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Metro Omaha Wolves Soccer Club


Why Be A Wolf? 

We pride ourselves on being the lowest cost developmental soccer program in the area. You can pay less for a fully recreational experience, and you can pay more (a lot more) for other developmental programs.

However, when comparing apples to apples, we easily deliver the most value for your time and money, paws down! (Scroll down to see the comparison chart.)

How do we do it?

We host two tournaments each year, the Spring Cup in June and SocctoberFest, now on separate weekends in October for boys and girls teams. The proceeds from these tournaments help pay for all club overhead and subsidize other training opportunities.

Thus when you sign up with a Wolves team, you are only paying for the costs your team incurs, you’re not paying extra to pay anyone’s salaries or other expenses. Our tournaments also offer parents a chance to work to help pay off their accounts or just earn extra money – we don’t rely on the same volunteers over and over again. Those who put the time in get the benefits of their work.


What Commitment am I making when I join Wolves?


Soccer is a yearly commitment with Wolves – Fall outdoor, Winter indoor, and Spring outdoor seasons roughly following the school year.

For younger players, we are looking for enthusiastic athletes who want to learn soccer. No prior soccer skill is expected or required.

Teams generally practice once or twice a week depending on age, and have 6-8 games per Fall and Spring season. We expect players to come to as many games and practices as they can, though we realize conflicts do occur.

In the winter, we usually practice once a week indoors to keep active, though if players are in other winter sports those take precedence. Summer practices are often on an ad hoc basis, we realize folks have vacation plans and you won’t have to plan around us for those.


Entry Prices


Our prices are very competitive, as per the comparison chart on the back of this page. Payments may be split up if necessary. Financial aid, in the form of 25-50% off, may be available to families who qualify for the Nebraska Free and Reduced Lunch program.

Participation in Wolves tournaments is free to all younger Wolves teams.

2020-2021 Price comparisons for 6 and 7 year olds (“Under-8” soccer) and 9 year old and under (“Under-9”):

The Fine Print – Metro Omaha Wolves Soccer Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Nebraska. We welcome donations and sponsors to help keep everyone’s costs down. Club, team, and tournament sponsorships and advertising opportunities are available, and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.