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Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club



This organization shall be known as the DIGHTON REHOBOTH SOCCER CLUB, hereafter referred to as the DRSC.

The DRSC shall be affiliated with Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association, Dighton Youth Soccer League and Rehoboth Youth Soccer Club. The recreational/instructional soccer programs within the respective towns will be totally autonomous from the DRSC, which shall be responsible for competitive soccer for the two towns played under the structure of the appropriate competitive league(s) to be selected by the Board of Directors.


To provide all young athletes in the greater Dighton-Rehoboth communities the opportunity to play soccer on traveling teams in a more competitive environment than is offered by the local recreational/instructional soccer programs. The DRSC will work in conjunction with the Dighton Youth Soccer League and the Rehoboth Youth Soccer Club.


The governing body of The DRSC will be the Executive Board- hereafter referred to as The Board, which shall consist of the following:






 League Director

 Field/Uniform Coordinator

 Director of Coaching and Player Development

The Dighton Youth Soccer League and the Rehoboth Youth Soccer Club will appoint board members on an annual basis. These appointments will be made and effective each year must be received by the DRSC board in writing by June 15. Appointments will be equal numbers from both organizations, with a maximum of eight, four from each league. The DRSC Board will be responsible for setting policy objectives, providing for game and field scheduling, game rules, officials, equipment, recruiting and training coaches and overall organization. The Board will meet at least once each month.

To maintain a functioning DRSC Board, in the event a Towns Board fails to communicate it's nominations in whole or in part by the June 15th deadline. A maximum 15 day "grace period" will be extended to that Towns Board missing the deadline. Should a Towns Board not meet the June 31st deadline, the DRSC will proceed per the Constitution to announce and hold the AGM meeting. The DRSC will then serve proper notice and set a date for completion by July 31st.

If a Town's Board fails to provide its required nominations in whole or in part, the existing DRSC President is required to directly appoint the members that are missing in order to fulfill the 8 nominations in total required to conduct the AGM. The nominations made by the existing DRSC President will be considered binding for the next term for AGM purposes.

The Town Boards having relinquished their responsibility to provide the required nominations will now require the existing DRSC President to nominate members from both towns as needed to maintain a functioning board. These nominations do not need to be balanced by community as the need to secure the required nominations becomes a priority to maintain a functioning DRSC Board. All members will then participate in the AGM meeting as set forth in the DRSC Constitution/By-Laws


Officers shall hold office for a one-year term and are eligible to be re-appointed. If any office, except the President, is vacated for any reason the board shall appoint a temporary successor to that office within 30 days. The DRSC Board will then immediately notify the respective Towns Club from which the vacancy has occurred for the need of a new appointment to the DRSC board. Should the vacant position be that of the Vice President, the board will vote within 30 days to permanently fill the VP position for the remainder of the term. At the next meeting immediately preceding the filling of the Vice Presidents position the board shall revote again for all other positions on the executive board making them permanent for the remainder of the term.

In order to maintain a functioning board an executive board member may with or without just cause at any time motion to expel another member. If the motion receives a second and subsequent majority vote confirming the motion made. The President is then required to place on the boards agenda for the next scheduled meeting a vote to expel that member. The member will maintain his/her position on the board until the vote is re-confirmed at the next meeting. This vote requires a 2/3rd vote of Executive Board Members present at that meeting.


All matters of policy shall be decided by a simple majority vote, unless otherwise contradicted by another section of this document. A majority of the current active Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum.


1.The General Meeting shall be held at the end of the spring season and prior to July 31st.Public notice of the General Meeting shall be submitted to media outlet(s) at least 15 days prior to the meeting.

2.The procedure for general meeting is as follows: The existing board conducts the last scheduled meeting to be held prior to AGM. When that meeting ends the AGM will open. The exiting President presides over the opening of the AGM. The exiting President will confirm receipt of the names from both town club Presidents.

The President will review the Constitution and By Laws with board appointees for understanding and then they will conduct a vote by position so as to be to be filled. When the all appointees are approved, the outgoing President will transfer authority over for the rest of the meeting to the newly elected President. The new President will confirm a quorum and finish the AGM meeting. If the outgoing President is voted to a new executive board position, they will begin those duties when the new President takes over.

3.The Board may call special meetings as necessary to conduct business. The board meeting will be open but the board will follow a written agenda. The agenda will dictate recognition for speaker input. Any person wishing to address the board must request agenda/recognition time via the Secretary in advance. To facilitate business the chair will allocate time as available to unannounced guests. The chair will have sole discretion to recognize and refer guests to the Secretary for inclusion onto a future agenda.


