Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of registration?
As of May 1, 2013, full year registration (Fall/Spring) costs $195 per player.  $75 of which is returned to the parents in the form of fund-raising raffle tickets which you may sell to offset your costs.  Full year registration typically opens on May 1st and runs through July 31st.
We also offer Spring-only registration at a cost of $135. Again, $75 of which is returned to the parents in the form of fund-raising raffle tickets which you may sell to offset your costs.  Spring-only registration typically opens December 1st and runs through March.

I can't seem to register my child for the correct team, my child plays on a U12 team but only U11 teams are listed.  What do I do?
The system is working as intended.  Registration options for each player are determined by the player's gender and birthdate.  The club has very specific policies about allowing players to play above their natural age group ('playing-up' on a U12 team when the player technically falls into the U11 age group).  If you are attempting to register your child for a team above their natural age group, register them for the generic division at their natural age group (in this example, U11 Girls or U11 Boys) and then email the registrar asking to have your child moved up to the appropriate team.  All decisions on allowing a player to play up are made by the Executive Board, and require approval.

Is there any family discount for registration?
Yes, as of May 1, 2015, our family policy is that full registration is paid for the first two children in the same family.  The third child registered from the same family pays only $75 to cover the cost of the pre-paid raffle tickets.  Any additional registrations from the same family are free.

Once you have registered and paid for three or more qualifying children (proof of relationship may be required in the form of birth certificate copies) contact the Registrar ([email protected]) and your discount will be issued as a refund to the card you made payment with.

I'm new to soccer, what does U4 mean?

Soccer age groups are defined by the US Youth Soccer Association.  Starting in the Fall of 2016, US Soccer moved all age groups to reflect the international standard, and all age groups are now based on birth year.  So for example, in Fall of 2017, a player born in 2014 will be a U4 or Under 4, a player born in 2013 will be a U5, and so on.
Please look at the age group determination chart to determine your child's 'soccer age', and as always, if you have questions, contact the registrar.

What equipment does a new player need?
The basic equipment set includes a soccer ball (see size chart below), soccer cleats, and shin guards.  Uniform requirements depend on age group and league participated in, so check with your coach.
Age Group          Ball Size
U4-U7                 3
U8-U12               4
U13-                   5

If I signed up in the Fall, do I have to register again in the Spring?
No, the Fall registration cost of $195  covers both the Fall and Spring. If you did not register in the Fall and would like your child to play in the Spring, then the price is $135.  In either case, you will have to register again in the following Fall.

I have entered my child's information but no programs are coming up available for me to enroll him/her in. What should I do?
First, review very carefully the information you entered for your child to make sure you did not enter any information incorrectly. The available programs listed are based on your child's birthdate and gender. If everything is correct, it may very well be that the maximum number of players for the division has been reached. If you are still  not getting any programs to enroll for, contact the registrar.

Do I have to register for a specific team?
No.  Technically you are not registering for a team, you are registering to play soccer, and registration for a specific team is in no way a guarantee that you are/will be placed on that team, in most cases returning players will be placed on the team they played on the previous year, except in cases of tryout years.  During the registration process there is a question you will need to answer, "What team were you on in the previous season" the answer to this will help the registration staff ensure your child is placed on the appropriate team.

When is the registration deadline, and what happens if I am not registered before then?
The registration deadlines are posted on our Registration page.  
While Clinic players who are registered before the deadline are guaranteed a placement in the program, we cannot guarantee placement for players who are registered after the deadline.
Recreational players are unfortunately never guaranteed placement, as it becomes a numbers game, since we cannot control the maximum roster size for a team, Ocean County Recreational does that.  Because of this, Recreational players are placed in the order they are registered.  Players who are registered late are not placed until after teams are constructed with the players that registered before the deadline, if there is room after that, late registrants will be placed. 

What payment methods does TRFC accept for registration payments?
Toms River FC accepts Visa and Mastercard.  Checks payments are no longer accepted for online registrations.  If you do not have a credit card, you will need to contact the registrar to initiate a manual registration.  Registrations by check will not be completed until a check is received and cleared. 

Can I volunteer as a Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent, even if I'm not registering any children?
Yes.  Create a user account, and when you get to the 'Add New Participant' page, simply click on the Cancel button.  This should bring you back to the My Account page.  On that page, click on the Volunteer tab and follow the prompts.  Volunteering for a team role does not ensure you will be assigned the team role.  Keep in mind that all Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to complete a mandatory background check.

For all other questions, please read the TRFC Registration Policy and Procedure document on our Policies page.