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Players Learn & Develop to their Full Potential through Game-like Experiences in an Enjoyable Environment that Supports Individual Growth

Lakewood Park Soccer League

Please and Thank you!

For the safety and enjoyment of everyone, we ask that there be NO smoking and NO dogs on the athletic fields.


           NO SMOKING                                   NO DOGS


U7 Rules and Regulations

Mako Micro Rules and Regulations

  1. All players must play at least 50% of every game.
  2. No keepers.  Players cannot stand in goal like a keeper during the game.
  3. U-7 plays 4 v 4 with no keepers.
  4. Game restarts: throw-ins and no kick-ins.
  5. Goal kicks and corners should be played.


Soccer – Game Day Schedule

6:00-6:15 pm           Stretch and warm-up

6:15-6:20 pm       Water break and set-up field with players

6:20 pm                 Game begins promptly

7:00 pm                   Game ends

*There are (4) 8 minute quarters with a 2 minute water break in between each quarter. By following this schedule your game will end no later than 7pm.

*Please do not start games before 6:15 pm. The players need time to warm-up and prepare.

*If your team is ahead by a few goals please encourage your team to do more passing amongst players to avoid running up the score. Once a player has scored a few goals please encourage that player to pass to other players so they have a chance to score as well.

*We want all teams to leave the field happy and feeling good about the experience of playing. We are all here to build all of their self-esteem up and encourage good sportsmanship.

*Please make sure all players are receiving equal amount of play time. Each player should be  playing each quarter. Please do not have a player sit for an entire quarter. It is too much time for their age group to sit for that period of time.

U10, U13, U16 Rules and Regulations

Mako Recreational Rules and Regulations

Rules of Play



A.      Coaches, spectators or any other officials shall not enter the field of play, unless requested by the referee.

B.      A minimum of eight for teams playing eleven per side (11v11), A minimum of five for teams playing eight per side (8v8), and three for teams playing four per side (4v4) shall constitute a team for game purposes.  A scheduled game shall not commence, nor be continued if either team cannot field the minimum number of players for their respective age group.  Failure to field the minimum number of players will result in the recording of the game as a forfeit by the team.

C. Mercy Rule – an eight goal differential at the end of the first half or secured at any time during the second half shall terminate the game even if the coaches want to continue play.  It is encouraged that the winning coaches show good sportsmanship by modifying his/her team’s tactics in order to avoid this situation.  All teams should be given the opportunity to play the entire game without embarrassment.  Allowing the score to be run up to “mercy” the opposing team does not constitute good sportsmanship as determined by the Mako Soccer Club.  

D.      All Recreational Division players must play half (½) of each game attended.  No exceptions







Players on field

8 v 8

11 v 11

6 v 6


(7 field + keeper)

(10 field + keeper)

(5 field + keeper)

Ball Size:




Length of each half:

25 Minutes

25 Minutes

30 Minutes

Length of half-time break:

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

5 Minutes

Opponent distance on free kick:

5 Yards

5 Yards

8 Yards

Direct Kicks Allowed:




Penalty Kicks Allowed:




Referee to Explain Penalty:




No. of Throw-ins Allowed:




Call Off-sides:








A.      Where colors of competing teams are identical or similar, the designated home team must effect a change to colors distinct from their opponents (judgment of referee is final).

B.       The uniforms or jerseys of a goalkeeper must be distinctly different colors of both teams.

C.       Player uniform numbers are to be affixed on the back of the uniform shirt.  No two players from the same team may have the same uniform number while both are playing on the field at the same time  (if standings are kept) .

D.      Players wearing an orthopedic cast of any kind shall not be eligible to participate in any game. Soft orthopedic braces worn by players are permitted with a written release from a doctor (copy to be attached to the game report).  The center referee’s decision on their acceptability is final.

E.       All players are required to wear protective shin guards (to be worn beneath their game socks) at all times while actively participating in a game, practice game, or team practice. Such shin guards shall be of the type and style of protective athletic equipment specifically designed to protect the player’s front lower leg.

F.       Shoes utilizing “screw in” cleats may be worn by any player.  Those and all standard soccer shoes should only have molded rubber or plastic cleats. Noncleated soft-soled shoes may also be worn.   Shoes with studs that extend out the bottom of the shoe at angle, or have rectangle studs with sharp edges, (i.e. baseball or football cleats) shall not be allowed on the field of play. Referees have the final say, not club officials.

