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Fox Chapel Futbol Club

Drills and Coaching Basics

Fox Chapel Futbol Club continues its mission to find best available resources for its players and coaches.

Read the Soccer Practice Structure Guideline and visit the SoccerXpert Web site for drills and skills. 

Fundamentals of Coaching:

U6 Soccer:

U6 soccer introduces the basics of the game.  It provides a very general understanding of the rules and field as well as creates a team environment that fosters player development and fun. 

1)   Teach fair play and sportsmanship
2)   Teach field boundaries and general rules
3)   Teach skills related to proper kicking techniques
4)   Teach individual skills related to dribbling and shooting the ball

U7 Soccer:
U7 soccer continues to introduce and reinforce the basics of the game.  It provides a fundamental understanding of the rules and field as well as creates a team environment that fosters player development and fun. 

1)   Teach fair play and sportsmanship
2)   Teach field boundaries and general rules
3)   Teach skills related to proper kicking techniques
4)   Teach individual skills related to dribbling and shooting the ball
5)   Teach ball trapping skills from passes to bouncing balls

U8 Soccer:
U8 soccer continues to introduce and reinforce the basics of the game.  Goalies are informally introduced into play allowing for use of hands.  U8 furthers the fundamental understanding of the rules and field as well as creates a team environment that fosters player development and fun. 

1)   Teach fair play and sportsmanship
2)   Teach field boundaries and general rules
3)   Teach skills related to proper kicking techniques
4)   Teach individual skills related to dribbling and shooting the ball
5)   Teach ball trapping skills from passes to bouncing balls
6)   Teach ball distribution from short to long passes
7)   Teach anticipation in players to be productive on offense and defense

U9/10 Soccer:
U9/10 soccer provides the emergence of the strategy and need for skill and team work in the game.  U9/10 furthers the fundamental understanding of the rules and field as well as creates a team envrionment that fosters player development and fun. 

1)   Teach fair play and sportsmanship
2)   Teach field boundaries and general rules
3)   Teach skills related to proper kicking techniques
4)   Teach individual skills related to dribbling and shooting the ball
5)   Teach ball trapping skills from passes to bouncing balls
6)   Teach ball distribution from short to long passes
7)   Teach anticipation in players to be productive on offense and defense
8)   Teach use of other players to elevate play levels
9)   Teach offensive and defensive positioning and tactics
10)  Play in an energized and competitive near-by community travel league

U11+ Soccer:

U11 and older soccer provides the emergence of the strategy and need for skill and team work in the game.  As the players get older, the number of players on the field and the size of the field increases.  However, all leagues play under the same basic rules of play.

U11/12 play 9v9 
U13 and older play 11v11

1)   Teach fair play and sportsmanship
2)   Teach field boundaries and general rules
3)   Teach skills related to proper kicking techniques
4)   Teach individual skills related to dribbling and shooting the ball
5)   Teach ball trapping skills from passes to bouncing balls
6)   Teach ball distribution from short to long passes
7)   Teach anticipation in players to be productive on offense and defense
8)   Teach use of other players to elevate play levels
9)   Teach offensive and defensive positioning and tactics
10)  Play in an energized and competitive near-by community travel league

Fox Chapel Futbol Club

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