The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board shall be as follows:

Executive Board Members: The Executive Board Members shall meet the following attendance policies

  1. Attend eight out of the twelve monthly meetings
  2. Provide twenty-four hour notice if unable to attend a meeting
  3. Provide twenty-four hour notice if electronic modes of meeting participation is needed to attend

PRESIDENT: The President shall officially preside at all meetings; be Chairman of the Board, be the official representative of the DRSC, be authorized to sign checks; and vote only to break a deadlocked vote at board meetings (voting exception as identified in Article 3). The President will be responsible for Constitution, By-laws, and other policy, or organizational requirements. The president may create sub-committees to address club needs and may appoint or request a board vote to select the chairperson of such. The President will be responsible for maintaining the clubs planning calendar to guide monthly agenda topics and transparency for all. He/She will maintain club cohesion by communicating updates post general board meetings to all coaching staff as well as to both Town Club Presidents on agenda items and action taken by board.

VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall succeed to the office and powers of the President in his/her absence, or for the remainder of his/her term if vacated for any reason. In the event of such a vacancy, the board shall elect a successor to the post of Vice-President. The Vice President shall resolve grievances as described in the By-Laws, be responsible for inventory and equipment purchases, and shall be one of those authorized to sign checks. The VP will be assigned the role of "Chairperson Club Fundraising" and will chair any sub-committee created to address fundraising projects. Responsibility here will be the creation of a plan post AGM but no later than October 1st leveraging our tax-exempt status to raise funds. A yearly equipment plan is required to ensure that all newly assigned coaches have the necessary equipment and that remaining equipment is accounted for when a Coach exits. All final plans will require board approval. The Vice President will also be responsible to coordinate all league insurance policies as well as to set-up meetings as necessary between the Board and the insurance carrier/agent for the club. A yearly carrier/agent board meeting for questions/answers will be required for accountability. The Vice President will be responsible to review with the carrier/agent our code-of-conduct forms and will recommend any changes needed to meet any insurance requirements. These changes then be recommended to the board for approval. Pre-AGM the Vice President must present confirmation of insurance coverage in effect and that the club is in good standing pertaining to coverage in the following areas: Executive Board member's liability coverage, board theft and supplemental liability coverage for all members participating in "outside" play such as tournaments not covered under MYS insurance. Confirmation must be communicated to all new board members during the AGM for their understanding.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances of the DRSC. The Treasurer shall report on the finances at all Board and General meetings; shall submit and distribute a full written report of the Financial transactions and the status of the finances at the Annual General Meeting; and shall be authorized to sign checks. Responsibility rests with the Treasurer to comply with all tax filing requirements as well as all 501 3 C requirements necessary to run the club. If necessary, he/she can seek out with Board approval professional assistance to ensure all regulatory/tax compliance is met.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence for the DRSC: keep detailed minutes of all Board and General including Executive Board meetings; update and maintain the Leagues calendar of events and review at all meetings. Secretary is also responsible for maintaining the Leagues secured records in the Field House for access by the Board. Keep records, be responsible for public relations and correspond on behalf of The DRSC only with the knowledge and permission of the President or his designee. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining the League's secured records in the Field House for access by the Board. The Secretary has the responsibility to be the alternate representative of the DRSC for the League Director. If the Secretary attends League Meetings, they will be eligible for any reimbursements for which the League Director is normally entitled.

REGISTRAR: The Registrar shall have the responsibility of carrying out all necessary registrations within required timeframes. In addition, the Registrar shall work in conjunction with the League Director when inputting rosters into any software the League may require. The Registrar will be assigned with responsibilities for on-line updates including posting of meeting dates, times and location. He/She will maintain the web portion of any on-line registration program(s) if selected for use by the Board. Only approved board posting as required will be managed/posted by Registrar.

LEAGUE DIRECTOR: The League Director shall attend all meetings of the league(s) in which the club participates and shall handle all scheduling and rescheduling of league matches along with the Field/Uniform coordinator. The League Director will also be liaison to MYSA and other

Massachusetts soccer leagues and programs such as Districts, ODP, and MAPLE. The League Director will keep detailed minutes from attending such meetings and will submit them to the Secretary for inclusion in the next board meetings minutes. In addition, the League Director shall work in conjunction with the Registrar when inputting rosters into any software the League may require. Responsibility includes coordinating the SCSL yearly direction on referee evaluations and shall work with the referee assignor ensuring all referee reports are received in the earliest possible timeframe to all for any necessary appeals. Will have responsibility to communicate via the league assignor the DRSC's preference to have Dighton/Rehoboth officials assigned/scheduled for home and make up games.

The League Director will receive a stipend for attending the League's required meetings at the Board's discretion.

FIELD/UNIFORM COORDINATOR: Will initiate no later than February the outside practice schedule with all assigned coaches for the use of the Rehoboth and Dighton Fields. He/she shall coordinate this in a manner that is fair/equitable for all. Once set will provide the President of RYSC the finalized schedule to ensure schedules are not interrupted by "external" field renters. Coordination with the DYS is required so DRSC has access to dates/times prior to loss of the Dighton field use to outside club rentals. Will be responsible to schedule all home games and make-up games ensuring communication with the League Director on all changes to ensure referee(s) are in attendance. A yearly plan is required due post AGM but no later than Oct 1st and should include at a minimum for board approval:

  1. Uniform process and plans for accountability by team/coach/timelines
  2. Overall branding plan for the club to include: Apparel, patches, banners, T-Shirts etc.
  3. Plan to support external clubs activates i.e.: tournaments with the appropriate branding material such as banners/patches

Will chair any sub-committee addressing club branding, will interact with other executive board members (example Registrar) as on-line ordering will be the leagues preferred method for order placement by members. He/She will be responsible to coordinate as appropriate vendor participation for registration night for player uniform sizing/ordering.

