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Jun, 2022

Summer Tournament Season Reminders

While the weather from last November doesn't want to let us go just yet, we suspect the warm weather of Summer is just around the corner.  Also happening real soon is the Summer Tournament season.    

All of our Highline Premier FC teams will be travelling both near and far to tournaments this summer.  With destinations ranging from Tukwila to Portland our teams will compete against competition from all over the Pacific Northwest.  It is important to remind families that while tournaments can be fun, it is extremely important keep an eye on your child’s health.

Playing games in during a shortened time span can wreak havoc on growing bodies.  With that in mind, we have put together some helpful tips and reminders for your summer. 

Stay Hydrated

Heat + Soccer = Great combination to take energy out of our kids.  HPFC coaches are trained in understanding and identifying some of the key symptoms for heat exhaustion.  Some signs of heat exhaustion that you can look out for are headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, cramps in arms, legs, and/or stomach, or being very thirsty.

A great way to prevent heat exhaustion is to keep hydrated. W
ater, Chocolate Milk, and Sports Drinks can be consumed so that our players can remain hydrated.

Rest and Recovery

If a team plays three or more games during a weekend, your team's coach may decide it is necessary to modify or cancel a practice session the following week to allow for further rest and recovery.  Literature on the subject suggests a stretching, a light workout, and even walking as part of a recovery plan for your young athlete is beneficial. 


Stretching has been shown to increase blood flow, reduce lactic acid build up in muscle tissues, and improve flexibility all of which can result in reducing muscle fatigue and lowering risk of injury.


As tempting as it may be to stay out at the team pool until closing hours or stay up to get in twelve more Tiktoks, sleep allows the body to recover and improves reaction time as well as reduce the risk of injury.  Players should try to get in at least 8 hours of sleep every night.  Most importantly, try staying off devices such as televisions, computers, gaming devices, and cell phones for at least 30 minutes before going to bed.  


Remember that a key to communication is listening.  If your child is saying something hurts, doesn’t feel right, or just wants to take it easy,  take it seriously.  Winning a soccer game isn’t everything.   

Whether you need to take the night off due to a long day at camp or are heading to Europe for a three-week adventure in southern France, please RSVP in GameChanger.  Our coaches are relying on your responses to set their practice arrangements.

Obey COVID-19 Protocols

Remember vaccinations are helping but COVID-19 variants are here to stay.  Mask up, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and get your boosters. If anyone in your household has any COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.


Most of our HPFC teams take part in at least two summer tournaments.  That means over two weekends, they could play as many games as they will play during an entire Fall or Spring WPL season.  Remember to follow the tips above and if anything is not right physically or mentally, inform your coach.

Have fun and be safe.

Contact Us

Highline Premier Football Club

126 SW 148th Street, Suite C100 - Box 187
Burien, Washington 98166

Phone: 206-825-0313
Email: [email protected]

Highline Premier Football Club

126 SW 148th Street, Suite C100 - Box 187
Burien, Washington 98166

Phone: 206-825-0313
Email: [email protected]
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