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Ohio Strikers United

Ohio Strikers United Soccer Club

Eating to Compete!

Multiple matches means increased demands for energy.  Hydration is critical for recovery between matches and maintaining performance. During a game in warm weather, a player can lose as much as 2-3 pounds of fluid. It has been shown that a loss of just one percent of body weight can lead to decreased performance. Greater than two percent loss of the body weight in hot weather can be a safety issue, leading to issues such as heat exhaustion.

Carbs is the preferred fuel for  the physical demands of soccer.  In order to store those carbs the  body needs sufficient fluid.  Please bring "sport-friendly" foods and beverages to the tournament for our players.

Water alone does not cut it!   It blunts thirst and doesn’t  supply needed nutrients to fuel the body. Furthermore, water alone may worsen dehydration by diluting the body’s electrolyte-to-fluid ratio.

Soda?  Huh!  The carbonation makes it harder to gulp down enough fluid, plus carbonation can bloat the stomach, causing indigestion.  Not so appealing during a close game.  Soda, soft drinks or pop, are never a good option during sports. They have no electrolytes, so they really don't replenish what the body needs.  Before a game, water is best. During or after a game, to help replace electrolytes and some carbohydrates, a sports drink should be utilized.

Along with water, bring your sport drinks or suitable alternatives to the event.  Here are some options:

          * Coconut water
          * Watermelon juice (just blend and drink)
          * Chocolate milk
          * Home made Energy Drinks Recipes
          * Gatorade
          * Powerade

Here is a list of carbohydrate rich foods that will provide quick energy for the next match:

          * Energy, fruit, or low-fat granola or cereal bars
          * Fresh fruit
          * Fruit yogurt
          * Bagels, muffins, cereal mixes with dried fruit and nuts
          * Whole-grain bread with honey, jam, or fruit butters (apple butter/pumpkin butter)

Some players feel uncomfortable eating solid foods between games, consider these convenient liquid options:

          * Carbohydrate-rich drinks
          * Liquid meals
          * Low-fat fruit and yogurt smoothies

Both whole foods and liquid meals aid in maintaining optimal muscle glycogen storage and help with maintaining hydration. They also help maintain blood glucose levels during extended exercise bouts. Take advantage of what a properly timed meal can do for our player's performance.

What you eat, and when you eat is important

          * Big meal: 3-4 hours before a game
          * Light lunch: 2-3 hours before a game
          * Snack or "power shake": 1-2 hours before a game

Body prep for the first game of the day begins with a healthy dinner

          * Pasta
          * Tomato Sauce with Meat
          * Rice
          * Lean Meat, Fish, Poultry
          * Potatoes
          * Cooked dried peas, beans or lentils
          * Salad

So, as you pack your picnic basket and prepare for your tournament, here are some suggestions that you may choose from:

          * Snacks:  Bagel, Banana, Cereal Bars, Dried Fruit, Fig Newtons, Fruit, Graham Crackers, Raisins, White Bread

          * Meals:  Baked Potato, Bread Sticks, Corn, Noodles, Rice, Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Bread, Peas

Thank you.

Read More:  Top Ten Nutrition Tips For Kids Playing Sports

Have A Fun Weekend!