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Metro Omaha Wolves Soccer Club

Sign Up With Wolves!

Official 2020-21 Tryout Sessions were in July, though we can still accept players throughout the seasonal year. While the Nebraska State Soccer Association has prohibited traditional tryouts this year due to Coronavirus fears, we welcome new U11-U12 players who are interested in playing for Wolves. We will be happy to arrange any type of evaluation session you are comfortable with in accordance with state regulations and directed health measures. Should you wish to just talk or visit with us remotely, that's fine too. There will be no tryout fees charged by Wolves SC this year.

Contact us at [email protected] if interested.

(yes, we know this says 2019, but everything still applies...)

All programs for U10 and under players are open enrollment - no tryouts or cuts. As long as we have open spots on an age appropriate team you will get a spot when you sign up. Please go to Available Programs under Parent Info to sign up at these ages.

Note that Program Costs listed below are for the annual club registration fees, which include league and Wolves tournament play, coaches' pay, and outdoor practice field rentals. Additional tournament fees and any costs of winter indoor training or leagues may be collected separately.

A full uniform kit costs $100 if needed, and should last through the end of the 2021-22 season.