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Metro Omaha Wolves Soccer Club

Metro Wolves Soccer Club hosts two tournaments annually, the SocctoberFest tournament in October (on separate weekends for Girls and Boys teams) and the Spring Rec Cup in early June.

Tournament proceeds help cover club overhead costs and keep the price of youth soccer at Metro Wolves affordable. We also designate a portion of the profit for reinvestment back into the La Vista Sports Complex, to provide a quality practice and game environment for our players and the community. New goals on several fields, and hybrid field turf in the goal boxes to prevent wear and tear are some recent examples of Wolves giving back to the community!

Wolves' tournaments are also a way for our member families to earn money - we don't expect any volunteers to pitch in, all tournament workers are paid to reward those that actually put in the time. Players and families may earn credit towards their account balances, or if the accounts are paid off, we will pay out directly to workers.