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Grafton Tabb Football & Cheer

When does registration begin?

Practice for Football and Cheer has started! 

Fall 2024 season registration is open online to all until September 22, 2024 Registration

Registration will close when each team has reached max capacity. There is a wait-list option should you find your child's age group is full. Always register for the waist. It doesn't cost anything to get on a wait-list and lets us know there is additional interest in a division. 

How is my child age division decided?

Participation age is determined by the age on July 31, 2024.  

What does my registration fee go to?

Your registration fee allows us to:

  • outfit each participant in a game day uniform
  • provide player equipment (helmets, shoulder pads, poms)
  • provide team equipment (tackle bags, balls, cheer signage)
  • prep the field for game day (field paint, yard and down markers)
  • pay officials on game day

Does Grafton Tabb have a refund policy?

If you wish to cancel your registration, PLEASE reach out to the Player Agent, Lacie Harman, at [email protected].
Communications must be received prior to the refund cut off dates for refunds to be process appropriately. 
*Please note - $3.00 administrative fees for each individual participant order will not be refunded. 

Full registration fee refunds will be provided through May 31, 2024.
Half refunds will be provided from June 1 - July 31, 2024. (Note: If you have only paid a $50 deposit prior to July 31st, it will not be refunded)
No refunds will be given after July 31, 2024. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Does my child really need an ID card?

Yes! PLAN AHEAD! Per PYFCO bylaws, ALL football participants will be required to obtain a state issued ID card. Players are not eligible to play in any games until the registrant’s ID is provided to the league. This card will be required for both initial eligibility and again prior to each game to ensure your child’s participation. If no identification can be verified at the start of EVERY GAME, your child will be ineligible to play in that weekend's game.

The process requires your child to accompany you to the DMV and for you to provide their original birth certificate. Please allow ample time for processing, as IDs are US mailed to you after you visit the DMV, usually within 5-7 business days. More detailed information for obtaining this identification card can be found at the department of motor vehicles website (

Raffle tickets?

Included in your registration is $40 worth or raffle tickets for a chance to win one of our great prize packages during our Tiger Bowl (Homecoming) weekend. Tiger Bowl is the last home game of the season, usually in Mid-late October.

You have two options with the tickets:

1. You can fill them out yourself and turn them in

2. You can sell them to friends and family to help offset the cost of your registration.

Raffle tickets will be distributed with equipment at the beginning of the season to give you ample time if you opt to sell them.

What about equipment?

FLAG football players (ages 5-6) will need to supply the following: mouth guard, cleats

Grafton Tabb provides: Game Day foam helmet, game day flags, balls and practice equipment

TACKLE football players (ages 7-14) will need to provide: mouth guard, molded cleats (no metal), 7-pad practice pants, practice jersey for over pads

Grafton Tabb provides: helmet, shoulder pads, balls and practice equipment

CHEER: no equipment is required for cheer practices.  Cheerleaders will need to purchase white cheer shoes for practice and game days.

What can I expect as far as a schedule?

Grafton Tabb Youth Football and Cheer uses Tabb Elementary and Tabb Middle School as their home field for games and practices. 
Tabb Elementary: 3711 Big Bethel Rd, Yorktown, VA 23693
Tabb Middle : 300 Yorktown Road, Yorktown, VA 23693

Spring practices typically begin mid-April with games in June.  Fall practices begin mid-July with games starting at the end of August through the end of October.  All practices begin
 at 6:00pm.  Practice days are set by coaches. 

Once practices start, teams tend to practice 5 nights a week until school starts.  Once school starts schedules lessen to 3-4 times a week at the coach’s discretion.

SATURDAY GAME DAYS: Games start at 8:30am with flag football and progress through the older divisions as the day continues.
                                            **Players are generally asked to arrive 1 hour prior to game time for warm-ups and ID checks**

Minis/Flag (5-6) 8:30-9:30

Mites (7-8) 9:30-11:00

Mighty Mites (9-10) 11:00-12:30

Midgets (11-12) 12:30-2:00

Juniors (13-14) 2:00-3:30

The 2024 calendar of Grafton Tabb games, events and fundraisers will be available on our website under the CALENDAR tab once the official PYFCO schedule is released. 

Are the coaches or board paid?

Grafton Tabb is an organization that relies solely on volunteers. The board, coaches, and concession workers are all volunteering their time.

Are parents required to volunteer?

If you opted to pay the $50 non-volunteer fee you will NOT be asked to volunteer during the season. 

If you did not opt to pay the non-volunteer fee, you will be assigned shifts in the concession stand during for home games. 

Concession workers must be at least 16 years of age. If you have or know a high school student looking for volunteer hours, Grafton Tabb can provide a letter at the end of the season documenting any hours worked in our concession area.

If you have a connection with a local volunteer organization that may be interested in assisting our concessions, please let us know.

Is Grafton Tabb a non-profit organization?

Yes, Grafton Tabb is a 501c3 non-profit organization. We are always looking for sponsors and will gladly accept donations. If you are interested in donating and would like a donation letter as a receipt, please reach out to our Treasurer, Vanessa Cannavino ( [email protected]) for more information.

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