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Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Baseball Association

Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Baseball Association

Requirement Checklist


1. Sign up for a USA Baseball Education account at:
A. When completing your profile choose Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Baseball Association as your organization
2. Complete the required coaching education (see the chart below)
3. Enroll in and complete BASE Compliance on your USA Baseball Account
A. This requires the ANNUAL completion of the Abuse Awareness for Adults course and a Standard Background Check
B. The league will provide you with a coupon code to complete the background check
4. Complete an approved Concussion Awareness course
A. Options are listed below and are good for 3 years
5. Attend 1 clinic offered by CFABA or USA Baseball annually

ALL COACHES - Each year EVERY coach, new or returning must
1. Complete BASE Compliance
A. Completing the Abuse Awareness for Adults Course Annually - even if you did it last year - click restart course and do it again!
B. Complete a Standard Background Check through USA Baseball
2. Upload your concussion certificate to the CFABA Website where you sign up to volunteer
3. Attend 1 clinic per calendar year
4. Have an acknowledgement of Lindsays Law on file - if you are a parent you did this when signing up your player - if you do not have a child in the program you can print off the form and give it to your league president:

ALL requirements must be completed by all coaches. 

Coaching Education Program

Program Rationale:

While those who coach in the Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Baseball Association (CFABA) are all volunteers, there is a need for all coaches at every level to understand the fundamentals of the game, the developmental differences between ages ranges, the concepts of coaching children, and health and safety issues associated with the game. Therefore, the CFABA has developed a comprehensive coaching education program that includes both online and in person requirements.

Program outcomes:

At the end of each stage of the program coaches will:

1.     Understand the rules, safety precautions, and developmental stages of their age range.

2.     Be capable of teaching fundamental baseball skills to players at the appropriate level.

3.     Advance individual player development through a supportive and nurturing environment.

4.     Teach and display good sportsmanship, respect towards players, respect towards opposing coaches, and respect towards game officials.

Program Outline:

Through a hybrid approach, coaches will learn and participate in training sessions that are appropriate for the skill and age level they coach. The program will progress in content as coaches matriculate through the leagues. Each coach (both head coach and all assistants) will be expected to complete the requirements for each level of coaching, without exception. Should circumstances occur outside of their control coaches can petition the CFABA board to find alternative methods to fulfill any missing requirements.

All head coaches/managers as well as each league approved assistant coach must be compliant with all of the coaching program requirements prior to the start of the league year.

CDC Heads Up Concussion Instructions

To complete the CDC Heads Up Concussion Certification follow these steps:
  1. Click the link above
  2. On the page either sign into your previous account or create a new account
  3. Choose the heads up concussion  choice when available
  4. After creating  your account and choose Heads Up Concussion you will be promoted to choose a designation because of Ohio requirements
  5. First click on Local Agency (By Region)
  6. Choose Northeast Central Region
  7. Then choose Volunteers
  8. You can then finish you account and proceed with instructions

Program Outline


Coaches will be required to create a USA Baseball account and progress through their online coaching certificate program. This program focuses on player safety, player development, coaching development as well as youth protection. The program is free and as a coach progresses they will be expected to  obtain the next level of certification from USA Baseball culminating with all E and F league coaches obtaining the C Certification.

When you sign up on USA Baseball's website please sign up as a  member of Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Baseball Association. Spell the whole name out and do not use CFABA. 

To create a free account with USA Baseball click here:


Each head coach, at all levels, will be expected to attend the annual CFABA Coaching Seminar and Workshop. This face to face seminar and workshop will provide hands on education, rules clarification, and coaching development based upon both CFABA standards and expectations as well as league specific needs. Assistant coaches are invited to attend the workshop as well, however they are not required. In addition to the CFABA Coaching Seminar and Workshop, each coach obtaining their USA Baseball C Certificate are required to attend a USA Baseball Coaches Clinic. These clinics are free to attend and offered several times throughout the year at various locations in the state.


Additionally, all coaches (both head coach and assistant coaches) must pass an annual background check, complete concussion certification, and complete all Lindsay’s Law requirements. All of these additional requirements are free to coaches. All requirements must be complete prior to the start of the first day of practice. For all other coaching requirements please see the league rules handbook.

Lindsay's Law - Completed when signing up with the league
Background Checks -Completed by JD Palatine through USA Baseball
Concussion Certification - can be obtain through NFHS or CDC


Any new coach to a league must hold the requirements for the previous league in order to be permitted to begin coaching. Coaches will have 1 league year to obtain the appropriate USA. Baseball Certificate for their league. Coaches will not be permitted to coach a second year in league if they fail to obtain the proper certification. Attendance at the CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop is required and no grace period is awarded.


Coaching Education Progression



4U, 6U and 8U





Face to Face Requirements

Annual CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop

Annual CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop

Annual CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop

Annual CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop

Annual CFABA Coaching Symposium and Workshop

USA Baseball Coaching Certification Requirements

A Certificate

A Certificate +

B Certificate

A Certificate +

B Certificate +

C Certificate –

Online Portions only

A Certificate +

B Certificate +

C Certificate

A Certificate +

B Certificate +

C Certificate

Additional Requirements

Background Check, Concussion Certification, Lindsay’s Law, Code of Conduct

Background Check, Concussion Certification, Lindsay’s Law, Code of Conduct

Background Check, Concussion Certification, Lindsay’s Law, Code of Conduct

Background Check, Concussion Certification, Lindsay’s Law, Code of Conduct

Background Check, Concussion Certification, Lindsay’s Law, Code of Conduct

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