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Old Dominion Soccer Club

Old Dominion Soccer Club


ODSC Procedures for safe return to play (updated 10/06/2020) 

The Following guidlines are set forth in order to keep all players/coaches/team managers/referees and  parents/spectators safe and continue to be able to play during the current Covid-19 Pandemic.  

Team Requirements: 

Each ODSC team must designate a parent to be the teams COVID POC. The designated persons responsibilities include: 

A verbal “Symptom Free and Cleared to Participate” from each parent/guardian prior to each  practice/match.  

Each parent should confirm: 

1. No temperature above 100.4 degrees F. 

2. Are you currently experiencing any symptoms including Fever, Cough, Shortness of  breath, Lost sense of smell or taste, Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea? 

3. Do you have anyone in your household with these symptoms or have tested positive  for COVID-19? Is anyone waiting on test results from a COVID-19 test? 

Report to the head coach prior to practice that all players have been cleared by their  parent/guardian or report that a member is not cleared and staying home. (TeamSnap has an  option in app that is free and easy to track!) 

Once there is a confirmed COVID-19 case, COVID-19 POC and Coaches will work together to  suspend practices and games for 10 Days and distribute notification duties to inform  Club/parents/ opposing teams etc.  

Player Requirements: 

Players or players with Family members with fevers or symptoms are NOT permitted to  participate. 

Must use hand sanitizer Before, During Breaks, and after practice/matches.  

Do not share pinnies or other equipment (water bottles, towels, goalie gloves, etc.)

No handshakes, hi-fives, hugs, etc. maintain social distancing to the maximum extent possible  during huddles, coaches meetings, coin toss, etc.  

Coaches Requirements 

Wear a mask when in close contact/meeting with your team or individual players (and less than  6 Feet) 

Practices must be outdoors 

Limit equipment brought to practice/games, disinfect all equipment before/after use Comply with all local/state guidelines 

Parent/spectator Requirements 

Report your player “safe to participate” or “Not Cleared” to the team’s designated Covid-19  representative. Each parent should confirm that no one in their household: 

1. No temperature above 100.4 degrees F. 

2. Are you currently experiencing any symptoms including Fever, Cough, Shortness of  breath, Lost sense of smell or taste, Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea? 

3. Do you have anyone in your household with these symptoms or have tested positive  for Covid-19?  

Only sit in designated spectator areas (same as regular matches) 

Maintain 6 ft of distance from spectators that do not live in your household.  

Sit a minimum of 10 ft off the spectator sideline 

Wear masks when interacting with other spectators, coaches, or other players at a distance less  than 6 feet.  

Stay home if you or anyone you have been in close contact with have any signs or symptoms of  being sick.  

If you are a person of high risk, Do Not Attend. 

If a parent or anyone the player has had close contact with for 15 minutes or more that  can answer yes to the above questions, err on the side of caution and do not come to  the event (game or practice). 

Should any player been in close contact with test positive for COVID-19, they will need  to quarantine for 14 days after that close contact. A parent with symptoms must self  isolate and the 14 day window of the player staying out of practice and games  starts the day the parent and child isolate from each other, including no  occupying any shared spaces.

Should you have plans with someone who is not feeling well in any way, we ask that  you reschedule those plans to ensure you are not accidentally exposed to COVID-19  and put others at risk due to these plans. If your team has direct exposure to someone  who tests positive for COVID-19, they will have to sit out for 14 days. Those games will  not be made up. (for those playing in the VSL) 

Your caution and diligence in these trying times are greatly appreciated. If we as a club  err on the side of caution in these scenarios, it ensures that our  

players/coaches/parents are as safe as possible and are not spreading this virus any  further. It keeps us overall playing and enjoying our season despite these trying times. 

Depending on how much contact that player has with the team in the previous week  leading up to the parents symptoms/positive test, the coach/board may suspend  activities as a precaution to see if any other symptoms arise throughout the team to  prevent a possible outbreak.  

We are not asking you to agree or disagree with mask wearing or social distancing, just  please be cautious at our events and maintain a safe distance between parents and  players to minimize spreading a viral illness and respect the health and wellness of  those around you. 

Again, please do not bring yourself, or your child to events if you believe you could have  been exposed to COVID-19 or have been exposed to anyone who may have any  symptoms at all as listed in the questions above. We appreciate your attentiveness in  lessening exposures amongst our players and teams. 

As clubs and teams around the state begin or continue their safe return to play, there is a sense of  excitement to return to the field. There are also many good reasons to temper that excitement with a  healthy caution; the COVID-19 pandemic is still very real and affecting many states around the country;  in some cases, worse than ever. 

It is imperative, therefore, that our commitment to the health and safety of our players, coaches,  parents and officials must remain a top priority. We must continue to ask ourselves tough questions, to  ensure that we are taking the most responsible actions possible and moving forward in the abundance  of caution. Every organization, each participant and their families must stay informed and make  educated choices about when they are ready to return to play. No one should feel pressured – or  pressure others – into a decision. Soccer, most importantly, is fun. And it is the fun we are looking to get  back. 

Our stance on Return to Play remains very much the same and is driven by some key principles. 

• The ODSC Return to Play guidelines are exactly that! They are guidelines based on best practices  from US Soccer, US Youth Soccer, CDC and other local and state health authorities, etc. • Member clubs and affiliates of VSLI are always expected to err on the side of caution in health  and safety matters and at all times defer to local and state public health authorities.

• ALL clubs and affiliates we play against should follow the guidelines or recommendations  established by the local and state public health authorities and other local entities to determine  exactly what Return to Play will look like for you. 

• ODSC in no way endorses holding practices or games in violation of any federal, state or local  mandates. 

• A safe, phased approach that establishes best practices to promote the health and safety of all  participants is the ideal way to return, and allows participants to safely acclimatize to the  demands of soccer. 

• If you are not comfortable returning to the field, then you should not! Just because you can,  does not mean you should! 

Thank you for all you do to make the soccer community of Hampton Roads a better place every single  day. The bedrock principles of teamwork, respect and community that have been integral to the success  of soccer in Hampton Roads will serve us now more than ever. Together, we will move forward and  thrive. We are, and will remain, “#VBstrong” 

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these updates and if you would like to speak to someone directly please reach out to our COVID coordinator Clint Miller at 252-256-7156 or [email protected].

Stay safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing you out on the Pitch in the coming weeks.


Old Dominion Soccer Club
Old Dominion Soccer Club, 4925 Providence Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464

Phone: 757-572-1482
Email: [email protected]

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