G.      Additional shirts (under the jersey) and long pants (under the shorts and socks) are allowed for younger players during cold or inclement weather at the discretion of the referee.  Hoods, if worn and approved by the referee, must be tucked inside the shirt. If they show during the game, the referee shall send the player off the field to remedy the problem.  “Slider” shorts, if worn, must be the same color as and be worn underneath the uniform shorts, nor can they go below the knee.

H.      No jewelry of any kind shall be worn on the field of play (including jewelry wrapped in tape). Hair ties or hats containing hard parts or brims are also not allowed. 

I.         Any team’s equipment on the sidelines deemed hazardous to any player or that causes a distraction to the players or the referees shall be removed at the discretion of the referee.

J.        It is the responsibility of each coach to ensure that each of his/her players is wearing proper equipment and uniforms at each game.  A referee has the authority to protect the players from potentially dangerous equipment conditions.  The referee’s decision in regard to the acceptability of any player’s equipment is final and no protest will be accepted.




A.      Both coaches are responsible for putting up and taking down (if last game) the corner flags and field number flags for that field before and after each game.  The game can not begin without corner flags and time will be deducted off of game play for waiting for corner flags.

B.      Teams are responsible in assuring that teams, coaches, fans, and spectators conduct themselves in a proper and respectful manner and anyone deemed inappropriate will be removed from the field by a referee and/or the Mako Coordinators.

C.      The Mako Soccer Club will provide certified referees to officiate all league games.




A.   Players may be substituted ONLY during a stoppage in the game.  Subs enter from the half-way line.  One player must leave before another may enter the field.  The number of substitutions shall be unlimited and occur only at the following times:

              I.            Prior to a throw-in in your favor.  The team not in possession may substitute during a throw-in if the team in possession is about to make a substitution.

                      II.             Prior to a goal kick by either team.

                  III.            After a goal by either team.

                      IV.           After an injury, by either team when the referee has stopped play at the discretion of the referee.

                      V.            At halftime, or end of the game prior to overtime.

                VI.           No subs are allowed at corner kick stoppages.




A.       Coaching from the sidelines, the purpose of which is to provide direction to one’s own team on positioning or points of strategy only, is conditionally permitted only for the bench area.

B.      Coaches must always remain within the Coach Box.  The bench area is 10 yards on either side of the center line.  Coaches/Players are to remain within this area during the game.  No players other than those registered to the teams participating in the game are allowed in the bench area.

C.      Bench area should not extend to the centerline but be approximately 10 yards from the centerline.  This will keep players/coaches from standing at midfield and the referees thinking the players are there to substitute.

D.      All coaches, non-participating players, parents and spectators must remain outside the 3-yard line on their respective sides of the field.

E.       No more than 1 head coach and 2 assistant coaches shall be permitted on the coaches’ side of the field at any one time.  Coaches may not coach from the spectator side of the playing field.

F.       Player substitutes must remain on the bench or in the equipment area while the game is in progress.

G.     Unsporting behavior by coaches, players and spectators will not be allowed.  Coaches, players, or spectators, shall NOT use profanity or make insulting or otherwise derogatory remarks or gestures directed to their own team, the opposing team, the referee, or the spectators.

H.      Coaches, players, or player substitutes, shall not, by their remarks or gestures in any manner incite disruptive behavior.

I.        Coaches, players, or spectators, violating the above rules, will be subject to ejection from the game, as well as further disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the Mako Board of Directors.

J.        No player is to approach a referee off the field of play without a coach present.

K.       The coach must notify the referee prior to the game of any player not participating in the game due to disciplinary reasons or an injury or illness. If a recreational game is in progress, and the coach is not going to let a player play a full half of the game for disciplinary reasons, then the referee must also be notified.

L.       Coaches will be held responsible for the behavior of his/her players and spectators and will maintain order at the field before, during and after the game.  




The referee's judgment with regards to the physical condition of field and its acceptability to be played on, and to the actual happenings and occurrences relating to the conduct of the game, and to those prerogatives or judgments inherently granted to the referee by the "Laws of the Games" as published by FIFA and these League Rules and Regulations, shall not be challenged. 

Contact Us

Lakewood Park Soccer

Mako Soccer Club attn: Lakewood Park Soccer, P.O. Box 880262
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34958

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 772-370-2630
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