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Jun, 2021

East Hampton Soccer Club Travel Team Tryouts for 2021-2022 Register Now for June 14 or 15

The East Hampton Soccer Club (EHSC) is holding tryouts on June 14 and 15 for roster spots on our 2021-2022 travel soccer teams.  All interested athletes are encouraged to register and attend on one (1) of these evenings.  These tryouts are for new AND current travel players, both female and male, and for any athlete born in the calendar years 2008 through 2014.  We are looking for athletes who are interested in playing travel soccer both during the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 seasons (as well as a possible Winter indoor season in between).  Playing at the travel level is a natural progression for many soccer athletes who started in our town recreational program and who are looking for further advancement in their skill development, level of competition and style/pace of play.  Athletes MUST tryout in order to be considered for our teams.  The tryout process is a fun hour of play that keeps athletes active and distracted from the pressure of a tryout process.  Don’t miss this great opportunity to be part of our travel soccer program next Fall.  You can register to participate in our June 14-15 tryouts by emailing club Julie Johnson at [email protected] to confirm: (a) which night you plan to attend, (b) your child’s name, (c) your child’s birth year, (d) your child’s gender, and (e) any other pertinent details about your child that you believe would be helpful for the Club to know.   Please see below for additional answers to many questions you may have.


Q:  When are tryouts?

A:  Tryouts will be held on Monday, June 14, 2021 and Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at the East Hampton High School (North Field).  You only need to register and attend one of these two tryout sessions.  The North Field is located behind the high school and adjacent to the track (and behind the shed next to the track).  Athletes are asked to arrive no later than 5:30pm in order to check-in prior to the start of tryouts.  We expect tryouts will conclude by 7:00pm.   


Q:  Does it cost anything to register and attend tryouts?

A:  No.  There is no cost to register for travel soccer tryouts.  You will only incur a cost if your child makes a travel team and you thereafter officially register them for the Fall 2021 season at which time you will be expected to make a payment for the Fall 2021 season. 


Q:  Do I have to register my child to attend a tryout session even if they are already on a travel team?

A:  Yes.  We are asking that all athletes interested in playing on one of our 2021-2022 travel teams participate in tryouts on June 14 or June 15.  This includes all current players as well.  Not only will it be important for us to know who remains interested and committed to playing travel soccer, but our current players attending the tryout process will serve as positive role models and examples of what we are looking for in our travel soccer athletes. 


Q:  Will there be a rainout date? 

A:  At this time we plan to hold tryouts rain or shine.  The only reason tryouts would be postponed would be due to inclement weather that would present a danger for other athletes, families and those assisting with the tryout process. 


Q:  What should my child wear/bring to the tryout session?

A:  It is recommended that your child wear shorts, a light t-shirt (neutral color is best), soccer cleats (or sneakers), and shin guards covered by soccer socks over the top of the shin guards.  Each athlete should also have a water bottle with their name on it.  Athletes do not need to bring a soccer ball.  Each athlete will be given a numbered soccer bib to wear during tryouts in order to clearly identify them. 


Q:  Will I be able to stay and watch my child during tryouts?

A:  Yes.  Parents are encouraged to stay and remain on the sidelines and observe the tryout process.  Other than our volunteers who will be running the tryouts and all of our athletes who will be participating in the tryout process, all other spectators (i.e., parents) will be expected to observe from a distance.


Q:  When will decisions be made following the tryout process and how will I be made aware if my child makes a travel team?

A:  The Club will plan to conclude all player evaluations and potential team configurations by the end of June and will be in contact with all families following the tryout process by no later than July 9, 2021.  You will be contacted by this date regardless of whether or not your child is offered a spot on the appropriate travel team. 


Q:  What is the cost to participate in the travel soccer program?

A:  Currently, it costs each travel player $125 per season to participate (or a total of $250 for both the Fall and Spring seasons).  Additionally, each player will be required to purchase a complete uniform kit that costs approximately $100 (current/returning players can avoid this cost if their uniform still fits).  Decisions about playing an indoor season during the Winter is made by each team and may cost an additional $50-$100 per player per year.  Costs are subject to change from year-to-year. 


Q:  How many practices/games per week does a team usually have during the season?

A:  While the specifics may differ from team-to-team and by age group, generally you should expect to have two (2) evening practices per week during the season and generally 1-2 games on the weekend.  Games will be made up of both league and friendly matches.  Practices are generally 60-90 minutes in duration.   


Q:  Where are travel games played?

A:  Games are generally evenly split between home games played on the fields behind East Hampton High School and away games played against teams in our region.  Opponents include teams in our general area (Cromwell, Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Portland, etc.) as well as teams a little further away (East Hartford, West Hartford, Enfield, Somers, South Windsor, etc.).  Therefore, you should expect that some away games will require you to travel approximately 45 minutes. 


Q:  Do travel teams play in tournaments?

A:  The Club sponsors every travel team to play in one (1) competitive tournament per soccer season (Fall/Spring) with the Club picking up the full registration cost of that tournament.  Many teams play in this one tournament at the end of the Spring season to wrap-up their soccer year.  If a team wishes to play in additional tournaments, this becomes a cost that will be the team’s responsibility to fund. 


Q:  By attending the tryout process and I committing my child to participate in the 2021-2022 travel soccer season if they make the team?

A:  Not necessarily.  We expect and understand that some families may attend tryouts in order to learn more about the program and ensure they don’t lose the opportunity to participate, if selected.  That said, if your child is selected to participate as a travel player but ultimately you decide to refrain from accepting that invitation for next travel soccer season, that is ok.  We will ask that you commit one way or the other over the Summer months, but you will have a few weeks to consider and make that decision. 


Q:  What if my child also participates in other sports that are also played during the soccer season?  Can they do both?   

A:  Travel soccer is a year-long commitment.  It is the expectation that players trying out for a team are interested and committed to playing during both the Fall and Spring seasons.  This promotes regular and constant soccer skill development and team continuity and bonding.  That said, athletes who participate in other sports (and/or on other soccer teams) are encouraged to continue doing so even while playing travel soccer.  This will require constant proactive discussion with travel coaches to ensure balance can be found in a player’s commitment to all athletic pursuits.  It is understood that athletes competing in multiple activities will from time-to-time bump into conflicts that will require them to choose one activity over another.  That said, we would expect that families would try to balance their commitments to these inevitable conflicts and do their best to juggle their participation and not always choose one sport/event over the other. 


Q:  My child has played on a travel team for a few years now.  Do they really still have to tryout?

A:  Yes.  We are asking that all current players register to tryout as well.  Not only will it be important for us to know who remains interested and committed to playing travel soccer, but our current players attending the tryout process will serve as positive role models and examples of what we are looking for in our travel soccer athletes. 


Q:  I know my child only plans to play in the Fall because they are committed to another sport/activity in the Spring.  Can/Should we still attend tryouts?

A:  We appreciate knowing this now as you consider trying out for travel soccer.  Travel soccer is a commitment we ask athletes and families to make for the year (both Fall and Spring).  If you know you won’t be planning to participate for a whole season (i.e., Spring), we need to know that now as we consider the possibility of athletes making a team and possibly taking a roster spot away from someone who is willing and able to commit for the full year.  You can certainly register and attend the tryout process.  However, your child’s availability will be taken into consideration as roster spots are determined.

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East Hampton Connecticut Soccer Club

PO Box 157 
Cobalt, Connecticut 06414

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