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Connecticut Junior Soccer Association


    Per USYS Rule 201 "Player Registration," a youth player must register each seasonal year in the State Association where theyreside with their parent/guardian. If the player is a student at boarding school or college in a different state, the player canregister in the state their school is located. The player must receive permission from the state in which they reside, toparticipate with another state association. It is the responsibility of the player and parent or guardian to provide thiscompleted form to the appropriate parties within both the releasing and accepting State Associations.


     1. Player must register and pay any appropriate fee(s) to CJSA.

    2. Access the completed and approved Interstate Permission Form in the player’s CJSA account.

    3. Submit the Interstate Permission to the Accepting State Association for approval.

    4. Follow the applicable registration instructions and fee(s) with the Accepting State Association.


    Please click HERE to get started. 


    Contact Us

    Connecticut Junior Soccer Association
    11 Executive Drive, Suite 203
    Farmington, Connecticut 06032

    Phone: 860-676-1161
    Email: [email protected]


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