JOHN A. OLSZEWSKI, JR. ROSLYN JOHNSON, Director County Executive Department of Recreation and Parks
In light of decreased COVID positivity rates, and in consultation with the County Health Officer while using recommendations from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) ( 2019/slowing-the- spread-of-covid-19) and the Centers for Disease Control
( ncov/community/schools-childcare/youth-sports), modifications to recreational opportunities/facilities are required. The Department will follow all State and Local Executive Orders related to recreational activities.
Effective February 28th for Indoor and Outdoor Operations
Guidelines are applicable to adult and youth activities
INDOOR & OUTDOOR Recreation and Nature Operations at Recreation and Parks Facilities
∙ Indoor capacity is at 100%.
∙ Outdoor capacity is at 100%.
∙ Requests for permits will continue to be submitted to local Recreation Offices, per regular guideline.
∙ Permits will be issued to user groups consistent with Departmental approval policies and seasons of play.
∙ Indoor Nature classes and programs can operate.
∙ Masks are NO LONGER REQUIRED for participants, spectators, volunteers, officials or visitors.
∙ Masks are NO LONGER REQUIRED for staff.
∙ Masks are SUGGESTED for all staff, visitors, spectators, volunteers, officials or participants who have underlying health conditions.
∙ Food consumption and sale is authorized.
∙ Pavilion reservations are authorized.
∙ Games and scrimmages are permitted.
∙ Tournaments are permitted.
∙ Licensed Day Care will continue to operate.
∙ Indoor tennis courts will continue to operate.
∙ No use of central hydration areas or sharing of water bottles by participants.
INDOOR Recreation Operations at BCPS School Sites
∙ Masks are REQUIRED for participants not engaged in activities, spectators, volunteers, officials or visitors.
∙ Masks are REQUIRED for staff.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in removal from Park property
9831 Van Buren Lane, Cockeysville, Maryland 21030 Phone: 410-887-3871 | Fax: 410-825-3305 | TDD: 410-887-5319