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Connecticut Junior Soccer Association


    CJSA Central District

    Organization By-Laws


    The name of this organization shall be the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (C.J.S.A.), Inc., Central District.


    The purpose of this organization is to promote, develop, and administer the sport of Soccer at the youth level within the Central District and to provide an avenue to collect, discuss, and promulgates any special concerns applicable to the C.J.S.A.


    This organization shall be a subdivision of the C.J.S.A. which is an affiliated division of and complies with the charter of the United States Youth Soccer Association.


    This organization shall consist of two (2) categories of membership, voting and non-voting. Voting members shall be those persons designated by each affiliated club with players currently registered in the C.J.S.A. Central District. Non-voting members shall consist of individuals interested in promoting the purpose of the organization. All members will be expected to attend all meetings, actively participate in organizational functions and activities, and report all pertinent district and state information to their soccer organization.


    The governing body of this organization shall consist of the District Vice President, the District Representative, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The District Vice President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the C.J.S.A. and serve a term of two (2) years, the District Representative, the Secretary and the Treasurer will serve a term of two (2) years and be elected by the organization. Elections of the officers will take place at the first meeting after the AGM on the odd numbered years.

    District Vice President:

    The District Vice President shall preside at all meetings, establish meeting agendas, appoint committees and their chairperson (if required), approve all membership, levy all disciplinary actions and fines, call special meetings when necessary, and be the primary liaison between this organization and the C.J.S.A.

    District Representative:

    The District Representative will attend all state C.J.S.A. meetings and conduct all business in the absence of the Vice President.


    The Secretary shall be responsible for taking meeting minutes, distributing all organizational proceedings, establishing attendance, recording motions, maintaining files and membership directories, writing contracts (if necessary) and conducting all other similar correspondence and administrative functions.


    The Treasurer will be responsible for preparing a quarterly financial report, maintaining financially sound investment accounts for all organizational funds, distributing all funds as directed by the Vice President, and conducting all similar financial functions.

    An assistant Treasurer may be appointed by the Vice President who will assist in distributing and accounting for certain funds as directed by the Vice President.


    All meetings shall be held at a designated time and place each month as established by the Vice President. Special meetings may be called by the Vice President with adequate notice. Roberts Rules of Order, latest revision, shall govern all meeting activities. At each meeting, a minimum of five (5) members shall constitute a quorum and a majority of this quorum must vote affirmative to pass financial measures, elect officers, or other such legislation requiring a formal vote. The Vice President shall only vote in case of a tie.


    All appointed committees shall hold separate meetings with their members to study and investigate their chosen topics. All resources of this group shall be utilized and employed before a written motion is prepared and presented to the entire membership at a regularly scheduled meeting. Although a chairperson is not required, a committee spokesperson shall be chosen to adequately present the recommended motion to the entire body before any action is taken.


    Amendments can be made to these Bylaws. The procedure for presenting an amendment is that the amendment must be presented to the Vice President in writing. This amendment will then appear in the following month's minutes and appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Thirty (30) days notice is required to get this issue on the agenda. The amendment will be discussed and voted on at the meeting. The amendment will pass if it receives an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the members.

    Contact Us

    Connecticut Junior Soccer Association
    11 Executive Drive, Suite 203
    Farmington, Connecticut 06032

    Phone: 860-676-1161
    Email: [email protected]


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