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Mason Youth Football

Mason Youth Football

ARTICLE I NAME The name of the organization shall be Mason Youth Football, or initials of MYF. ARTICLE II PURPOSE AND POWERS Section 1 Purpose A. Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations, under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. B. To provide a centrally located center of grounds for youth football activities. C. To further the physical development of our youth. Youth being defined as children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. D. To establish youth football for the Mason City School District Youth. Section 2 Powers A. The Board of Directors of Mason Youth Football shall consist of the elected officers of the organization and permanent advisors. B. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to determine and designate which leagues that MYF shall participate in. C. All decisions shall be made by the majority of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise stated. D. The Board of Directors shall audit or direct the auditing of the financial records annually. E. Voting for the election of officers and candidates shall be restricted to members in good standing, and present at meeting. Each shall have one (1)vote. F. Good standing is defined as dues-paying members who have no disciplinary action taken against them in the past twelve months from MYF or league. 

2 ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS There shall be no limit to the number of members of MYF. Members shall be at least eighteen years of age. No person shall be barred from membership because of his or her race, creed, color or religion. Membership requires yearly dues of $5.00, which entitles the member to all rights and privileges of MYF for a period beginning 12/1 and ending 11/30. Qualifications for new officers may be but are not limited to: 1. Interest and devotion to the purpose ofMYF. 2. In good standing with MYF and/or their respective member organizations. 3. Active in present or past activities of MYF for a minimum of two years. 

ARTICLE IV PRESIDENT Section 1 Duties A. The President calls all meetings of the organization to order at the appointed time. B. The President announces the business which should come before the assembly in its proper order. C. The President shall assign the floor to members who desire to speak, and he protects the right of that member to speak. D. The President states all motions that have been correctly proposed and seconded. The President restates in the best possible form, without changing the meaning of any motion that the proposer has failed to state correctly or clearly, however, any restatement or change must be acceptable to the proposer. E. The President explains what the affect of a motion would be if it wasn’t clear to every member. He makes sure that members understand exactly what business is pending. F. The President restricts discussion to the question before the assembly. G. The President answers all parliamentary inquiries as soon as they arise, but never from the chair. H. When discussion on a question has ceased or has been closed by a motion, the President restates the exact question and puts the question to a vote. I. The President states definitely and clearly the vote and the result of the vote. 3 J. The President signs all acts for orders necessary to carry out the will of the assembly. K. The President acts as the representative of the organization to outside persons or to other organized bodies whenever necessary. L. The President appoints a trustee as representative for MYF to the league, in the event the President cannot fulfill that capacity due to outside obligations. The President will act as liaison between MYF and the Mason City School District. M. The President or his designee is responsible for weigh-ins during Mason home games. N. The President shall chair and appoint a committee (President’s committee) responsible for all purchase of the organization. These purchases must be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. This committee will also be responsible for and account for all assets of the organization. O. All purchases must meet with quality or price, whichever is best for MYF. P. Any equipment purchase must be bid and be approved by the Board of Directors. Q. The President shall appoint and monitor committees deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to carry out the functions of the organization. R. The President may call special Board meetings when necessary. S. If an officer cannot fulfill their duties for any reason, the President has the right to appoint a replacement. T. The President has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The President will be elected by a majority of the Board of Directors. The President must have previously served a minimum of two (2) years on the Board of Directors. The President will be elected in even-numbered years. Section 3 Tenure The President’s tenure shall be for two (2) years.
4 ARTICLE V VICE PRESIDENT Section 1 Duties A. The Vice President will preside during the absence of thePresident. B. The Vice President assumes the duties of the President in case of the absence or incapacity of the President. The Vice President becomes the President upon the death, resignation, or permanent incapacity of the President. The Vice President will serve the remainder of the present term until the regular election time. C. The tenure served as President shall count as Vice President, should he desire and win election to the office of President, at the next election. D. The Vice President will be responsible for all articles, editorials, etc., and at no time will unethical practices be tolerated. E. The Vice President will be the liaison and see that all MYF news will be given directly to the local newspaper(s). F. The Vice President will coordinate and assist all publications of various committees, and keep the best interest of the organization ever foremost. G. The Vice President is responsible to edit and coordinate all papers presented to the public. No announcement may be officially published without the approval of the Vice President. H. The Vice President is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. I. The Vice President has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Vice President will be elected by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Vice President must have previously served a minimum of two (2) years on the Board of Directors. The Vice President will be elected in odd numbered years. Section 3 Tenure The Vice President’s tenure shall be for two (2) years.
5 ARTICLE VI SECRETARY Section 1 Duties A. The Secretary will keep a careful and authentic record to the proceedings of the organization. B. The Secretary will take notes, so they may furnish the exact wording of a motion pending before the organization. C. The Secretary will search the minutes for information which may be requested by officers or members. D. The Secretary will prepare a roll of members. E. The Secretary will call the meeting to order in the absence of the President or Vice President. F. The Secretary will preserve all records, reports and documents of the organization, except those specifically assigned to the custody of others. G. The Secretary will provide the President at the beginning of each meeting with an order of business, including a list of unfinished business, committees which are to report, and announcements. H. The Secretary will provide the chairperson of each committee with all the papers and instructions by the assembly. I. The Secretary will read all papers that may be called for by the assembly. J. The Secretary will authenticate all records by their signature. K. The Secretary will bring to each meeting a copy of the constitution, rules and regulations, and a list of all special committees. L. The Secretary will carry on the official correspondence of the organization, copies of same will be provided to the President. M. The Secretary will produce a copy of all previous meeting minutes for the officers and members in good standing upon request. N. The Secretary is responsible for contacting the Board of Directors and reminding them each of monthly meetings. 6 O. The Secretary will provide the league and MYF Presidents with a list of officers, their addresses and phone numbers. P. The Secretary is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. Q. The Secretary has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Secretary will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Secretary’s tenure shall be for one (1) year. ARTICLE VII TREASURER Section 1 Duties A. The Treasurer is the official custodian of the funds of the organization and also the disbursing officer. B. The Treasurer is responsible for placing the organization’s fund in a federally insured institution and is responsible for keeping an accurate record of the source of all money. C. The Treasurer is responsible for the payment of all bills or all requisitions after payment is authorized. D. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping a record of money paid out and of receipts or vouchers to cover such expenditures. E. The Treasurer must submit a summary of all financial balances in writing to the organization at each meeting with copies, and a verbal description of all transactions. F. The books will be audited annually by the auditing committee or an appointed auditor. This report will be read at the first meeting of the organization’s year. G. All payments are to be made by checks. All checks must be signed by the President or Treasurer. H. The Treasurer will see that all committees work in conjunction with him and that no purchases are made without approval. It is the Treasurers’ responsibility to report all violations of such to the Board of Directors. 7 I. In case of death, incapacity or resignation of Treasurer, the President will appoint a new Treasurer, however, the financial records must be audited before he or she takes office. J. Any purchases will be handled by the Treasurer and reported to the Board of Directors. K. The Treasurer will serve on the President’s committee. L. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. M. The Treasurer has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Treasurer will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Treasurer’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.

