CJFC Player’s Code of Conduct
- I will not hurt or be rude, or be disrespectful to any players, coaches or referees.
- I will pay attention to my coaches and treat them with respect. If a coach is talking, I will focus on the coach and will not be talking or acting in a distracting manner.
- I will not misbehave or be disruptive during practice or games. I understand that it is not fair to my teammates and coaches to act in an unsatisfactory manner and it diminishes the enjoyment and experience for everyone involved. I will stay focused and work hard during practice to improve my skills and become a better player.
- I will not argue with referees. I will let my coach discuss game calls and issues with the referees.
- I will not argue with the coaches and volunteers helping with practices and games. If there is an issue that I believe needs to be discussed, I will ask the coach to talk about it after the practice or game. (preferably with two coaches and a parent present).
- I will ask my parents to follow rules of common courtesy and good sportsmanship to ensure that they can be a positive role model and not a distraction to the team and the organization.
- I will always compete and push myself to be a better player and teammate whether we are winning or losing and I will be a good sport to the team that I am competing against, no matter the score or outcome of the game.
- I agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:
-- Verbal warning by the official, coach, or a league administrator
-- Written warning with documentation of incident kept on file
-- Game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file
-- Season suspension
-- Child may be removed from the organization if the Coaches determine it’s in the team’s best interest