Grassroots Coaching
What does it take to be a grassroots coach?
- Create a fun and safe learning environment.
- Promote the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
- Build relationships and create a support network for parents and players.
- Provide opportunities for all players on the team.
- Take responsibility for personal development as a coach.
- Represent their club and community.
⚽ Create a fun and safe learning environment.
A grassroots coach should look to create a fun and safe learning environment for players to learn and develop within their sport. Players participating in grassroots soccer will have different motivations being at the field, but it is important that an environment be created that promotes a love for the game and feel safe.
How does the grassroots coach achieve this?
- Players show up to practice to play. Every experience should be based around the players opportunity to play.
- Develop a practice environment that is rich in variety for both experience and competition.
- "Did the players enjoy the practice?", "Was it fun?", "Did they work hard?", "What have they learned?" - Coaches should seek out the answers to these questions through their peers, players, and parents.
⚽ Promote the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
Soccer is a great way to engage players in physical activity as well as learning the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Coaches have a great opportunity to encourage players to develop healthy habits that will increase their individual performance on the field and result in a high level of development for the future.
How does the grassroots coach achieve this?
- Encourage players to practice at home through weekly challenges for personal improvement.
- Nutrition is key for parents and players to understand - CLICK THIS LINK U.S. SOCCER NUTRITION
- "Did you go for a run at home this week?", "Could I see what soccer skill have you been working on recently?", "What did you eat before the practice/game?" - Coaches should ask questions like these as players are arriving before practice.
⚽ Build relationships and create a support network for parents and players.
Building a relationship between the player, parent, and coach will help the player achieve greater development in their journey. Through this relationship, the coach is better equipped to support the player in both the practice and game environment.
How does the grassroots coach achieve this?
- Put the player first. By having a player centered approach, coaches can make decisions (i.e. position, game time, etc.) and feel confident that they have done everything to help support each individual player.
- Remember that progress is about direction and not speed. Every player will develop at a different pace. Look at each individual and think: "What do they need? What are they best at? How can I help?" Refer to the "Understanding Player Development" document on the LWP Home Page under "Important Documents"
- Involve parents in how/what you are trying to do within the environment. Refer them to the LWP Home Page "Important Documents" and create opportunities for open communication outside of the scheduled practice time.
- Provide parents and players an opportunity to voice what they would like to see in the environment and what behaviors and conduct you expect.
⚽ Provide opportunities for all players on the team.
The grassroots coach will often have to work with children of different abilities, gender, and needs. Coaches should not overlook the importance of participation and providing equal opportunities for all. We know that players learn and develop at different rates, therefore, coaches should embrace the opportunity that comes with this and be there ready to support those players through those highs and lows of playing soccer.
How does the grassroots coach achieve this?
- Consider emailing or meeting parents to better understand all of your players needs and how those may change throughout the season.
- Remember that the age of the player is a major factor in their development and understanding of the game.
- There may be a player on your team who has never played soccer before, could you pair them up with a more experienced player in practice?
- Refer often to the "Understanding Player Development" on the LWP Home Page under "Important Documents". There may be an "all-star" on your team that still needs to develop a Specific Key Quality.
⚽ Take responsibility for personal development as a coach.
Personal development helps to increase your confidence as well as the development of your players. As we are always challenging our players to be the best that they can be, coaches should also embody this too with how they develop themselves.
How does the grassroots coach achieve this?
⚽ Represent their club and community.
Coaches have a responsibility to represent their club and community in the right way. Coaches' will need to demonstrate the behaviors both on and off the field that are aligned with the Mako Rules & Guidelines.