 ARTICLE VIII FOOTBALL COMMISSIONER Section 1 Duties A. The Commissioner as a member of the President’s committee shall be held responsible along with the President’s committee for all equipment of the organization. B. The Commissioner shall report all unethical practices to the Board of Directors. C. The Commissioner shall be responsible for the conduct of coaches and shall not permit use of profanity, and good sportsmanship will be practiced at all times. Any violation will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and may cause dismissal of the offending coach. Failure to report such conduct may cause dismissal of the Commissioner. D. The Commissioner along with the President’s committee must make an accurate account and inventory at the close of each fiscal year of total football equipment on hand to the Board of Directors, in writing, for approval. E. The Commissioner shall serve as the first level of dispute resolution for the organization. The Commissioner must report these situations immediately to the President. F. The Commissioner or his designee shall verify before conditioning drills begin that all players have submitted a statement of good health from hisdoctor. 8 G. The Commissioner or his designee shall verify before equipment of game uniforms have been issued that all player fees have been paid and player contracts have been fully completed. H. The Commissioner shall ensure that all equipment meets safety standards and provide replacement equipment when needed. I. The Commissioner shall ensure that all players meet the league weight limits at all times, before contact drills are permitted. This activity shall be coordinated with the appropriate coach, players and teams. J. The Commissioner is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. K. The Football Commissioner has the right tovote. Section 2 Election The Commissioner will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Commissioner’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.
ARTICLE IX ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COMMISSIONER Section 1 Duties A. The Assistant Football Commissioner will assist and be responsible for the same duties as the Football Commissioner. B. The Assistant Commissioner assumes the duties of the Commissioner in case of the absence of incapacity of the Commissioner. The Assistant Commissioner becomes the Commissioner upon the death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Commissioner. The Assistant will then serve the remainder of the present term until the regular election time. C. The Assistant Commissioner is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason YouthFootball. D. The Assistant Commissioner has the right tovote. Section 2 Election The Assistant Football Commissioner will be elected by a majority of the voting members. 9 Section 3 Tenure The assistant football Commissioner’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.

