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Frequently Asked Questions

Click the Question to see the Answer! If you have other questions, reach out to [email protected] or contact us on Facebook.

How are league ages determined?

Visit one of the following links: Baseball Chart, Softball Chart, or Little League Calculator

What division should my player be in?

Tee Ball - League ages 4-6. 
Rookies (Coach Pitch) - League ages 6-8.
Minors (Player Pitch) - League ages 8-11.
Majors (Player Pitch) - League ages 9-12.
Intermediate 50/70 (Baseball Only) - League ages 12-13.
JR/SR - League ages 13-16.

Generally speaking, your player should have at least one year in a younger division before moving up.  For instance, a 6 year old should have played at least one year of tee ball before moving onto Rookies.  Please reach out to us if you have questions.

What equipment does my player need?

Please see our helpful equipment information page.

What is the difference between Tryouts and Evaluations?

Note: Evaluations/Tryouts are only for player pitch level division.  Tee Ball and Rookies do not participate in these events.

While both are done in order to judge a player's skill, they have different goals. An evaluation for MLL is done to ensure that players are placed in the appropriate division in order for them to successfully develop as a player. All players who participate in an evaluation will get an opportunity to play. A tryout is done to build a team, typically in a more competitive environment. Not all players who tryout will be placed on that specific team. However, they will still have an opportunity to play in another MLL division.

Can I choose my coach?

You can request a coach. MLL will try to accommodate requests, however we can make no guarantee. If you have specific reasons (i.e. need to carpool), please let your requested coach know, so they can inform the Board of Directors.

How long does the season last?

Typically, the Spring Season goes from mid/late-April to mid/late-June. Immediately following is All-Star Play. For Fall Season, it's mid-September to the end of October.

Montville Little League also hosts a Summer Camp.

How often are practices and games?

For Tee Ball, there is one practice and one game per week. The games are on Saturday morning, and the practice will be set by your coach.
For Rookies, teams will have one game per week and up to two practices. The game will be on Saturday, and the practice(s) will be set by your coach.
For all other divisions, please speak with your coach. Game and practice schedules will vary due to interleague play.

Can we play in Montville Little League?

You must live in Montville, OR, your player must attend school in Montville. Proof of either of these residency requirements must be provided during registration. Player ages are 4 to 16.

2025 Update

My player just finished evaluations/tryouts. What's next?

All Coaches get together with the Board to make-up the teams. Once that is finished, coaches will be provided contact information for their players. At that point, they will make contact with you. If your player needs some further development in another division, you will be contacted by a member of the Board of Directors. We try to work quickly, because we're excited as well. But please give us some time to make sure everything is coordinated correctly to minimize confusion.

What is interleague play?

Interleague play refers to divisions that will play other towns within District 10. This is typically due to some divisions not having enough players to field enough teams to support an entire Montville-based schedule. Towns in District 10 include Bozrah, East Lyme, Groton, Ledyard, Lyme/Old Lyme, Mystic, New London, Stonington, Salem, and Waterford.

My player is new to baseball/softball, but they're too old for tee ball. Can we still play?

Softball and Baseball require consistent play to be successful. But that doesn't mean that they had to start playing Tee Ball at the aged of 4. Reach out to us to discuss your player's future with Montville Little League.

Is there a multi-player discount?

When registering, there's not a "normal" multi-player discount. However, we do enforce the "Dodge Rule", which currently caps registration fees at $250.00 per family. If you notice that the cap is not working correctly, please contact us so we can remedy the issue. Additionally, you can apply for assistance through the T-Mobile Call Up Grant program.

What is GameChanger?

Most Montville Little League Teams will use the GameChanger App as a way to communicate with their teams. In some cases, it will be the only means for coaches to put out information, which is especially important for last minute changes due to weather and the like. It's also a great way for parents to communicate with their coaches or other parents.

GameChanger Basics for Parents (Youtube)


Montville Little League
PO Box 199 
Oakdale, Connecticut 06370

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