 runs and has batted at least 4 times, the game will end.
  • All players present will participate in continuous batting order.
  • Teams will use free substitution.  No player will sit the bench for more than 2 consecutive innings unless necessitated by injury.
  • We will not play dropped 3rd strikes.  Regardless of whether the third strike is caught or dropped by the catcher, the batter is out. 
  • Infield fly rule is NOT in play.
  • Leading and Stealing:
    -  Runners may NOT lead off any base at any time prior to the pitched ball crossing home plate. 
    -  Runners may steal any base only after the pitched ball has crossed the plate.
    -  Unless they are in the act of stealing the next base, runners with a lead must return to the base once the pitcher has addressed the pitching plate in possession of the ball.
    -  A baserunner stopping their forward momentum and retreating to their previously occupied base is required to go back except in the following:
    >  Catcher overthrows the pitcher, or
    >  Catch/pitcher attempts to make a play on the baserunner.  
  • Pitching:
    -  Pitch counts will be governed by the Pitch Smart guidelines.   
    -  Balks are not in effect for the entire season.
    -  Intentional walks are not allowed.  
  • Teams are encouraged to use a courtesy runner for the catcher only with two outs in the inning.  The last player to record an out will be the courtesy runner.  

Division Director
Jonathan Rebuck
[email protected]

Refund Policy:  Registrations that are cancelled before uniforms are ordered will be fully refunded, minus the service fees. Registrations that are cancelled after uniforms are ordered will receive a partial refund, minus the uniform expense and service fees.  After the first game, registrations may not be cancelled and refunds will not be given.


Lynnhaven Baseball
586 North Lynnhaven Road 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452

Email: [email protected]

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