Website Manager

Ohio Strikers United

Step by Step Instructions...

How Do I Sign Up & Pay for a Program, Tournament, Uniform, or Merchandise

1:  Press the LOGIN button in the top right corner of the Ohio Strikers United web site
2:  Log into your account by entering your Username & Password
3:  Select "Sign In"
4:  Click the green button next to the participant's name that shows "# Programs Available"

IMPORTANT:  A program may appear in your account as available, however, this does not mean that it is a program, item, or event, for you.  You should ONLY select to sign up for an available program if you were invited to participate, or, if you are paying for merchandise that you ordered.

5:  Click the "Register" button next to all the programs that you need to pay for or that you were invited to participate in.
6:  Scroll to the bottom and click the green "Continue" button
7:  Click the green "Continue" button at the bottom right
8:  (If Shown)  Check the box next to: "I do not wish to volunteer at this time"
9:  Click the green "Continue" button at the bottom right
10:  Click the green "Select" button next to every payment that you need to make
11:  Click the red "Continue" button
(If you are participating in the "Training Only" program, STOP HERE and contact Ian before proceeding to pay)

- Option #1:  If Paying By Credit Card: Complete 12 to 18 Below -

12:  Make sure "Payment Method for Registration" shows "Credit Card"
13:  Enter your Card Number, Expiration Date, Security Code
14:  Confirm your billing address
15:  Click the red "Continue" button
16:  Check the box next to:  "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions"
17:  Click the green "Continue" button at the bottom right
18:  Click the green "Complete Order" button after you confirm your order

- Option #2:  If Paying By Check: Complete 12 to 16 Below -

12:  Make sure "Payment Method for Registration" shows "Check"
13:  Click the red "Continue" button
14:  Click the green "Continue" button at the bottom right
15:  Click the green "Complete Order" button after you confirm your order
16:  Mail your check to:
               Ohio Strikers United
               PO Box 1436
               Wooster,  OH  44691

- Optional:  Review Your Order -

1:  Click "Back to My Account" at the top left of your page
2:  Click "Open Order" in the white boxes across the top
3:  Your "Order History" appears.
4:  At your Order History, you can see all that is Pending or completed
5:  You can make a payment by clicking "Registration" next to each order
6:  Then click "Make Payment"

I hope these instructions makes it easier to navigate your account while signing up for programs, events, selecting items, or making payments.

If you find an error in the steps above, please let us know at:  [email protected]