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Online sign ups Start Jan 1st and End August 1st for the 2024 football season. 

Sign-ups will be online or at Lee Victory Park on the dates below. In order to sign up and get your child's equipment / uniform that day, YOU MUST BRING A CERTIFIED BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!! WE CANNOT USE THE MOTHER'S COPY. THIS IS A TNYSA RULE!!! (

Face to face sign up will be located at Lee Victory Recreational Park in the football concession dates are:
May 18th, 2024: 9am- 3pm
June 8th, 2024:  9am-3pm
June 22nd, 2024: 9am-3pm
June 29th, 2024: 9am-3 pm
July 13th, 2024: 9am-3 pm
July 14th, 2024: 1pm-5pm

Sharp Springs Practice Football Fields (Face to Face located at the Pavilion)
July 15th 5:30pm to 7:30pm (Please look for Crystal Stone, we will also have the field house - Located at Lee Victory Open to pick up gear for new sign ups on July 17th and July 24th after practice at 8 p.m.

The age groups are: 
PW- 5/6
C's- 7/8
Your child must be 4 by July 31st, and she/he must still be 12 on July 31st to participate in the program. This age is set by TNYSA. 

PRACTICE:  The first day of practice will be Monday July 15th. Practices are held at Sharps Springs Natural Area. Starting time will be 5:30pm to 7:30pm.  Please arrive at 5:15 p.m. on the first day. The first week of practice will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The second week of practice is held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (unless told otherwise from the coach). 

Sign-up fee is $150.00 for 2024 season. You will get socks, game pants and a game jersey to keep. We will provide the helmet and shoulder pads. These items will need to be turned in at the end of the season to your coach. Football players will also need: practice pants, practice jersey, cleats, mouthpiece, and pant pads (knee, thigh, hip, and butt pads). You can purchase these items when you sign your child up.

OTHER QUESTIONS: Your head coach will set practice times. Practice days are usually Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  We do play and practice in the rain. If it is lightning or pouring rain, there will not be practice but wait to hear from your coach.  It is a good idea to show up even if it is raining. Your coach will not know field conditions until they are assessed at practice time.

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