All players must register online and complete payment for tryouts prior to the tryout date. Players are encouraged to attend both tryout dates. There will be no ID clinics prior to tryouts. Tryout dates listed below are the only time players will be evaluated for selection to the 2021 TBU WPSL team. *Please check our webpage frequently for the most updated information as changes to the tryout schedule could occur with limited notice.
TRYOUT FEE*: $50.00 (Cost if you are attending 1 tryout or both dates)
May 14, 2021 |
4:00 - 6:00PM
17 - 23** |
Waters Sportsplex 8108 Benjamin Rd. Tampa, FL 33634 |
May 15, 2021 |
9:00 - 10:30AM
17 - 23** |
Ed Radice Sports Complex 14720 Ed Radice Dr., Tampa, FL 33626 |
AGE GROUPS: Females 17-23 years old (2004 - 1998 B.Y.) **3 overage players are permitted to be rostered
*Registration is through the Sports Connect platform. All registrants will be charged $3 service fee by Sports Connect.
1. Existing account members: Register using your existing player's account
2. New account members: Create an account by clicking "registration - create new account"
APPLICABLE WPSL AGE GROUPS WPSL: Females 17-23 years old *3 overage players are permitted to be rostered.
LEAGUE PLAY DATES: May - July 2021. A list of the scheduled games can be found here.
*If selected your tryout fee of $50 will go towards final registration ($250). Included in registration cost is uniforms, player insurance and registration.
If you wish to learn more about the WPSL, visit the WPSL website, www.wpslsoccer.com or visit our recent press release here.
Questions about WPSL tryouts or WPSL league, contact the TBU WPSL General Manager, Adrian Bush at [email protected]