ARTICLE X SERGEANT OF ARMS Section 1 Duties A. The Sergeant of Arms is responsible to see that all financial accounts, balances and transactions are conducted in accordance with MYF rules and wishes. B. The Sergeant of Arms is responsible for validating all votes and insuring all individuals voting are members in good standing. C. The Sergeant of Arms will verify and ensure that all league fees have been paid. D. The Sergeant of Arms will call the roll of members at each meeting. E. The Sergeant of Arms is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. F. The Sergeant of Arms has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Sergeant of Arms will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Sergeant of Arms’ tenure shall be for one (1) year.
ARTICLE XI PERMANENT BOARD OF DIRECTOR ADVISORY POSITIONS Section 1 Purpose The position of Permanent Board of Director Advisor was created by Mason Youth Football in 1997. The organization felt this position was needed for many reasons, the most important of which are: (1) to honor members for their selfless lifelong contributions to the organization and children of the community, (2) to access the many years of experience and guidance that these members bring to our organization. Section 2 Duties A. The Permanent Board of Director Advisor will serve as advisor and member of the Board of Directors. B. The Permanent Board of Director Advisor is responsible for keeping the President informed 10 of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. C. The Permanent Board of Director Advisor shall only vote on issues or motions in case of a tie. Section 3 Election A. The President has the right to appoint Permanent Board of Director Advisors with the approval of a four/fifths (4/5) majority vote of those members present. Section 4 Tenure A. The Permanent Board of Director Advisor will serve as long as that person wishes to serve the organization. B. The Permanent Board of Director Advisor can only be removed when their conduct is such that the organization would suffer long-lasting disrepute, and then only by a four/fifths (4/5) majority vote of those members present. Section 5 Permanent Board of   A. William Grimes appointed January 21, 1997.
ARTICLE XII MASON YOUTH FOOTBALL CHEERLEADINGPRESIDENT Section 1 Purpose Mason Youth Football created the position of Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President as an addition to the Mason Youth Football Board of Directors in 2001. Mason Youth Football recognizes and approves the existence of the Mason Youth Football Cheerleading organization. This organization (MYFC) understands and agrees to follow all Ohio High School Athletic Association, Community Youth Football League and Mason Youth Football rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result in penalties that shall be determined by the Mason Youth Football Board of Directors. These penalties could include various sanctions up to and including disassociation with MYF and elimination of rights to cheer at MYF football games. Section 2 Duties A. The Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President will serve as a member of the Mason Youth Football Board of Directors. B. The Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President is responsible for keeping the President of MYF informed of all activities by MYFC which are relevant to MYF. C. The Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President will serve as a liaison between the MYF organization and the MYFC organization. D. The Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President shall have no vote on issues before 11 Mason Youth Football or the Mason Youth Football Board of Directors. Section 3 Election A. The election of the Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President shall be determined by the constitution of the Mason Youth Football Cheerleading organization. Section 4 Tenure A. The tenure of the Mason Youth Football Cheerleading President shall be determined by the constitution of the Mason Youth Football Cheerleading organization.
ARTICLE XIII MEETINGS A regular meeting of the membership will be held the third week of each month. Each year one (1) nomination and election will be held, in December, unless otherwise deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE XIV ADMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended by the Vice President appointing a committee and chairperson. The committee will report any recommendations back to the elected officers. After approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the elected officers, the amendments will be presented for approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those members present. Amending of this constitution can only be done by the reading of the amendments at two (2) membership meetings. The first (1) meeting shall be for a reading and discussion only, and the second (2) meeting for the approval and voting of the Board of Directors. All officers must be notified in person or writing that such a vote is taking place.
ARTICLE XV EXPULSION OF MEMBERS A member may be expelled if convicted of an offense so infamous as to tender the member unfit for the MYF. When a member has committed an offense, in violation of his duty, as a member set forth in this constitution, they may be expelled. When the member’s conduct violates the fundamental objectives of MYF, and when such conduct, if continued, would bring MYF disrepute, they may be expelled. A member is entitled to a hearing before the Board of Directors, who will act in good faith, before any expulsion may be executed (if requested). It will take a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the elected 12 officers present to execute an expulsion. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
ARTICLE XVI DISSOLUTION OF ORGANIZATION This organization can be dissolved through a unanimous vote of the members, or if no interested parties step forward to run the organization, it will be deemed to be dissolved. Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization exclusively for the purpose of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations, and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purpose as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

