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Home of the East Hampton CONNECTICUT Soccer Club

East Hampton Soccer Club

EHSC Rec League


League Director: Nick Williams ([email protected])

Available for children age 3 through grade 8, the EHSC Recreation League is a great way to help your children build confidence, friendships and, of course, basic soccer skills – all while having fun. The Rec League provides organized training and games for the casual, beginning players and coaches. Participation involves modest cost and commitment, with little or no focus on the score of the games. Information for the rec league sessions and divisions are outlined below.





All games are held on Saturdays at Center School, with the exception of Seniors division, which plays its games at East Hampton High School. Pre-K also offers a weekday practice option.



In an effort to avoid conflict with East Hampton Little League, all games are held on Sundays at Center School, with the exception of Seniors division, which plays its games at East Hampton High School. Pre-K also offers a weekday practice option.





Ages 3*-5


Pre-K teams meet once a week for a one-hour practice. Players will receive a jersey and a size 3 soccer ball. Players may wear cleats and shin guards, but it is not required.

*Must be 3 by April 1 for the Spring Season or by September 1 for the Fall Season.


Currently attending/enrolled in Kindergarten


Kindergarten teams meet once a week for one hour. The first 30 minutes is a practice and the second 30 minutes is a scrimmage against another team. Scrimmages do not have goalies or referees. Players will receive a team jersey and they must wear shin guards with socks fully covering them. They may wear cleats, but it is not required. Players use a Size 3 soccer ball (not provided).


Grades 1-2


Junior teams practice once during the week for one hour, and play one-hour games on the weekends, both of which take place at Center School. Games do not have goalies or referees. Players will be provided a team jersey and must wear shin guards with socks fully covering them. They are encouraged to wear cleats, but are not required. Players use a Size 4 soccer ball (not provided).


Grades 3-5


Senior teams practice once during the week for one hour at Center School and play one-hour games on the weekends at East Hampton High School. Games do have goalies and referees. Players will be provided a team jersey. They must wear shin guards with socks fully covering them. They are encouraged to wear cleats, but cleats are not required. Players use a Size 4 soccer ball (not provided).

Middle School

Grades 6-8

Currently not offered

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are the teams co-ed?

A: Yes. At this time, all rec league teams are co-ed.

Q: I just registered my child – now what?

A: Once registration closes, we begin putting teams together and notifying coaches about their teams. Your child’s coach will be the one to contact you with the practice/game schedule.

Q: I'd like to volunteer to coach my child's team. How can I register?

A: Please click here to view information about coaching. For the Rec League, there are currently no training requirements to become a coach.

Q: What should my child wear/bring?

A: This varies slightly, depending on the division. Please see below:

Pre-K - players receive a team jersey, as well as a Size 3 soccer ball. They are encouraged to wear their team jersey and will need to bring their provided ball and a water bottle to every practice. They may wear cleats and shin guards, but it is not required.

Kindergarten - players receive a team jersey. They must wear their team jersey, shin guards and soccer socks to every game and should also bring a water bottle. They may wear cleats, but it is not required. Players should bring a Size 3 soccer ball (not provided).

Juniors - players receive a team jersey. They must wear their team jersey, shin guards and soccer socks to every game and should also bring a water bottle. They are encouraged to wear cleats, but it is not required. For practices, it is not necessary to wear their team jersey, but shin guards, socks and a water bottle are still needed. Players should bring a Size 4 soccer ball (not provided).

Seniors - players receive a team jersey. They must wear their team jersey, shin guards, and soccer socks to every game and should also bring a water bottle. They are encouraged to wear cleats, but it is not required. For practices, it is not necessary to wear their team jersey, but shin guards, socks and a water bottle are still needed. Players should bring a Size 4 soccer ball (not provided).

Q: I’d like to register my child, but there are certain days that he/she is not available for practice – what should I do?

A: When you register, please make note of the weekday(s) your child is not available to practice. When we form the teams, we will do our best to assign your child to a coach/team that meets on a day your child is available. Please note, this only applies to practices for Pre-K, Juniors and Seniors. Conflicts with games cannot be accommodated, as schedules affect multiple teams.

Q: How old does my child have to be to start with EHSC?

A: Children must be at least three years old by the start of the session to participate in the Pre-K division.

Q: My child is 5 and currently enrolled in Kindergarten, but has never played soccer before. Which division should I sign up for?

A: There is no experience necessary at the Rec League level. Eligibility is purely based on age and/or grade. If your child is enrolled in Kindergarten, then the Kindergarten division is the right one for them. Rest assured, not all children who play at the Kindergarten level have played before, so your child is not alone!

Q: Can jewelry be worn during practices and games?

A: For the player's safety, no jewelry of any kind should be worn during practices or games.

Q: When are Rec games played?

A: In the fall, games will be played on Saturdays. In the spring, games will be played on Sundays in order to avoid a conflict with the town's little league schedule.

: Where are Rec games played?

A: This depends on the division/age group. Please click here to view information on Locations & Fields.

Contact Us

East Hampton Connecticut Soccer Club

PO Box 157 
Cobalt, Connecticut 06414

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