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Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club


The program shall be primarily, a traveling competitive program. Players who love to play soccer and are interested in being challenged and improving their soccer skills should consider trying out for the DRSC. Teams will be fielded as coaches, fields and equipment allow. All
attempts will be made to accommodate all players who have signed up. The Board may elect to conduct tryouts. If it is not possible to accommodate all the players who have signed up, or if an age group has enough players to field multiple teams, some selection processes, which weighs player evaluation data will be used to create an "a" and "b" team. The board will be the ultimate
arbiter of the division in which the teams will compete.

Players shall register yearly with The DRSC and pay registration and participation fees. The DRSC will ensure appropriate MYSA registration and may set registration deadline dates. If the deadline has passed players will be accommodated according to the last registration procedure. Adults shall be listed on an MYSA adult affiliation form where applicable. Players shall fill out a MYSA/USYSA Membership form or approved alternative form and shall verify their date of birth with an acceptable form of documentation, such as a Birth Certificate. Registrations not accompanied by payment will be automatically placed on a Pending List. If payment is made prior to the registration deadline the member's registration will be accepted as a regular on time registration. If payment is made after the registration deadline the member will be placed on the Late Registration Waiting List as of the date payment was made.

Players who do not register before registration deadlines shall be registered and placed on a time ordered Late Registration Waiting List. Every attempt will be made to place players in The DRSC's soccer programs. The Board of Directors shall determine player placement. In the event it is not possible to place players from the Late Registration Waiting List, The DRSC will investigate the possibility of placement with a neighboring soccer organization.

Fees for participation and uniforms shall be decided by the Board of Directors and shall be due and payable at registration for individual programs. All fees must be paid prior to participation in each season, league, or tournament.

Any additional fees during the calendar year will be negotiated by the coaches and parents during the season. Non-payment of fees will disqualify family members from future registration. The grievance process will guide disputes.

Players shall be grouped in accordance with MYSA Guidelines and guidelines as determined by each season, league, or tournament.

Roster sizes are determined by direction of the Board of Directors and in accordance with League, MYSA and USYSA guidelines. All roster changes must be communicated to the Registrar. All rosters must be approved by the Board of Directors. For any outside tournament only registered DRSC players are eligible for rostering.

• Under 19 - Size 5
• Under 16 - Size 5
• Under 14 - Size 5
• Under 12 - Size 4
• Under 10 - Size 4

Or as determined by League, MYSA and USYSA guidelines

Players shall wear uniforms selected or approved by The Board.

The coaches shall provide support to the referees at all times and act in a manner specified by the MYSA Code of Conduct. Coaches and all other DRSC members will abide in, rules of conduct as may be stated in rules of play, constitution, by-laws, or other applicable document by SCSL, MYSA, FIFA, USSF or DRSC.

If a player is ejected from the game by a referee they will, at a minimum, not be allowed to participate in the next game. This applies to all games including any Championship games. Ejections will be dealt with in accordance with MYSA guidelines). If any other member is ejected, the board through the Vice President or designee will conduct an investigation of a possible Code of Conduct violation and take any action that the Board deems appropriate.

Member behavior including player, Coach, Referee, or spectator that is judged unbecoming or inappropriate shall be referred to the Board for review and action. The MYSA and DRSC Code of Conduct shall be the primary yardstick(s) for the Board's determination in addressing coach behavior however the applicable rules and policies for the league, club, tournament, or other forum will also be applied as applicable and apply to members. This provision shall also include indoor, pre/post season activity as defined by the Board.

In the event of alleged misconduct, by a, player, coach, referee, or that a parent is not being treated fairly within the program, the following procedure will be followed:
1) In a matter between player and coach, talk with the coach and try to resolve the difference, otherwise see step two.
2) If not a matter between player and coach, or If not satisfied at step 1), contact the Vice-President , President or designee in writing who will follow up with the appropriate party and report back to the members within one week with his/her initial findings and proposed resolution. As appropriate, the VP will request via the president the need for an executive board meeting. The Vice-President will also inform The Board of the situation immediately via email or phone as the case or issue indicates. If the matter requires intervention of action by another league, club, tournament, or other organization, the Vice President will contact the appropriate review board or appropriate officer within the organization to initiate and monitor actions at this level.
3) If the Vice-President cannot resolve the matter in a manner amenable to all parties involved, either party may appeal directly to The Board, via the Secretary, which will hear both parties and make a decision. Decisions by The Board are final in matters that are solely Dighton-Rehoboth Soccer Club matters. Where matters are raised to another organization; appeals or finality of rulings will be based on that organization's written policies.

All Division 1 Teams except U-8, U-9 and U-10: the coach will determine playing time. Guidelines governing playing time differ depending on the age and division of the team. On U-8, U-9, U-10 and all Division 2 Teams, all players shall have an equal opportunity to play an equal amount of time which is the Club's intent. Members should be aware that equal play time per game is impossible to achieve. Coaches will do their best to insure that this is accomplished. Coaches are required to follow this rule except in the event of unequal attendance at practices or games or in the event of needed discipline. Reducing playing time as indicated in this paragraph is solely at the discretion of the coach.

Players are expected to attend all practices and games. Parents are expected to participate by ensuring their children arrive and are and picked up on time for all practices and games and they have their equipment with them. The DRSC's definition of on time is at the field and ready to play 15 minutes before each practice and at the field and ready to play 30 minutes before each game. Coaches may amend these guidelines as needed. If a player cannot be present for a scheduled game or practice, the coach should be notified as far in advance as possible.

Parents are required to support the coach per the Code of Conduct, help maintain discipline, and promote good sportsmanship. If a problem arises that cannot be mutually resolved it shall be brought to The Board according, to the process as noted above in GRIEVENCES section.

Coaches are expected to be prepared in advance for all practices and games and ensure they arrive on time for all practices and games and have all necessary documentation and equipment with them. The DRSC's definition of on time is at the field with the field ready for practice 15 minutes before each practice and at the field and ready for the game 30 minutes before each game.

Additionally the DRSC expects coaches to:
 Promote good sportsmanship
 Do not tolerate unsportsmanlike behavior by coaches, players or spectators
 Promote good soccer through the development of ball and game skills
 Maintain rosters, attendance records and player rating.
 Be present for practices and games and schedule at least one practice per week.
 Develop the potential coaching talent of others.
 Follow the procedures for inputting scores by SCSL policies
 Abide by the MYSA Code of Conduct.

These bylaws were adopted on 8/12/97.
Amended 7/19/2001
Amended May 13, 2014

DRSC By_Laws.pdf


Contact Us

Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club

42 Winter St 
Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769

Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club

42 Winter St 
Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769

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