DIRECTOR of COACHING AND PLAYER DEVELOPMENT: The Director of Coaching and Player Development shall have the responsibility for the development of players and coaches for the DRSC. A yearly plan is required due post AGM but no later than Oct 1st and should include at a minimum for board approval:

  1. All clinics
  2. Spring U6/7 developmental program - intro to the sport
  3. Strategy to ensure all first year Coaches/Assistant complete the MYSA minimum recommended age level course prior to March of current year
  4. "Up skill" plan post MYSA minimum recommended age level for all coaches - completion of required license by age group

Within this role, the dissemination of written and electronic information as appropriate is expected proactively providing training/developmental updates to all assigned Coaches and Assistants.

The Director of Player Evaluation will coordinate the evaluation of players and teams by coaches and coordinate spring or late summer tryouts. The Director of player evaluation will be responsible as the lead to set up the following year's tryout schedule and planning. The Director will maintain reports of player development with confidentiality as received throughout the season. They will coordinate tryout results and evaluations and submit to the board for the final team selection process.

ASSOCIATE BOARD MEMBER- a non-executive board role without voting rights, may be temporarily assigned with a majority vote of the Board for a definitive time to assist the club. Responsibilities may change from year to year based on the needs of the club. Changes or additions will be made by decision of The Board.


The Board, subject to MYSA certification requirements, shall seasonally approve team coaches, assistant coaches and managers. The DRSC coaches are required to maintain their professional development by attending clinics and classes, or other activities defined by the Director of Coaching and Player Development including minimum coaching license courses as facilitated by the DRSC/others. Additionally, although not mandatory, coaches are encouraged to obtain the highest level of coaching licensing appropriate for the teams age group assigned pre-season. All coaches seeking a level higher than an the MYSA age recommended license should request advance funding approval for league reimbursement. The board will vote to cover the reasonable cost associated with obtaining said license. The license of the coach shall be a consideration when selections are made.


Membership in The DRSC shall be open to all, subject to MYSA guidelines. Members shall be defined to include at a minimum; board members, coaches, parents and/or guardians, and players. All members are subject to rules of conduct as maybe stated in SCSL, MYSA, FIFA, USSF, or DRSC rules of play, constitution, by-laws, signed code-of-conduct or other applicable document.

Article 9: CONDUCT

The Board shall have the authority to take any action passed by a Board decision up to and including suspension of any member of The DRSC whose conduct is considered detrimental to the organization. It is each member's responsibility to know and abide by the rules of conduct and conduct policies applicable to any season, tournament, game, or associated activity. When signed by a parent/guardian all members of the household agree to abide by code as outlined.


Use -Fiscal Year: The fiscal year will run as specified in MYSA guidelines; currently September 1st to August 31st.

Budget: A balanced budget for the forthcoming year shall be prepared by the treasurer and approved by the Board before the fiscal year begins.

Major Expenses: In general, no financial commitments should be made without board approval. Major budget expenditures must be planned and itemized for board approval and recorded in minutes. The Vice President has the authority to purchase, up to $450.00, equipment for start-up teams provided that a receipt is provided to the board at the next meeting. Coaches will be reimbursed $75.00 per calendar year with receipt for equipment/misc., when they buy items in support of their team.

The Treasurer will disburse the annual Town Contributions each May to the DYS/RYS boards.

Bank Account: All monies shall be promptly deposited in either a saving or a checking account in The DRSC's name.

Expenses: Bills shall be paid when due. Checks in excess of $2000 (two thousand dollars) require 2 signatures and board approval

Expenditures: Funds shall be spent only in the interest of the DRSC.

All fundraising revenue shall be deposited for general club use.


Should the DRSC be dissolved, all funds currently in the treasury will be donated to Dighton Youth Soccer League and the Rehoboth Youth Soccer Club evenly.


The Board shall have the power to deal with any matters not explicitly covered by the By-laws.


This Constitution, or any section thereof, may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors of the DRSC. Written notice of any proposed changes shall be made to each board member of The DRSC at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which such proposed changes shall be submitted to two thirds vote of present members.


A simple majority vote of the Board members present at a Board meeting thereof: may amend the By-laws and Exceptions to the Rules of Play, or any section. In addition, changes may be proposed by the membership at the AGM and approved by a simple majority of the voting members present.


This Constitution was approved at a General Meeting on 8/12/97

Amended July 2002
Amended October 2014
Amended June 2014
Amended August 2014
Amended March 2019



Contact Us

Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club

42 Winter St 
Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769

Dighton Rehoboth Soccer Club

42 Winter St 
Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769

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