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Patriot Youth Sports

Patriot Youth Sports

Code of Conduct

Patriot Youth Sports is dedicated to fulfilling the recreational needs in the Britton
Deerfield communities. The purpose is to provide age appropriate opportunities
to develop and grow physical and mental skills.
We appreciate our volunteer coaches and amazing children in the community.
We want to ensure our children have a positive experience with Patriot Youth

Parent/Guardian Role

The role of the Parent/Guardian is to provide a supportive environment.
Parents/Guardians serve as role models. Please strive to be a positive role model
by showing good sportsmanship toward all players, coaches, officials, and fans.

Parent Code

1. I will not coach or instruct the team or individuals during games or
practice times.
2. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of a
personal desire to win.
3. It is highly encouraged I wait 24 hours before bringing up an issue or
concern, unless it is in regards to safety. This helps me to collect my
thoughts/feelings and have a calm conversation with whomever it may be.
4. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship and a positive attitude toward all
players, coaches, officials and fans.
5. I understand that criticizing, name calling, and using abusive language or
gestures toward players, coaches, officials and/or fans will not be
permitted/tolerated. I may be asked to remove myself from the property by
the coach/board member/director if this occurs.
6. Any questions I have regarding officials will be directed to the coach.
7. My child will be responsible to treat other players, coaches, officials and
fans with respect. Failure to comply can result in removal from the team.
8. My child and I understand they are committing to be part of a team.
Attending scheduled practices and games is important to help develop
appropriate skills and to encourage team building. I will reach out to the
coach/director if there is an issue making scheduled practices/games.

Discussions with Coaches/Board Members

Following the 24 hour rule, talking directly to the coach about a concern is
encouraged. If you are not comfortable talking with the coach, you can reach out
to a PYS Board Member. Please keep discussions with the coaches/board
members private, and approach each discussion in a professional manner, with
the team and/or player as the focal point.

Field Status

Open Open

Britton Deerfield Schools (12:04 PM | 05/11/24)

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