ARTICLE XVII FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Section 1 Duties A. The Field Management Director as a member of the President’s committee shall be held responsible along with the President’s committee for the onsite management of gameday operations at our home field(s). B. The Field Management Director shall ensure that the fields are in proper condition. This includes but is not limited to ensuring the fields are properly lined and the condition of the field is safe and of proper condition for football needs. C. The Field Management Director shall maintain all field equipment and ensure it is in proper working order. This includes but is not limited to sideline equipment(yard markers, chains etc.), scoreboards, golf carts, game balls etc. F. The Field Management Director shall ensure that an MYF board member or MYF designated representative is present to conduct weigh-ins at our home games. G. For those games and events that require resources from each team (like camera workers) the Field Management Director shall develop a plan to manage these resources. H. The Field Management Director is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. I. The Field Management Director has the right tovote. Section 2 Election The Field Management Director will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Field Management Director ’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.
13 ARTICLE XVIII ASSISTANT TREASURER Section 1 Duties A. The Assistant Treasurer will assist and be responsible for the same duties as the Treasurer. B. The Assistant Treasurer assumes the duties of the Treasurer in case of the absence of incapacity of the Treasurer . The Assistant Treasurer becomes the Treasurer upon the death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Treasurer . The Assistant Treasurer will then serve the remainder of the present term until the regular election time. C. The Assistant Treasurer is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. D. The Assistant Treasurer has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Assistant Treasurer will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Assistant Treasurer ’s tenure shall be for one (1) year. 

ARTICLE XIX CONCESSIONS DIRECTOR Section 1 Duties A. Plan a menu, purchase the necessary supplies for a fully stocked concession stand, and be open for business at all home games during the season B. Proper maintenance, organization, and security of the concession stand C. Ensure necessary permits to sell/handle food are proper and current D. Recruiting volunteers to work in the concession stand and he/she shall supervise the operation of the concession stand (with MYF Board assistance) E. Coordinate collection and security of all money collected at the concession stand and coordinate turn in of all monies received to the Treasurer within 24 hours F. The Concessions Director is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. 14 G. The Concessions Director has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Concessions Director will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Concessions Director’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.
ARTICLE XX ASSISTANT CONCESSIONS DIRECTOR Section 1 Duties A. The Assistant Concessions Director will assist and be responsible for the same duties as the Concessions Director. B. The Assistant Concessions Director assumes the duties of the Concessions Director in case of the absence of incapacity of the Concessions Director. The Assistant Concessions Director becomes the Concessions Director upon the death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Concessions Director. The Assistant will then serve the remainder of the present term until the regular election time. C. The Assistant Concessions Director is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. D. The Assistant Concessions Director has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Assistant Concessions Director will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Assistant Concessions Director’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.

ARTICLE XXI SAFETY DIRECTOR Section 1 Duties A. The Safety Director will be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of opportunities to provide a safer environment for children and all participants of MYF. B. The Safety Director shall develop a safety plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting. A process shall be in place to assure that incidents are recorded, information sent to the appropriate 15 agency, and follow-up information on medical and other data is forwarded as available. C. The Director of Safety will ensure appropriate contact information for Board members are posted and made available during the season in case of emergencies. D. The Safety Director is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. E. The Safety Director has the right tovote. Section 2 Election The Safety Director will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Safety Director’s tenure shall be for one (1) year. 
ARTICLE XXII ASSISTANT FIELD MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Section 1 Duties A. The Assistant Field Management Director will assist and be responsible for the same duties as the Field Management Director. B. The Assistant Field Management Director assumes the duties of the Field Management Director in case of the absence of incapacity of the Field Management Director. The Assistant Field Management Director becomes the Field Management Director upon the death, resignation or permanent incapacity of the Field Management Director. The Assistant will then serve the remainder of the present term until the regular election time. C. The Assistant Field Management Director is responsible for keeping the President informed of all activities relevant to Mason Youth Football. D. The Assistant Field Management Director has the right to vote. Section 2 Election The Assistant Field Management Director will be elected by a majority of the voting members. Section 3 Tenure The Assistant Field Management Director’s tenure shall be for one (1) year.
16 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Amended January 2018 A. Any mention of Community Youth Football League and / or CYFL to be replaced with “league” 1) Article II, Section 2, Item F amended from “or Community Youth Football League (CYFL).” To “League” 2) Article VI, Section 1, Item O amended from “The Secretary will provide the CYFL and MYF Presidents” to “The Secretary will provide the league and MYF Presidents” 3) Article VIII, Section 1, Item I amended from “The Commissioner shall ensure that all players meet the CYFL weight limits” to “The Commissioner shall ensure that all players meet the league weight limits” B. Update of Purpose and Powers to be inclusive of grade based football vs. age based youth football E. Article II, Section 1, Item C amended from: “To further the physical development of our youth. Youth being defined as children seven (7) to twelve (12) years of age.” to “To further the physical development of our youth. Youth being defined as children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. C. The following positions added with voting rights: 1) Article XIX: Concessions Director 2) Article XX: Assistant Concessions Director 3) Article XXI: Safety Director 4) Article XXII: Assistant Field Management Director


Mason Youth Football
Mason, Ohio 45040

Email: [email protected]

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