The primary goal of the Rehoboth Youth Soccer Club is to provide a fun and positive atmosphere for the children. Teaching good sportsmanship is vital! Poor behavior by parents, players, or spectators will not be tolerated. Any spectator who diminishes the positive atmosphere the RYSC strives to promote may be asked to leave the complex.
The first 20 minutes will be instructional with the coach teaching the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, and the basic rules of the game. Because two teams are assigned to that field for the game the two teams will split the field for the instructional period. After the 20 minute period the two teams assigned to that field will play a game of 4 vs 4 players. There will be (4) quarters each lasting eight minutes with a running clock. There is no goalie in these games and no throw ins when the ball goes out of bounds. Coaches will have a player kick the ball in from the spot the ball went out of bounds. Because the children are very young coaches should do their best in having the kids spread out and stopping the game to give short instructional comments and coaching tips.
GRADE 1&2 Division: (Size 4 Ball)
Games will be one-hour long with (4) twelve minute quarters (RUNNING CLOCK). Games will be a 8 vs 8 format with a goalie. Coaches may use a 9v9 format if the games are played on the larger 9v9 field. Throw ins and corner kicks will be performed. If the goalie makes a save or is performing a goal kick the opposing team must retreat back to a line approximately 1/3 the distance from the goal. This line is called the playout line and prevents the opposing team from crowding the goal box area during a goal kick or save by the goalie. There is NO heading in recreational soccer.
GRADE 3 & 4 Division: ( Size 4 Ball)
Games will be one-hour long with (4) twelve minute quarters (RUNNING CLOCK). Games will be a 8 vs 8 format with a goalie. Coaches may use a 9v9 format if the games are played on the larger 9v9 field. Throw ins and corner kicks will be performed. If the goalie makes a save or is performing a goal kick the opposing team must retreat back to a line approximately 1/3 the distance from the goal. This line is called the playout line and prevents the opposing team from crowding the goal box area during a goal kick or save by the goalie. There is NO heading in recreational soccer.
GRADE 5/6/7 Division: (Size 5 Ball)
Games will be one-hour long with (4) twelve minute quarters (RUNNING CLOCK). Games will be played on Field 1 and Field 2 which are the larger 11v11 fields. Prior to the game volunteers will move one goal inward approximately 25 yards and cone off the end line/corners. Games will be a 11v11 format. There is NO heading. If the goalie makes a save or is performing a goal kick the opposing team must retreat back to a line approximately 1/3 the distance from the goal. This line is called the playout line and prevents the opposing team from crowding the goal box area during a goal kick or save by the goalie.
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