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Is the league open to everyone?

Players must be residents of North Kingstown or Jamestown. Participants (boys and girls) must be at least 7 years old and no older than 14 years old as of August 1st of each season. Nonresidents are allowed to participate provided there is enough availability they will be wait listed until July 1st.


Are the players divided into different age divisions?

The league is comprised of teams in four age divisions:

8 and Under (playing on Friday nights) 5:00 practice, 5:30 start to game.

10 and Under (playing on Friday nights) 6:30 and 7:30 start, practice one additional night of the week

12 and Under (playing on Wednesday nights) 5:30 and 6:30 start, practice one additional night of the week

14 and Under (playing on Wednesday nights) 7:30 start, practice one additional night of the week


Are there separate divisions for boys and girls?

The teams are co-ed at all levels.


Can I request my child to play on the same team as his/her friend?

The primary goal of the flag football league is to create evenly matched teams. We put a great deal of effort into evenly distributing player skills among the teams. The league does NOT allow friend requests. Siblings playing within the same age division may play on the same team.


Do teams stay together from year to year?

Each year, we select new teams from scratch. Mixing up the players helps to keep things fair and evenly distributes skills among the teams. Each team can have up to two coaches and their children are automatically assigned to that team. We then divide the remaining players to create evenly matched teams within each age division. We do not have a formal draft; the coaches work together to balance the teams.


What is involved with preseason player evaluations?

Player evaluations conducted at the beginning of August help assess the strengths of each player. There are generally two practices/evaluations consisting of passing, catching, and running drills that help the coaches become familiar with the players. We do not determine the teams until after these first two all-player practices. The preseason practices give parents/guardians one final time to confirm the jersey size that you ordered for your child. Sample jerseys will be available at the registration table to help you gauge the size.


What if my son/daughter is unable to attend preseason player evaluations?

Preseason player evaluations are a valuable tool to help us create evenly matched teams within each division. Generally we offer two evaluation dates for scheduling convenience and we ask that you make your best effort to attend at least one of these sessions. If you're unable to attend either session your son/daughter will still be placed on a team.


What is the flag football season schedule?

Practices begin the first week of August. Regular season games are held in September and October and playoffs are completed by the first week of November. Teams generally practice just once per week and play games once per week.

Where are games held?

Games are held at McGinn Park on School Street.  


Do I need to provide any special equipment for my player?

The only item required is a mouth guard, but cleats are recommended. All players must be wearing a mouth guard or they will not be able to participate. The league provides one basic mouth guard to each player at the beginning of the season. You may want to buy extra mouth guards if you child tends to lose them. You should consult with your orthodontist if your child wears braces as they may require a special mouth guard. Cleats (no metal spikes) are recommended, but they are not required.


What are the rules of the game?

NK Flag Football follows the NFL FLAG format, with some modifications (Rules).


How can I volunteer my time to the league?

Parent and other adult volunteers fill coaching, officiating, and other support roles, and there is always a need for help in all of these areas. If you are 18 years or older and your duties bring you into contact with the players, then you must consent to a background check. This includes all coaches, assistant coaches, officials, etc.


PO Box 1152 
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852
Email : [email protected]
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